Wildcat Weekly
August 18, 2024
Important Reminders
Important Dates
- iReady Testing - August 20 and 21 for math and ELA
- Attendance Matters: School starts promptly at 7:40. Plan to arrive by 7:30 to ensure students are in class
- 7th grade Immunizations - All 7th grade students are required to have updated immunizations by August 23. Students who are not in compliance will be withdrawn by September 3
- Complete Lunch Applications - MySchoolApps - Home Page
- August 30 - E-Learning Day: Students work from home on teacher assigned lessons
- September 2 - Labor Day Holiday
- September 6 - Progress Report Issued
Attendance Matters: Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Students and schools thrive when students attend every day, and both students and parents are actively engaged. Here are the top 3 reasons your attendance and participation matter.
- Regular school attendance has been linked to increased academic success, better social skills, and on-time graduation for students. When you miss school, you miss important opportunities to gain knowledge, build skills, and develop important relationships that contribute to your success.
- School helps you build important skills for life. Attending school on time and regularly are important traits that help students prepare for future careers and the world of work. Additionally, students can learn the importance of teamwork by working with classmates on projects and assignments. Working with others to achieve a successful outcome helps build a positive school environment and is a skill employers desire.
- Attending school regularly provides social engagement opportunities. Through service-learning opportunities, participation in school-based organizations, pep rallies, and more, attending school regularly offers students the opportunity to learn from one another and share important experiences.
If your child has to miss school, be sure to submit an excuse via PowerSchool Parent Portal (see above QR code), to the Information Specialist or to your child’s teacher(s) as soon as your student returns.
Immunizations Required of 7th Grade Students
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Georgia law requires that students entering seventh (7th) grade must have one (1) dose of TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) and one (1) dose of MCV4 (Meningitis) vaccine.
The Chatham County Health Department - 1395 Eisenhower Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 - offers immunization services Monday through Friday - telephone number is: (912) 356-2441. You can also make an appointment with your child's primary care physician for their immunization updates.
If your child has a medical exemption, it can only be accepted on the current Georgia 3231 immunization form – signed by a physician. Medical exemptions are good for one year and must be renewed annually by a physician – as needed.
If your child has a religious exemption to immunizations, you may obtain the Georgia Department of Public Health Form 2208 (Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization) from the school nurse. This form - 2208 - must be notarized.
In accordance with state law, your child will not be allowed attendance unless we receive a current Georgia Form 3231 with all required immunizations. If you have already turned in your child's Georgia 3231 immunization record, we thank you and please disregard this notice.
Thank you for your attention to these immunization matters.
Frequently Contacted Staff
WCMS Cheerleading
Cheer Auditions Start August 20 at 3:00
Contact Coach R. Williams for more information.
WCMS Football Schedule
Football Schedule
(Clear Bag Policy at all games)
All regular season games begin at 5:30 pm.
$4.00 admission
Tickets must be purchased on GoFan.
September 4th - Week 1 - Jaboree vs. Hubert & OCS @ SCCPSS Islands Stadium (Home game)
September 11th - Week 2 - Myers @ Memorial Stadium (Home game)
September 18th - Week 3 - Vs. Derenne @ SCCPSS SHS Stadium
September 25th - Week 4 - Vs. OCS @ Memorial Stadium
October 2nd - Week 5 - Bye (Home game)
October 9th - Week 6 - Vs. Hubert @ SCCPSS Islands Stadium
October 16th - Week 7 - Vs. Southwest @ Memorial Stadium (Home game)
Cross Country Schedule
WCMS Cross Country Meet Schedule
August 26th - SCCPSS Middle School Season Opener @Lake Meyer 5:15 pm
September 14th - SCCPSS Low Country Classic @ L. Scott Stell Park 10:30 am
September 23rd - SCCPSS Middle School City Sectionals @ Lake Meyer 5:15 pm
October 5th - SCCPSS Middle School City Championship @ L. Scott Stell Park 10:30 am
See Coach Williamson or Coach Lovett for more information.