From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
February 15, 2018
Christian Education and the City
In this article Dan Olson addresses the question of why engaging the city is essential for the future of Christian schooling. There are three key reasons—cultural, missiological, and visceral. All three are drawn from an address given by Dr. Tim Keller to the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism back in 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa.
No Student is Unreachable
What You Can Do to Disrupt the Criminalization of Students of Color in Schools
TEACHERS: Why Kids Can’t Stop Moving: The Neuroscience Behind a Student’s Need to Move
TEACHERS: 10 Things to Throw Out of Your Classroom Now
TEACHERS: How Cross-Cultural Dialogue Builds Critical Thinking and Empathy
TEACHERS: Why Even Young Students Benefit From Connecting Globally
TEACHERS: Honing Students’ Speaking Skills
The Common Core State Standards include the teaching of a specific set of speaking skills requiring teachers to create lessons that are focused on oral presentation and verbal assessment. Read how Ignite Talks can be used as an effective tool for honing students’ speaking skills.
TEACHERS: 4 Strategies for Teaching with Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy can be a powerful tool to transform teaching and learning. By design, it focuses attention away from content and instruction, and instead emphasizes the “cognitive events” in the mind of a child. And that is no small change. Using Bloom’s taxonomy promotes students’ thinking and understanding processes rather than emphasizing the kinds of things the students should be thinking about.
TEACHERS: Handle Criticism Effectively
TEACHERS: 6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use with your Students
PARENTS: The Three Cs of Parenting: Caring, Consistency, and Communication
PARENTS: 10 Simple Ideas to Spend Quality Time with Your Child
In today’s busy and distracted world, it becomes increasingly harder for parents to spend quality, one-on-one time with their children. This article has 10 simple ideas for how parents can spend quality time with their children; things that won’t take all day or require much money.
Collective Efficacy
“Acclaimed staff developer and experienced educational consultant Jennifer Donohoo puts the sword to the mistaken idea that the best way to improve teaching is by evaluating individuals. Donohoo takes an old idea—collective efficacy—strengthens it with a rigorous research base, and brings it alive through her countless observations of teachers' practice.
Collective Efficacy is about the overwhelming power that teachers have to improve student learning and achievement when they work together, explore every avenue open to them, and persist relentlessly once they have found the best ways forward. This book will turn many people's assumptions about how best to improve student achievement on their head. Probably one of the very best education books of the year.”
Andy Hargreaves, Brennan Chair in Education
Boston College
LEADERS: The Six Flaws of “Traditional” Professional Development
A lot of the professional development activities being offered to teachers isn’t working - it does not impact student learning. There is research that shows what kind of PD does translate into better student outcomes. By understanding the six biggest downfalls of “status quo” professional development, leaders can begin taking steps to change them.
LEADERS: Collective Teacher Efficacy: The Effect Size and Six Enabling Factors
LEADERS: Building Teacher Efficacy: How Leaders Inspire Teachers to Achieve
Building a Foundation for Literacy and Intervention Scaffolds for Lifelong Learning
edWeb - Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 3:00 PM EST
Leadership Lessons for Our Times
edWeb - Thursday, February 22, 5:00 PM EST
Alan November: Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning
edWed - Thursday, February 22, 4:00 PM EST
Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices
ASCD - Tuesday, February 27, 3:00 PM EST
Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers
edWeb - Tuesday, February 27, 2:00 PM EST
Creating Curious Inquirers: Harnessing Student Curiosity Toward Greater Success
edWeb - Tuesday, February 27, 4:00 PM EST
12 Keys to High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion
edWeb - Wednesday, February 28, 3:00 PM EST
The Fundamentally Emotional Nature of Learning
edWeb - Wednesday, February 28, 5:00 PM EST
Motivating Students to Read and Write: The Role of eMentors
edWed - Thursday, March 1, 2018, 4:00 PM EST
Disrupting Poverty Webinar: Five Powerful Classroom Practices
In this informative webinar based on their recent book, Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices, authors William Parrett and Kathleen Budge will discuss the five classroom practices that permeate the culture of successful high-poverty schools: (1) caring relationships and advocacy, (2) high expectations and support, (3) commitment to equity, (4) professional accountability for learning, and (5) the courage and will to act. Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. eastern time.
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka