Elkhorn Week of 11/10/24
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Elkhorn Week of 11/10/24
No School Monday
- In honor of Veteran's Day
Coffee with the Principal
Congratulations Spelling Champs!
- Congratulations to 8th grader Daniel Gridi-Papp (District Middle School Champ) and 5th grader Santbir Bajwa (Elementary North Stockton Champ) for both winning their respective Spelling Bees! Both scholars will represent Elkhorn AND Lodi Unified at the County Spelling Bees in December!
Thank you Families!
- Lunch on the Lawn was a huge success! Thank you to the 153 families that joined us! See below for save the dates for our other Lunches on the Lawn for the year!
Yearbook Order
Yearbook Link: https://plicbooks.com/go/JF2BGX
Save the Date
District Flu Clinics
Elkhorn School Spirit Wear
Volunteer Forms
- Volunteer Request Form: https://app.informedk12.com/link_campaigns/volunteer-request-form-c06e29bb-9934-4850-8394-8f2c037a6dc6?token=n4PYfTf6Hb2gLeaD4SibazcR
- Volunteer Driver Form: https://app.informedk12.com/link_campaigns/volunteer-driver-application-form?token=P9AzCrzXxRMznLmNueczS3t3 (THIS MUST BE RESUBMITTED AT LEAST ONCE PER SCHOOL YEAR AND?OR WHEN YOUR INSURANCE RENEWS)
Have You Reported Your Student's Absence?
Please call the office or email Klaire Green at kgreen@lodiusd.net
Principal Matt Huiras