Yelm Community Schools
JULY 2020
Superintendent's Message
Students and Families,
I hope that you have enjoyed a great start to your summer. While September 2 is a long ways off, we have been working very hard to plan for the coming year. New guidance has been provided and may continue to change in the coming weeks and months to ensure our students are coming to safe and healthy environments. We encourage you to watch the video linked below by State Superintendent Chris Rekydal which is helping us shape our “Return to School” plan. The feedback from the School Closure Impact Survey representing almost 1400 of our students has also helped guide our work. Over the past month, we have formed 14 sub-committees or work meetings, held focus groups with our teachers, and reviewed the key challenges in bringing students back to school. Let me stress, our goal is to provide high quality, in-person instruction to as many students as we can within the guidelines set forth by the Department of Health and Labor and Industries.
It is important to know the closure caused the state to adopt “emergency instruction and grading.” Schools will return to normal instruction and grading while still following the health and safety guidelines. That is why we have developed three plans. Let's call them GREEN, YELLOW and RED. GREEN is 100% of students return to campus daily, and RED is 100% of students attend remotely. YELLOW is a hybrid model with about 50% of students returning to campus daily on a rotating schedule. Based on the current guidelines, our planning now is focused more on the YELLOW model as our likely reopen model. However, we will continue to serve students whose family or medical status results in the need to stay at home in an online capacity.
We will be working through July to review school facilities and develop detailed plans for hygiene and physical distancing, face coverings, transportation, food service and modifications to the school calendar. In early August, we will share an update with you that describes what school will look like and how we will serve each student. Keep watching our website and social media for resources throughout our community and ways to prepare for the start of the school year.
While Skyward's Family Access is unavailable for summer maintenance, parents can still make payments to their students accounts for fines or fees.
- Visit the district website.
- Click on the online payment icon at the top of the page.
- Enter the student's ID# and student's last name (all caps) in the NON-PARENT/STUDENT section.
- If paying a fine, select "pay student fines" and the payment will be applied accordingly.
Summer 2020 Office Hours
District Office
July 3 and September 7: CLOSED for holidays
July / August Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Open by appointment only and following state social distancing requirements
School Office Hours - Social Distancing Required
June 26 – August 14: CLOSED to the Public
July 7, 14, 21, 28; Aug 4 & 11: YHS ONLY OPEN to Public from 8am-12pm
August 17: All Schools (except YES) OPEN to the Public from 8am – 3pm
August 30: Yelm Extension School OPENS 6:30am-3:00pm
August 31: Regular school office hours resume following state social distancing requirements.
Calendar Highlights
July 4: Independence Day - Stay Safe
July 11: School Board Study Session @ 9am
July 23: School Board Meeting @ 6pm
Aug 22: School Board Meeting @ 6pm
Sept 2: First Day for Grades 1-12
Sept 8: First Day for Kindergarten
Stay Connected
Email: communications@ycs.wednet.edu
Website: www.ycs.wednet.edu
Location: 107 North 1st Street, Yelm, Washington, USA
Phone: (360) 458-1900
Facebook: facebook.com/ycsnews
Twitter: @YCSNews
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Greg Davis, 360-458-1900, gregory_davis@ycs.wednet.edu; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360-458-6120, lisa_cadero-smith@ycs.wednet.edu; and 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360-458-6124, shannon_powell@ycs.wednet.edu. Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.