Title I Parent & Family Engagement
November 2024
November is Family Engagement Month -- Thank you so much to our wonderful parents who support our School and Students!!!!! Check out our Family Project attached below. (Information coming home November 4th)
Family-School Compact
Thank you to all the parents and students who returned the family-school compact signature page. Congratulations to Mrs. Smith's class who had 100 % returned and earned a pizza party!!!
November Upcoming Events and Information
November 1st - PBIS Snack Sale
November 1st - 15th - PTO Fundraiser
November 4th - 5th Field Trip (3 classes)
November 6th - 5th Field Trip (3 classes)
November 8th - Veterans' Day Program
November 11th - Leadership Field Trip
November 13th - Dress Up Day - Western Wednesday
November 14th - 4th Field Trip
November 15th - PBIS Snack Sale
November 19th - 3rd Field Trip
November 22nd - PBIS Lanyard Making Raffle
November 22nd - Dental Van
November 22nd - 3rd Grade Parent Lunch
November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break
PTO Fundraiser - November 1st - 15th
Order forms being sent home 11/1. The correct email for any questions is ptobattlefield@gmail.com.