The Eagle Express
Nov. 1, 2024
Important Dates
Fri., Nov. 1 - All Saints' Day
Fri., Nov. 1 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Ardoin!
Sat., Nov. 2 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Blakely!
Tues., Nov. 4 - 15 - SALT Food Drive
Tues., Nov. 5 - Spirit Tee/2pm Tuesday
Thurs., Nov. 7 - School mass (8:15am)
Sun., Nov. 10 - Happy birthday, Coach Kizarr!
Mon., Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Recognition Assembly
Tues., Nov. 12 - Spirit Tee/2pm Tuesday
Wed., Nov. 13 - CSSE Coffee Conversations (movie starts 7:50am )
Thurs., Nov. 14 - Donuts with Dads (7:15am-7:50am)
Fri., Nov. 15 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Ison!
Fri., Nov. 15 - Book Fair Opens
Sat., Nov. 16 - Turkey Bingo
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
We will begin our 2nd-5th Enrichment Clusters next week! This week, students got to view a menu of cluster slides, then vote for their top 3 choices. Every student will be placed in one of their top 3, and we guarantee that they will have the opportunity to dive into a new area of interest. When you student comes homes after clusters next Wednesday, talk to them about theirs, and ask them what they think they can discover!
Thank you PTO!
Thank you for hosting another fun event, PTO! Our campus was such a joy to behold as friends had fun trick or treating at all the awesome trunks our parents put together!
You may view photos from the event here. For privacy's sake, please refrain from sharing or posting any photos that include students other than your own children.
Veterans Day Assembly & Reception
Our 8th grade SALT is hosting an assembly for St. Eugene veterans and active duty members on November 11th. Please RSVP with Nathan Blagg. There will be a short reception for veterans and active duty members following the assembly.
Donuts with Dad - Save the Date!
Students Against Hunger Food Drive!
Dear Parents,
This coming Monday, November 4 will be the beginning of 4th grade’s SALT project: the Students Against Hunger Food Drive. This project will allow each of us to take a turn to be the hands of Jesus that feed hungry people in our community.
One in four children in Oklahoma go to bed hungry each night. Our goal this year is to raise 5,555 pounds of food in two weeks. Some of the most needed items are bags of rice or beans, canned meats, and canned vegetables. Please no breakables, perishables, or 50 lb. bags of food.
We ask you to help us in bringing food, starting Monday, November 4 and ending Friday, November 15th. The team with the most weight at the end will receive a FREE DRESS DAY!
Coffee Conversations
Please sign up to join us for a talk about Screenagers on Wednesday, Nov. 13. RSVP We will watch the elementary school age edition of the film, then have a short conversation. The movie is 55 minutes long, so we will get started closer to 7:50am. If you need to walk in a little late or leave early, that will be ok! We will be working to bring more screenings from this series to the community throughout the year.
Thanksgiving Lunch With Your Student!
Lunch schedule and RSVP coming soon!
The Book Fair is Coming!
Book Fair opens soon! Please be on the lookout next week for flyers and information about loading e-wallets for cash-free spending. We will have a preview/soft open on Friday, Nov. 15th, then shopping Saturday morning and during the school day Nov. 18-22 until one hour after dismissal.
EC Building Update
The new Early Childhood Center is coming along well! Brickwork around the building’s exterior is nearly complete, and the entry roof is insulated and protected with an underlayer. Major systems are being put in place, including rooftop heating and cooling units, electrical wiring, plumbing, and fire sprinklers. Inside, drywall work is progressing, especially in high-use areas.
Some adjustments are being made to ensure everything is secure and properly finished, such as trimming the roofing around the main entrance window and securing protective covers on the brickwork. We look forward to sharing more updates as the project moves closer to completion!
Eagle Excellence!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
No youth group this week. Instead, join us at the Eucharistic Procession with Archbishop Coakley. See below.
Sign up for Youth Group, or if you would like to volunteer, please email Subscribe to the Youth Group e-newsletter so you receive info about ALL of our activities!
Sign up for fall/winter 2024 events at
Parish News
Join us for the Eucharistic Procession! - Join with other families in the Archdiocese as we process from Christ the King to St. Eugene!
Sunday, November 3**
Adoration (after 12:15 p.m. Mass) | 1:15 p.m. at Christ the King
Eucharistic Procession | 2 p.m.
Benediction | 3:45 p.m. at St. Eugene
**Weather permitting. In case of inclement weather, please stay tuned for any updates via email and church social media.
St. Eugene Women's Advent by Candlelight - Save the date for an evening of good company, food, and reflection. To reserve your spot or to sign up as a hostess, please email
Faith Talks - Join Father Jim this month for Faith Talks on November 12! We will have a food truck on site before the event.
Please pray for...
Please pray for Coach K's niece, Saylor, as she continues to fight through a rare muscle disorder. May her treatments be successful. | Please pray for Coach K's dad who is battling cancer, and approaching the end of his chemo treatments. May his body be healed.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Phone: 405-751-0067
The Eagle Express is reviewed by the principal prior to communication. Please submit all items to be considered for The Eagle Express by NOON on Thursday.