Jeffries Journal
March 2024
From the Principal
Jeffries Families,
Can you believe it's March? This year has flown by! This past month, we enjoyed connecting with our families at Bowling Night, watching our 2nd grade students perform, and Bingo and Books. During the school day, we watched our 3rd graders perform after completing their Springfield Little Theatre Experience and celebrated PBIS Signature Spending and Celebration Assembly. We look forward to all the fun things that 4th quarter brings and can't wait to make memories with each of our students and families.
As a reminder, Spring Break is coming up. Students will be out of school beginning Friday, March 8th. They will return on Monday, March 18th. We hope that you have a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break!
Dr. Glenn
Announcements & Reminders
- Kindergarten registration will take place on-site the week of March 4-7. You can also register online and email required documents to Jennelle Courtois (jkcourtois@spsmail.org). If you are unable to register during the day, we will be holding a K registration event the evening of Tuesday, March 5th from 5:30-6:30 PM.
- Please call the main office 417-523-3900 if you'd like to visit with your classroom teacher. Ms. Jennelle or Ms. Felicia will leave a note for your child's teacher and they will call you back during their plan time or after school. Please refrain from calling teachers on their classroom phones.
- If your student is going to be absent, please call the main office to let us know.
- Your child's safety is of upmost importance to us. If you drop off your student in the morning, please ensure that you are following the carline procedures. This helps our carline run safely and efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Be sure to join the Jeffries Elementary Facebook page. On your child's birthday, your student will take a picture with Jeffrey the Jaguar and receive a book. We will post these on Facebook, if your student doesn't have a media block.
- The Jeffries Journal will come out once a month.
- Mark your calendar for upcoming music performances-
- 1st Grade: March 7th from 5:00-5:30 PM
- 3rd Grade: April 25th from 5:00-5:30 PM
Read Across America Week
PBIS Update
Please continue reviewing the PRIDE matrix (pictured below) with your student and talking to them about how they model these behaviors at school. This month, your child is earning signatures to spend on the following experiences:
1 Signature: Your pick! Read independently, write, or draw
20 Signatures: Extra Recess with Chalk
75 Signatures: Spin the Prize Wheel
100 Signatures: Spring Craft with Donaldson
150 Signatures: Volleyball in Gym (3-5), Scooters in Cafe (K-2)
200 Signatures: Jaguar Egg Hunt
From the Nurse
Tooth Truck:
Does Your Child Need Dental Care?
The Tooth Truck wants to help your child achieve a healthy smile! The Tooth Truck performs preventative cleanings and needed treatment for children qualifying for free/reduced school lunches to become cavity free (at no cost to the families).
Simply complete the application form in the link below for your child to be seen by the Tooth Truck
https://bit.ly/2B0lauk —
Lost & Found:
- There were several clothing items left in the Lost and Found before break.
- Please remind your student to check the Lost and Found if they are missing items such as jackets, sweatshirts, coats, hats and gloves.
- At the end of each semester, the leftover items are donated to the PTA Clothing Bank.
Cox CARE Mobile:
- The Cox CARE Mobile will be at scheduled SPS sites offering FREE immunizations, sports physicals and sick visits.
- Please contact Nurse Tiffany to schedule.
- Reminder to please NEVER send a medication in the student's backpack.
- Paperwork needs to be signed by both the parent/guardian and the nurse and the medication will be properly locked up in the nurse's office.
- Students are not allowed to self-administer medications during school.
- Any medication sent in the backpack will be confiscated and locked up in the nurse's office.
From the Counselor
Here is the latest newsletter from Mrs. Livingston.
Jeffries PTA
We are pleased to announce that a meeting will be held on March 28, 2024 at Jeffries Elementary Library from 4:30-5:30 PM for the purpose of reorganizing the Jeffries PTA (Parent Teacher Association).
Representatives from Springfield Council of PTAs will attend this meeting to explain the Purposes, Mission, basic policies and procedures of the organization. Time will be allowed for questions and discussion.
Through the PTA you can help strengthen the quality of life and education in the community. The PTA is a valuable link between home and school and provides important information that benefits your children. In this association, you join with parents, guardians, teachers, students, administrators, and other citizens to enhance the educational and cultural opportunities for all children.
At this meeting we will amend the bylaws, accept membership dues, and elect officers so that our PTA can continue to operate and start planning for the next school year.
We invite you to attend and participate in this meeting. If you are interested in serving on the board or a committee, please contact Christen Glenn, cdglenn@spsmail.org.
Dr. Glenn, Principal
Save the Date
March 4-7: Kindergarten Registration (Online and On-Site)
March 5: Kindergarten Registration (Evening Option, 5:30-6:30 PM)
March 7: Last Day of 3rd Quarter
March 7: 1st Grade Performance (5:00-5:30 PM)
March 8: No School (PD Day for Staff)
March 11-15: Spring Break
March 19: Spring Picture Day
Jeffries Start and Dismissal Times
Doors Unlock (and breakfast begins) at 7:00 AM. The bell rings (and breakfast ends) at 7:20 AM.
School Dismisses at 2:20 PM.
*For safety purposes, please do not leave your child unattended or waiting outside the school entrance doors prior to the doors being unlocked at 7:00 AM.
About Us
Mrs. Lauren Hassell
Assistant Principal
Email: cdglenn@spsmail.org; lahassell@spsmail.org
Website: www.sps.org/Jeffries
Location: 4051 South Scenic Avenue, Springfield, MO, USA
Phone: 417.523.3900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeffriesSPS
Twitter: @DrCGlenn
Jeffries Elementary Mission
As a Jeffries Jaguar I will be safe, respectful, and responsible so we can Learn, Live, and Lead together.