Pinon Pawprint
January 20-24
Hello Piñon Parents & Families!
Here are a few quick notes:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Monday, January 20
Parent Council Meeting --- Tuesday, January 21---12:00 – 1:00pm
Lost & Found - Please come check - things are still piling up!
- REMINDER: Please do not send kids to school with candy, soda, energy drinks, or coffee. They will be asked to throw these out.
PTO News:
--Next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, Jan 28th at 11:00 am at Pinon Elementary (new time to accommodate changes to lunch schedule)
Use this link to join remotely (link is different from previous meetings):
Meeting ID: 799 2518 5198
Passcode: PWh8Uq
--Next evening parent update meeting will be in February
We are looking for volunteers for these upcoming events:
--5+ volunteers to help with teacher appreciation week in May
--3+ volunteers to help with senior scholarship essay judging in April
If you are able to help with the above, please contact us at pinonpto@gmail.com
In May we will elect new PTO officers for our organization, as the 2 year term for our current officers will be concluded. Offices that will need to be filled include President, Vice President, Secretary, and 2 Treasurers. Teachers are able to service as VP and Secretary. If you are interested in serving on our board, or would like more information on the duties of board positions, please reach out to us at pinonpto@gmail.com!
Pinon Handbooks
For our new families just starting at Pinon, please take some time to read through these handbooks.
They contain almost everything you need to know about LAPS and Pinon Elementary School.
Handbook Review
Here is a section of the Family Handbook that is good to review....Attendance.
We are seeing an uptick in random vacations, sometimes of a week or more. These extra vacations can be very difficult for students, not just in terms of missing work but in terms of actual sequentially planned, instructional hours that the classroom teacher can not provide to your child. Learning is more than worksheets. We appreciate your help keeping students in school.
Maintaining regular school attendance, less than 9 or fewer absences a year, is the joint responsibility of students, parents, educators, and the legal system as regular attendance is essential to learning. Research shows that missing 10 or more days a year begins to create a downward spiral that ultimately affects reading and overall academic achievement. (Ten Facts About Attendance)
High absenteeism also negatively impacts skills that are essential to students for future education and employment. In addition, frequent tardiness to school can have a negative impact on student success. For these reasons, the New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law requires that all students of appropriate age and condition attend classes regularly (NMSA 22-12-1, et seq., 2009).
To Excuse an Absence: Piñon School Attendance Phone Number: 505-663-2681 or email: pinon.office@laschools.net
Provide the following information via email, phone call, or written note prior to the absence or within 24 hours of the absence:
Student name & grade level.
A brief reason for the absence with the date and time away from school. (Illness, Bereavement, etc.).
Parent name, daytime phone number, and signature (if sending a written note).
Excused Absences
Our overriding principle is that ALL ABSENCES COUNT - whether or not they are excused. However, parents may excuse up to ten days of absences per academic year. After the ten days are used a medical note must be submitted upon returning to school in order to be marked excused. Just remember: ALL ABSENCES COUNT. Absences in excess of 10 days may result in a letter or phone call home by the Guidance Counselor or Principal.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or adult student to notify the school of every absence within 24 hours. When a student is recorded as absent by the homeroom teacher, parents will receive a phone call from the attendance clerk, unless you have already called in. Please notify the school office by contacting the attendance phone line or attendance email on the day of the student’s absence. Absences may be excused for the following reasons with proper notification:
Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
Limited family emergencies
Family deaths
Hazardous weather conditions
Late bus arrivals
Medical, health or legal appointments
Religious observance
College or University visits
Deployment of a military parent
Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
Pre-arranged Absence Notification
Parents planning to pull students for three or more days should obtain and complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the main office. Please submit the form to the main office one week prior to departure. This is a courtesy to our attendance clerk and to the teachers who may be required to gather work for your student. These absences may or may NOT be excused based on how many days your child has been absent.
Unexcused Absences
All absences for reasons not included under excused absences shall be considered unexcused. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Non-school sponsored activities or trips
Family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
Excused absences greater than 10 will be considered unexcused
Tardies, Lates, and Withdrawal During the Day
A child arriving less than 5 minutes after the bell is marked TARDY. LATE is marked for students more than 5 minutes late. Students who miss more than half a day of school (approx. 3.75 hours) will be marked absent for the day.
Requesting Work
After three days of unplanned absence parents may request work. Teachers will assign any make-up work that can be completed outside of class, but credit for class participation, discussions, and group activities cannot be guaranteed. To maintain continuity in learning, students are encouraged to complete work missed during unexcused absences.
LAPS Policy/Regulation 5110/5110Rl
Release Of Students During The School Day
For the safety and protection of your child, a parent/guardian is required to report to the school office, present photo identification, and officially sign-out the student for early release. Parents/guardians have the responsibility to furnish schools with accurate, up-to-date contact information. Students will not be released into the custody of any organization, institution, or individual (without prior consent or communication with the parents/guardians) who is not listed as an Emergency Contact in Powerschool.
This Week
- No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Band and Orchestra 7:30 and 8:20
- Care Team 7:45
Parent Council Meeting --- Board Room 12:00 – 1:00pm
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Girls Who Code 4th-6th @ lunch
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Pinon Choir 2:45
- Band and Orchestra 7:30 and 8:20
- LAMS Orientation for 6th Grade - Classroom Visit @ Pinon 9:10-10:10
- National History Club - Gr. 6 11:05 & 2:45
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Rocket Club - 2:45-3:45 - Mrs. Rittner's Room
- 100th Day Celebration Day - dress up in your 100 (yr old) costumes and enjoy!
- Student Council 7:30
- 2nd Grade trash club @ lunch
- DIstrict Science Fair begins - through Saturday
- Have a great weekend!!
Chartwells Meal Service
View menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.com/menu in order to make the best choice for your student(s) but keep in mind that menus can change without notice and substitutions in the menu occur often. Special dietary requests should be made to Chartwells. When in doubt, pack your student's lunch or pack additional foods in case they do not like what is provided.
January Istation Celebration
These students made the most growth between December and January!
JJAB's One Circle
Here is the link for One Circle girl's group. Please sign up here!
AHA Kids' Heart Challenge
Kick-Off Assembly February 4th
We are participating in the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge. They have representatives coming to explain the challenge and to get the kids excited for learning about heart health in February.
Mrs. Gayner will be leading the charge in PE classes and there are all kinds of fun activities and prizes to earn. More information will come home soon!
Family Reading Night
February 20th - 5:30-7:00PM
Come out and join us for a fun and relaxing night of reading while enjoying milk and cookies!
Also, here is the link if you want to order a special t-shirt for the occasion.
Afterschool Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Winter Break
- Mon, December 23-Mon, January 6
No School - Teacher Planning Day
- Mon, January 6
First Day of School Second Semester
- Tue, January 7
WIDA ACCESS Testing Begins
- Mon, January 13-Fri, March 7
School Board Meeting
- Tue, January 14 --- 5:30 PM Board Room
District Spelling Bee -Time TBD
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025 --- 6:00PM
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
- Mon, January 20
Parent Council Meeting
- Tue, January 21 --- 12:00-1:00 PM
School Board Meeting
- Thur, January 23 --- 5:30 PM Barranca Mesa
District Science Fair
- Fri, January 24 - Sat, January 25
Pre-K Math Night in gym
- Wednesday, January 29 --- 5:00 – 6:30pm
Pinon's Guiding Principles
Piñon’s Vision Statement
All Piñon students will be Kind and Learn.
Piñon’s Mission Statement
Piñon Elementary provides the skills and values for student success now and in their future.
Piñon’s Core Values:
- Character: Piñon Elementary School teaches, models, and practices kindness, integrity, and resiliency.
- Community: Piñon Elementary School fosters a mindset of safety and respect in school and home communities.
- Commitment to Learning: Piñon Elementary School utilizes learning strategies that promote academic rigor and students' passion to learn.
Cement Tile Work
Staff lounge and the corner of the main office.
Front Entrance
Main office and front door entrance.
Prek & Kinder Playground
West side playground for early childhood.
East Wing
1st-3rd grades on top floor, 4th-6th grades on the bottom.
Stucco Work
This east wing is covered for stucco work and warmth for workers inside.
Asphalt Play Area
This area will be basketball courts and other play areas on asphalt.
Coming Soon...
Piñon Elementary School
90 Grand Canyon Drive, White Rock, NM, USA 87547
Principal Email: Ivanna Austell, iv.austell@laschools.net
Asst. Principal Email: Jennifer Kieltyka, j.kieltyka@laschools.net
Phone: 505-663-2680
Piñon Website: https://pinon.laschools.net/
PTO Website: https://pinonpto.org/