Friday Features - 11/30/18
Your Weekly BGS PTO News & Happenings
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your family and friends. We have a few upcoming events before we close out the school year. Check it out below!
- Kelly & Briana, PTO Co-Presidents
Crafts with Frosty
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 1 from 9 AM - 12 PM
Get in the spirit of the holiday season by doing some winter crafts and games at our FREE event featuring guest appearances by Frosty. Stop by any time between 9-12 and be sure to visit our Kids' Holiday Shop while you're there!
Retro Spirit Wear Sale - Supplies Limited
If you missed your chance to order spirit wear, now's your chance! We've opened up our "Spirit Wear Vault" have some great deals on selections from years past. Supplies are very limited, as it's only what we have on hand.
All items are for sale on our SignUp Genius Store here: http://bit.ly/SpiritVault. Claim your gear before it's all gone!
Dates to Remember
- Dec. 1 - Holiday Extravaganza (Holiday Shop & Crafts w/ Frosty) - 9 AM - Noon
- Dec. 3-4 - Kids' Holiday Shop (in school shopping)
- Dec. 13 - Toy Sale Donations Accepted - 4-7 PM
- Dec. 14 - Toy Sale Donations Accepted & Set-Up Times - 9 AM - 2 PM, 4 - 7 PM
- Dec. 15 - BGS Toy Sale - 9 AM - 1 PM
- Dec. 24-Jan. 1 - Winter Break
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, Co-President
Kelly Schmidt, Co-President
Follow Us on Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard
Like Us on Facebook: PTOBradleyGard