The Panther Periodical
September 25th, 2023

The Panther Periodical - May 6, 2024
Good Evening Eastside Community,
It is great to have reached the first week of May! This week marks Teacher Appreciation Week. I am thankful to our teachers for their daily efforts to create daily relevant learning opportunities for our students. The day to day resolve to teach a young person a skill they may not yet see the value in is not only admirable, but necessary to lead our young people to the next stage of their lives towards being impactful adults. This week we will seek to show our appreciation to teachers through various events and activities.
______________________________________________________________Buenas noches, Comunidad de Eastside,
¡Es fantástico haber llegado a la primera semana de mayo! Esta semana se celebra la Semana de Apreciación al Docente. Estoy agradecido a nuestros maestros por sus esfuerzos diarios para crear oportunidades de aprendizaje relevantes para nuestros estudiantes. La determinación día tras día de enseñar a un joven una habilidad que quizás aún no vean el valor es no solo admirable, sino necesaria para guiar a nuestros jóvenes hacia la próxima etapa de sus vidas, convirtiéndose en adultos impactantes. Esta semana buscaremos mostrar nuestra apreciación a los maestros a través de varios eventos y actividades.
Austin ISD Summer Internship Program
Austin ISD is excited to announce its inaugural Summer Internship Program to expand and enrich internship experiences for local high school students. The 7-week program, running from June 10 to July 26, will provide students with work experience, skills development, and community engagement. Students will receive a stipend for living expenses for participating in the program of up to $2,000 and will work 20 hours a week at assigned companies and organizations across the city.
What: Austin ISD's Summer Internship Program
When: June 10-July 26, 20 hours per week
Who: Open to current Austin ISD 9th, 10th, & 11th graders (rising 10th, 11, & 12th)
Where: At partner companies and organizations across the city
El Programa de Pasantías de Verano del AISD
El Austin ISD se complace en anunciar su Programa de Pasantías de Verano inaugural para expandir y enriquecer las experiencias de pasantías para estudiantes de secundaria locales. El programa de 7 semanas, que se llevará a cabo del 10 de junio al 26 de julio, brindará a los estudiantes experiencia laboral, desarrollo de habilidades y participación comunitaria. Los estudiantes recibirán un estipendio para gastos de subsistencia por participar en el programa de hasta $2,000 y trabajarán 20 horas a la semana en empresas y organizaciones asignadas en toda la ciudad.
Qué: Programa de Pasantías de Verano del Austin ISD
Cuándo: del 10 de junio al 26 de julio, 20 horas por semana
Quién: Abierto a estudiantes actuales de 9º, 10º y 11º grado del Austin ISD (ascendiendo al 10º, 11º y 12º grado)
Dónde: En empresas y organizaciones asociadas en toda la ciudad
5 Book Dive
The 5 Book Dive encourages AISD students to read at least five self-selected books over the summer. Check out the book lists in English and Spanish at https://tinyurl.com/5BookDive for some great ideas to add to your own summer reading list. You can also print a bookmark to use as a reading log and find more great information about summer reading. Contact Carrie Bresnehen (carrie.bresnehen@austinisd.org) or Shannon Pearce (shannon.pearce@austinisd.org) for more information.
Inmersión de 5 Libros
La Inmersión de 5 Libros anima a los estudiantes del AISD a leer al menos cinco libros de su elección durante el verano. Consulta las listas de libros en inglés y español en https://tinyurl.com/5BookDive para obtener algunas ideas excelentes que añadir a tu lista de lectura de verano. También puedes imprimir un marcador de página para usarlo como registro de lectura y encontrar más información útil sobre la lectura de verano.
Para más información, contacta a Carrie Bresnehen (carrie.bresnehen@austinisd.org) o Shannon Pearce (shannon.pearce@austinisd.org).
Austin ISD Summer Internship Program
Austin ISD has received funding to support summer internships across the district.
The program runs from June 10 to July 26, where student interns will earn $13 per hour and will work 20 hours per week. Students can earn up to $1,820 for the summer!
Current Austin ISD 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who would like to participate can apply in the link below by May 3.
Mr. Cage: 5 years of service
Mr. Douglas: 5 years of service
Mr. Freeman: 5 years of service
Ms. Hernandez: 5 years of service
Summer School
Summer School will be held at LBJ. If you are interested in your student attending, please submit this registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenjd0jzDl9ewb8h66dukUJn0IUjQ-BiN2MvUWsHxmkzi3myg/viewform
Youth Initiatives for City of Austin
There is an upcoming city-wide program called the Austin Youth Council. Applications are being currently accepted from High School students that live within City Limits for the 2024-2025 school year. Students must be a rising 9th-12th grader and have a staff sponsor and principal agreement to participate. The general structure of the program mirrors the City Council with elected student members representing each district. There are typically anywhere from 50-70 student members a year with the goal of providing an outlet for Austin-area youth to amplify their voice in their communities and increase their civic engagement. Students meet once a month for the duration of the school year and there are generally two opportunities to travel out of state! Members also attend an annual conference in Washington D.C. and another one that changes locations each year. Active members can apply for these trips if they are in good standing and attending meetings regularly. For more information on the program, please click on the link: Austin Youth Council | AustinTexas.gov. If you know of students who might be interested in applying, you can share the following link to the application. AYC New member application
A Family’s Guide to Think College for Students with an Intellectual Disability
Did you know there are now 332 higher education options for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) in 49 U.S. states, including 17 in Texas? With this expansion of programs, there's a growing need for families to learn more about college options and how to prepare. In this presentation, we will review higher education options and share with families the resources to help prepare their child with the skills needed for college.
When: Tuesday, May 7th
Time: 12-1:00 pm or 6:00-7:00 pm
Where: Virtual Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 2521 0712
The Internet Access Resources Webpage is Now Live
In alignment with our goal to continuously provide an equitable and accessible learning experience for our students, the Information Technology Department, today, has launched Austin ISD’s new Internet Access Resources webpage.
What do you prefer for family engagement events?
Autism Acceptance Month
April is International and National Autism Acceptance Month.Campuses can review the Autism Acceptance Guide to support inclusive practices and celebration of persons with neurodiversity.For more information on training or resources, please visit https://www.txautism.net/target. In honor of Autism Acceptance month, families, community members, and staff are invited to attend a three-part, virtual learning series focused on Autism hosted by VELA. Please see the following opportunities (Autism Learning Series (Eng), Autism Learning Series (Spn)).
- Vela is a local nonprofit dedicated to empowering parents to become their child's greatest advocates. Through an AISD & VELA partnership, we are offering a 3-part interactive virtual series for parents to gain knowledge, identify strategies, and find resources to support their child's special education services and individual education program (IEP). This opportunity is available in English or in Spanish! Parents, staff, and community members can REGISTER to participate in one, two, or all three sessions.
Vela una organización local sin fines de lucro dedicada a capacitar a los padres para que se conviertan en los mayores defensores de sus hijos. A través de una asociación entre AISD y VELA, ofrecemos una serie virtual interactiva de 3 partes para que los padres adquieran conocimientos, identifiquen estrategias y encuentren recursos para apoyar los servicios de educación especial y el programa de educación individual (IEP) de sus hijos. ¡Esta oportunidad está disponible en inglés o en español! Los padres, el personal y los miembros de la comunidad pueden REGISTRARSE para participar en una, dos o las tres sesiones.
Our partners at Workforce Solutions Capital Area have compiled a list of excellent summer opportunities for your student(s) to participate in! Examples include summer jobs, volunteering, internships, and even apprenticeships! To view the full list of summer opportunities, click here.
¡Nuestros socios en Workforce Solutions Capital Area han compilado una lista de excelentes oportunidades de verano en las que pueden participar sus estudiantes! Los ejemplos incluyen trabajos de verano, voluntariado, pasantías e incluso aprendizajes. Para ver la lista completa de oportunidades de verano, haga Clic aki
Grading Policy
Grading Policy Please see Eastside’s updated Grading Policy, which goes into effect today, February 12. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Bailey at andrew.bailey@austinisd.org
Política de Calificaciones
Por favor, consulte la Política de Calificaciones actualizada de Eastside, que entra en vigor hoy, 12 de febrero. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con el Sr. Bailey en andrew.bailey@austinisd.org.
Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year is Now Open
We are pleased to invite you to enroll your student for the next school year early. Securing your child's spot in advance is an important step in planning a year full of learning, growth, and success.
If you need help please call our registrar Ms. Arellano-Diaz at 512-414-5810.
Good News!
We have opened the School Store for students and staff to purchase during E.A.S.T lunch hour.
- Shirts
- Hats
- Pens
- Pencils
- Lanyards
- Pop Sockets
Modernization of Yellow Jacket Stadium!
(Picture taken from austintexas.gov)
Swim ATX Program
Please note that being able to swim is not a requirement of this program. This course will count as a physical education credit for students, and will be completed during the school day, beginning in Fall 2024. If your student is interested, please reach out to their counselor.
Eastside Graduation Gear
Would you like to buy graduation gear for your Senior? Click the link to purchase customized items! https://www.thecommencementgroup.com/eastside-echs/
Twilight began 09/12/2023, Monday through Thursday, Cafeteria, 4:45 to 6pm, snacks and transportation provided.
Twilight comienzo el 12 de Septembre, de lunes a jueves, en el cafeteria, de 4:45 a 6:00 p.m refrigerios y transporte proporcionados.
Eastside's Twilight program provides flexible student-centered learning opportunities that improve students' educational outcomes through credit recovery programs.
Twilight runs Monday -Thursday from 4:45 - 5:45 PM in the library. For more information, please contact Ms. Lopez via email (sonia.b.lopez@austinisd.org) or phone (737)242-6106.
Easy IEP/504 has released a Parent Portal feature that will allow the parent/guardian/adult student to virtually access IEP/504 documentation, progress reports, and other documents generated in the system that the school district would like to send the family. Once logged into the system, parents/guardians/adult students may navigate between any of the headers which may contain information related to the student. Guides are available in both English and Spanish. Please go to AISD’s Special Education website for accessible copies of the guides.
Report an Absence
Use this link Report an Absence as a template to write a note for your student if they will be absent. You may print and turn in to the front office.
Utilice este enlace Report an Absence como modelo para escribir una nota si su estudiante estará ausente. Puede imprimirlo y entregarlo en la oficina principal.
Student Pick-Up/Lunch Drop Off
Please be reminded:
- If you wish to check out your student, you must come to the campus in order to do so. Checking a student out through the phone will not be permitted, as we are not able to verify guardian identity.
- All lunch delivered to the campus must be brought by a verified guardian in person.
Eastside Team Shop
Campus Advisory Council (CAC)
If you are interested in being a CAC Member, please fill out a form in ENGLISH or SPANISH. When completed, please send to Ms. Mercedes Leal at mercedes.leal@austinisd.org