College Heights Connect
July 8, 2020
Parent Orientation
Link to join meet.google.com/dbf-yahb-eqp
Phone Number to join (US) +1 470-326-0186 PIN: 965 501 443#
2020-2021 Parent Handbook
Classroom placement letters
School Closed for Pre Planning
PTO Volunteers Needed
Read to Me a Thon
Silent Auction
Time commitment is minimal but the impact is HUGE! Our PTO supports many school initiatives such as our Spanish and garden programs, staff professional learning, classroom materials and much more. For more information please contact PTO President, Yara Haddad at yara.haddad@gmail.com
Advisory Council
An Advisory Council was established at College Heights to function at the level of an advisory body to the administration and partners of the school. The purpose is to link communities, schools, and parents closer together in efforts to solve difficult education problems, to improve the quality of teaching and learning, to provide support and guidance to staff and administrators, and to provide an avenue for parents to be a part of the decision-making process.
The advisory council has very specific roles:
advise and make recommendations on matters related to school improvement and student achievement
assist in maintaining a school-wide perspective on issues
act as a link between the advisory council members and the community and parents
assist in creating the school budget
analyze data and make recommendations towards school programs
assist in creating school calendars
assist in creating the School Improvement Plan
The advisory council is looking for 2 parent volunteers from our 0-3 program who would be able to serve on our council. Meetings will be held virtually each month. If you are interested please contact Principal Garland at sgarland@csdeacatur.net