Weekly Happenings
Week of 2/25/19
Reading logs for the Silverwood 'Read 2 Ride' are due TODAY!
Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, March 20th
New Date for our Winter Celebration
This is a time for students to bring their families and showcase their work in their classrooms. There will be performances by our dance club, the Merry Missives, and Mr. Bonuccelli will be discussing our upcoming expansion.
Climate Cats today!
Below are upcoming dates for the Climate Cats Club! K-8 are welcome to join!
Today: Kathy Dawes will be doing a Wind Turbine project with the kids.
April 25th: Mark Coleman will be doing a biochar project with charcoal.
MOSS Fundraiser
Science Fair 2019
Reminders from our PAT
Family BINGO Night
- Location: American Legion Cabin; 317 S Howard St. Moscow, ID
- Volunteering: Help is still needed for Bingo night, please consider to sign up to help here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d48a9ab2baaf58-family
- Event Page: This contains more information and a full list of prizes. https://www.facebook.com/events/377161799726783/?active_tab=discussion
PAT Webpage
The PAT now has their own webpage on the MCS website! For current happenings and updates from the PAT, please visit https://www.moscowcharterschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1074412&type=d&pREC_ID=1365483
About us
Email: office@moscowcharterschool.org
Website: moscowcharterschool.org
Location: 1723 East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-883-3195
Facebook: facebook.com/moscowcharterschool