Lawrenceville Elementary School
April Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Lockett
With spring in full swing, our students continue to blossom academically, creatively, and socially. Let's take a moment to celebrate their achievements and look forward to the exciting events ahead.
Academic Achievements
Marking period 2 is complete! Report cards are available on Genesis at this time. Conferences are coming soon and this will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child's teacher to discuss his or her progress both academically and socially. Conferences begin on April 17.
Creative Endeavors
Our third grade stars shined during their musical in March. It's a Hit was a HIT! We are excited for more upcoming performances from our third graders this spring as they are preparing for their recorder concert and their wax museum. Recorder Concert is May 30. The Wax Museum AND 3rd Grade Moving Up Ceremony is June 19.
Upcoming Events
LES Multicultural Night is April 25. See the flyer below.
Take Your Child to Work Day is April 25. Please let your child's teacher know if your child will not be attending school.
NJSLA state testing begins for 3rd grade on May 13. More info to come.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in fostering a nurturing and enriching learning environment at Lawrenceville Elementary School. Together, we are laying the foundation for a bright and promising future for our students.
Melissa N. Lockett
Lawrenceville Elementary in the News!
💚Check out this article in School Library Journal that highlights the work of our wonderful School Librarian, Mrs. Oliver.
Happy School Librarian's Day to Mrs. Oliver as well! You are a wonderful person and valuable resource to our school community!
LES DEI Update
CampFire NJ lessons have begun!
CampFire NJ is a local, non-profit organization whose mission is to provide social and emotional learning programs that empower young people to rise above their everyday challenges and become the best that they can be. For the next 8 weeks, students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade will enjoy these lessons, which extend and supplement the many social-emotional skills that we practice and promote at LES each day. A handout will be sent home each week with students, explaining the skill that was introduced and ways to practice it at home. Learn more about CampFire NJ on their website, at https://campfirenj.com/, or contact Melissa Wall, School Counselor, with any questions.
Parent Engagement
Stress Busters!
Life for our littlest learners can be stressful. End of year testing, sports schedules, family obligations, and much needed play-time are a lot to juggle. Here is a wonderful article geared towards teachers, but applicable for parents as well. This article outlines ways we can help young children manage stress and avoid anxiety.
100 Year Celebration
The Time Capsule
There was a time capsule placed in the outside of our building in 1974 to commemorate the 50th anniversary celebration. Since then, the capsule and plaque was moved into the building for safety and we have been eagerly awaiting the day we will open it as a school community. May 30, 2024 is that day! Former students, staff and families will be invited to open the capsule with us and take a peek inside to find out more about our school's history.