Wells Weekly News!
Week of October 28th
Red Ribbon Week
Parents, thank you for allowing your child(ren) to participate in Red Ribbon Week!! We had lots of fun as we pledged to all be and stay drug free!!
We will start tutorials Monday through Thursday from 4:45-5:45. Transportation and dinner will be provided for all students. Parents, it is very important that your child(ren) attend as this will help them to be successful on STAAR and will help with their promotion to the next grade level.
Halloween Costume Competition
Parents it is that time!!! We will have a Halloween Costume Competition for our students on October 31st!! They are allowed to wear appropriate costumes. They are not allowed to wear face masks. If you are unsure if the costume is appropriate, please allow them to take a picture or bring the costume for their administrators to see. If they do not wear a costume, then they must be in uniform.
Science Olympiad
Wells has officially launched our Science Olympiad Club! Science Olympiad is a STEM competition that involves students in hands-on, team-based activities to learn and apply science concepts. Events can involve building devices, conducting experiments, taking written tests, or answering questions verbally. The first interest meeting will be Thursday, October 31st, at 4:30pm. Please contact Ms. Reynolds for more information: treyno1@springisd.org
Students are not allowed to bring headphones to school due to the growing concerns over distractions they create during class sessions. Teachers have observed that many students attempt to use their headphones for listening to music or other audio content while instruction is taking place. This not only disrupts their own learning but also distracts their classmates and interrupts the flow of lessons.
Halloween Candy
For safety purposes, students will not be allowed to bring candy to school after Halloween. This will be collected at the door.
Basketball Tryouts
Tryouts for the Wells Basketball Teams start next week! Students must have a physical on file. For more information, please contact Coach Barrett or Coach Parker.
Stay Connected!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SISDWellsMS
Twitter: @WellsWolverines
Instagram: wellms_springisd
Website: https://wells.springisd.org/
Phone:(281) 891-7750