Welcome Back to the PHS Library!
Think. Share. Create. Grow.
Book Look is Back!
Students get dedicated time for Book Look once a week.
- Preschoolers, Kindergartners, and 1st graders pick 1 book at that time,
- 2nd graders select 2 books
- 3rd graders select 3
Books are due 1 week after checkout and may be renewed for an additional week, if needed. Students will receive a poster for your fridge with their first library book reminding them of their designated Book Look and Return Day.
Please help your child build responsibility by choosing a safe, consistent space to store their library book and by developing a routine to pack their backpack with their return the night before their Book Look class.
All readers are welcome to visit the library every day to swap books with their teacher's permission! Students may have a maximum of 3 books on their account at a time.
Book Look is a time to celebrate our love of reading in every form - words, pictures, and audio. We use this time to build responsibility and empower independent choice. We do not place much attention on reading levels in library class with the hope that families will build life-long reading habits by sharing these high-interest books together.
Lost & Damaged Books
Mistakes happen! Please do not worry if your child forgets a book. During the next school day, they can come to the library -with their teacher’s permission- to return their forgotten books and check out a new one.
Help them take responsibility for their book care mistakes by supporting them as they tape up tears or dedicate time to searching for lost books.
If a book is lost, first help your child look everywhere! Books are commonly discovered under beds, in cars, with siblings, and in the ‘Lost and Found’ at after school care programs. If a book has not turned up after a few weeks of looking, please consider making a donation to replace the book with cash or a check made out to the Primrose Hill Library.
How can families support the Library Program?
Volunteer during a 45 minute library class! Contact Heather Magnussen, our volunteer coordinator, at PrimroseLibraryVolunteers@barringtonschools.org for details.
Join the PTO to help raise funds for the library program.
Read every day with your child!
Library Learning
- library expectations
- book and technology care
- navigating the shelves
- identifying and explaining our emotions using the Mood Meter or Meta Moment
- learning about our Jobs so we can all contribute to "Team Library" (1st-3rd)
- Read of the Week sneak peeks where we are introduced to diverse experiences
Reads of the Week
Happy Reading!
Miss Katie O'Kane
Email: okanek@barringtonschools.org
Website: www.missokane.com
Twitter: @primroselibrary