Northwood News
Home of the Shining Stars

Students of the Month Get Recognized
We recognize students who follow the Northwood Code (Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Ready to Learn) and have positive attendance. At the end of the month, teachers nominate two students from each classroom. The selected students parade through the building at the beginning of the month.
Perfect Attendance Gets Recognized
At Northwood Elementary, we continue to focus on attending school every day and promoting positive school attendance each month. We held another random drawing to win a gift card for perfect attendance. Two lucky winners took home a certificate and gift card of their choice! We will hold our next drawing at the end of November!
Halloween Event and Book Fair!
Thank you to the Northwood PTO and staff for volunteering your time to make our Halloween event an incredible night! Students, staff, and families enjoyed a night of trick-or-treating, shopping at the book fair, and food trucks. Everyone had a great time!
Student Ambassadors Give Back to Northwood Elementary!
Our Student Ambassadors spent time during the Halloween PTO Event on October 25th handing out candy to their fellow Shining Stars. The event was super fun, and the kids really enjoyed seeing their friends and other students from school.
Attendance Spirit Week
During October, we will be focusing on Positive School Attendance. At the end of the month, any students who achieve perfect attendance for all of October will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card for their family. Please join us in kicking off our attendance spirit week next week, October 7th - October 11th!
Fire Prevention at Northwood!
National Fire Prevention (NFPA) Week was October 6th - 12th. Philip Wzientek and other volunteer firefighters, from Union Fire Company (WSFD#2), visited Northwood on October 17, 2024. We want to thank all the staff, students, and firefighters for a wonderful presentation and visit on the fire truck!
New Gym Floor!
Mr. Loughran, Mrs. McCarthy, and the students at Northwood are so excited to be back in our new gym! In April, the floor suffered significant water damage. Over the last few months, a new floor and new wall mats were installed, and it's now a beautiful space for our students to learn in!
Pre-K Visits Horizon Ridge Farm and the Fire Hall!
Kindergarten and Fifth-Grade STEAM Buddies!
Ms. Gingrich's 5th-grade class and Miss Krypel's Kindergarten class met for STEAM buddies today. We read Creepy Carrots and completed a "Creepy Carrots" STEM challenge. The students worked together to build different shapes of fences for their carrots.
Making Memories at Northwood!
Student Ambassador's Service Learning Project!
As temperatures drop and Summer becomes Fall, the Student Ambassadors collected socks during October. Ambassadors made posters to hang around the school to encourage students to donate. Several Ambassadors joined the morning announcements with reminders as well. Last but not least, the Student Ambassadors counted the socks and boxed them up for delivery. The total of socks collected is 776 pairs of socks! All the socks were socks donated to our West Seneca Clothing Closet. The Student Ambassadors would like to THANK everyone who participated!
Panera Fundraiser!
Safety Patrol at Northwood!
Every day at 3:00 PM, a group of Fifth Grade Shining Stars can be seen helping with dismissal. Our top priority is getting younger students to their buses swiftly and safely. There is no doubt about the integrity and commitment these kids have to our school! Students were asked to fill out an application if interested in participating in Safety Patrol. Mrs. Nowak and Ms. Vlahoff will rotate Safety Positions during the second half of the school year so that all students interested in helping can get an opportunity.
Community-Building Meetings
Building Community at Northwood!
We are excited to announce that every classroom will participate in community-building meetings this school year! Community building meetings are an engaging way to start each day, help build a strong sense of community, and help set children up for social and academic success. Each day, students and teachers will gather together for five to ten minutes and interact with one another to focus on a specific social skill. Each week, we will focus on a new social skill and reinforce the skill throughout the week.
Goals of Community Building Meetings:
- Set the tone for respectful and engaged learning in a climate of trust.
- Build a positive community by fulfilling students’ need to belong, feel significant, and have fun.
- Model and practice social-emotional skills.
- Learn and practice critical social skills in real-time.
Sept. 16th - Sept.20th: Introducing Yourself
Sept. 23rd - Sept. 27th: Listening
Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th: Following Directions
Oct. 7th - Oct. 11th: Asking for Help
Oct. 14th - Oct. 18th: Kindness and Appropriate Ways of Speaking to Each Other
Oct. 21st - Oct. 25th: Setting a Goal
Oct. 28th - Nov. 1st: How to Make Friends and be a Good Friend
Nov. 4th - Nov. 8th: Having Conversations
Nov. 11th - Nov. 15th: Understanding and Knowing Our Emotions and Feelings
Nov. 18th - Nov. 22nd: Zones of Regulation
Nov. 25th & 26th: Saying Thank You
PTO Information
Join the PTO!
Consider joining the Northwood PTO! Please check out all the events on the calendar for the year. The Panera Bread NIght Out will occur on November 7th, from 4 PM to 8PM. The next PTO meeting will be on November 12th at 5:30 PM. We hope to see you there!
Free School Breakfast and Lunch
All school breakfasts and lunches are free for the 2024-2025 school year!
Sign up to add money your child's My School Bucks account for snacks or additional lunch items through Parent Portal or here -- https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Save the Dates
- November 5th - No School, Superintendents'' Conference Day
- November 7th - PTO Panera Bread Night Out, 4:00 PM
- November 11th - No School, Veterans' Day
- November 12th - PTO Meeting, 5:30 PM
- November 27th - 29th- No School - Thanksgiving Recess
i-Ready Reports Now Available on the Parent Portal
The Fall iReady Family Report for grades K-8 are now available to view in the Document Library within the Parent Portal. You can find both the 24-25 Math & Reading Assessments there separated by assessment subject.
To access:
- Log in to the Parent Portal (this is best done from a web browser and NOT the app)
- Under the Navigation column on the left - select Document Library
Once there, please locate the following titles/descriptions:
- "24-25 Fall Reading Assessment"
- "24-25 Fall Math Assessment"
To view & download your student's assessments, please click on the PDF icon that can be found in line with the assessment report title/description(next to the date column).
Please visit the i-Ready Family Center for more resources to help you interpret and use these scores. A document called Understanding Student Data for Families is also attached. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.
General Reminders
- Safety is a top priority. ID is always required when entering the building.
- Please note that pets are not permitted on the property during school hours.
- A note is required if you allow your child to walk home from school. All notes are kept in the main office.
- Please keep an eye on the weather. If it's thunder or lightning, and you do not see staff outside, please use discretion when releasing your child/children from your vehicle.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up Reminders
Thanks for your patience with Northwood Elementary these last few days through arrival and dismissal. As the busing situation improves, we hope the parent drop-off and pick-up line will be more manageable.
Just a few reminders:
- If you have an assigned bus number, please consider using district transportation. Things should be running closer to on time this week. This will alleviate car traffic on campus.
- Please stay in your car for arrival and dismissal to keep the line moving. An adult will walk your child into school. Please consider buckling up quickly to keep the line moving.
- Parent pick-up will begin at 2:55 PM. Please refrain from coming early.
- If you plan on picking up your child, please send in a note to the teacher. If you have a set pick-up plan or schedule, please also communicate this by submitting a green form.
- If you walk to school or are dropped off in the morning, please use the front door entrance and avoid the bus loop.
Thank you for being so cooperative. We are hopeful everything will be running smoother this week.
Parent Portal Information
Parent Portal
One of the best ways to keep track of school work, schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, lunch money, etc., is the Parent Portal. Each parent may have one account, attaching multiple children/students. You must know your child's PowerSchool Access ID and Password to create an account. Please call your child's school to retrieve this information. For more information on how to access this account for your children, please visit this link -- https://www.wscschools.org/parentportal
Parent Portal - Updates
The parent portal is a "one-stop shop" for student information. We are sharing that all report card information, transportation, and food service information will be provided through the Parent Portal.
The West Seneca Central School District PowerSchool Parent Portal can be found at https://powerschool.wscschools.org/guardian. You must know your child's PowerSchool Access ID and Password to create an account. Please get in touch with the Northwood Elementary Main Office at 677-3640 if you need this information. To create a new Parent Portal account, please follow our Parent Portal Page instructions.
The district code is GPNR.
**School contact information can be found here - https://www.wscschools.org/domain/1291
Other helpful Links:
Download the Apple IOS PowerSchool Mobile App
Download the Android PowerSchool Mobile App
PowerSchool Mobile App
How to Use the PowerSchool Mobile App
PowerSchool Mobile App provides on-the-go visibility to assignments, grades, comments, and student progress from any iOS or Android device. District Code: GPNR
Attendance Information
Attendance Matters!
Regular school attendance is crucial for academic success and overall development. Attending school helps students stay engaged in learning, develop good habits, and build a strong foundation for future educational and career opportunities. Please use the "Note to School" notepad if your child misses school.
Volunteer Information
Attention -- All Parent Volunteers!
To safely promote family engagement, we ask any parent/guardian interested in volunteering in our buildings to complete the "Parent Volunteer Orientation." Volunteers include, but are not limited to, classroom helpers, classroom readers, PTA volunteers, etc.
Any adult entering the building during the school day must view the entire slideshow and complete the Annual Acknowledgement Form. Upon completing the slideshow, you will find the Acknowledgment Form by clicking the icon specific to your building.
To get started, please follow this link to the webpage:
Health Office Information
From Our School Nurse
If you have COVID-related questions or any other health-related concerns, please contact the school nurse, Mrs. Pisto at 716-677-3644 or via email at mpisto@wscschools.org.
NYS mandates that we have physical exams on file for all children in UPK/Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. New York State also requires all students new to the district to have a physical on file. The physicals must be less than a year old. They can be mailed, dropped off, or faxed to our office (716-674-3505).
Transportation Information
Transportation APP
The West Seneca Central School District has Apps that allow parents to track their child's bus.
**Bus 1-23 will use the First Student App-Firstview
Bus 60 and higher will use the district App Here Comes The Bus (HCTB)
**Firstview parents will need their student's ID found on the parent portal. HCTB parents will need their student ID from the parent portal and our district code, 86979.
West Seneca Central Schools Mission
"We are an educational community that encourages kindness, inspires confidence, and instills the belief that together we can achieve anything."