New Albany Intermediate School
Family Update- April 15, 2024
Dear Intermediate Families,
We are incredibly proud of our students for demonstrating RISE behaviors this past week as we began state testing. We have a large, open concept building and students traveling to lunch, recess and specials were very respectful of classes who were testing. Please remember to send your child to school with a fully charged iPad, a full night's rest and encouraging words to show all they know on their test as they have certainly gained a wealth of new knowledge this school year. Thank you for being amazing partners in education!
Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger
Intermediate School Principal
Important Updates
Bus drivers have noticed an increase in unsafe behaviors as students get out of parents vehicles at the bus stop to board their bus. Please remember that students should arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive and that students must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stops. Please review these procedures with your child and help maintain safety for all students at our bus stops.
Parents of current fifth grade students, you received an email last week regarding your child’s second elective choice for their sixth grade year. Please complete this form by Thursday, April 18th.
We are excited to host our annual "Field Day" in May! Parents will be able to sign up to volunteer at Field Day in the April 29th Family Newsletter. We hope many of you are able to come and enjoy this fun-filled event as it takes amazing parent volunteers to assist our staff in ensuring a successful day for all of our students.
Field Day Schedule
Fourth Grade: May 21st 9:00 - 11:00
Fifth Grade: May 21st 12:00 - 2:00
Sixth Grade: May 17th 9:30 - 11:30 and Sixth Grade Celebration 11:30 -1:00
Please review the upcoming dates listed below for Ohio State Testing for each grade level. If you have an upcoming planned absence, please submit your Pre Planned Absence form to your child's classroom teachers as soon as possible so we can plan to administer the state required test to your child on an alternate date. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates
April 15- 4th Grade OST ELA Part 1
April 16- 5th Grade OST ELA Part 2
April 17- 6th Grade OST ELA Part 2
April 18- 4th Grade OST ELA Part 2
April 19- 5th Grade OST Math Part 1
April 22 - Class Pictures & 4th Grade OST Math Part 1
April 23- 6th Grade OST Math Part 1
April 24- 4th Grade OST Math Part 2
April 25- 5th Grade OST Math Part 2
April 26- 6th Grade OST Math Part 2
April 29- 5th Grade OST Science Part 1
April 30- 5th Grade OST Science Part 2
NAMS Athletics for Rising 7th Grade Students
PTO News
Dear NAIS Families,
We have a LOT going on in the last month of school! Thank you for your amazing support throughout the year - let's finish strong!
Our final SPIRIT WEAR SALE is open and runs until April 21st! Check out the amazing new items from HOME TURF and place your order HERE. Orders can be placed at any time and will be directly delivered within 5-7 business days. A percentage of all sales will be given back to NAIS PTO.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our SPRING FLOWER SALE! As a reminder, the sale is closed. Please note our PICK UP Date isThursday, May 9th at Temple Beth/All Saints parking lot (5089 Johnstown Rd) from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM.**Please note, all flowers must be picked up that day!! Any flowers remaining on site after 6:00 PM will be donated.** Are you interested in helping volunteer on pickup day? We welcome all volunteers, sign up HERE!
Our New Albany PTO 5-school GOLF CART RAFFLE is live! Purchase your $100 raffle ticket HERE for a chance to win a brand new 6-seat Icon Golf Cart! Details and fine print HERE.
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in joining our PTO board. We will be in touch shortly with the board slate for the 2024-2025 school year!
There is still time to support our PTO by becoming a PTO member!
If you have any ideas on how to make our fantastic school even better, please let us know! Email us at: naispto@napls.us.
Lauren Bar-Lev
NAIS PTO President
2023-2024 NAIS PTO Board
President: Lauren Bar-Lev
President-Elect: Mara Ziminski
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Jenn Fuller
Communications: Alli Lish and Kiki Piletz
Fundraising: Andrea Wiltrout and Sarah Aklilu
Membership: Courtney Bloech
Programming: Eriq Rory
Hospitality: Sarah McFadden and Amy Wenker
Additional Information
The Intermediate School website has information about our daily schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, school supply lists, and much more. Please click here to visit the page. For information concerning transportation services, click here.
Do not hesitate to call the Intermediate school (614-741-3000) with any questions you may have. Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger, Building Principal
Jaime Slane, Assistant Principal
Mike King, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Intermediate School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/intermediate
Location: 177 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-741-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyIntermediate/
Twitter: @napls_is