Bulldog Bark

Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
- Our MISSON is to create a legacy of excellence with the support of our families and communities.
- Our VISION is to empower ALL BULLDOGS to become productive and compassionate members of society.
- Our theme for 2024-2025 is Bulldogs Unleashed!
Principal's Message
Hello Bulldog Families,
We have successfully completed six weeks of school, and 1st quarter progress reports are released today. They are viewable in the myStudent parent portal. If you need any assistance viewing your child’s progress report, please give us a call so that we may assist you.
If you would like to meet with your child’s teachers regarding their grades, we have a great upcoming opportunity on October 2nd during our 1st Quarter Community Connection Night. Please see the Community Connection Night flyer for more information on the sessions we will offer the evening of 10/2, how to schedule a parent conference, and details regarding our Annual Title One Parent meeting.
Lastly, please see the information below regarding the district’s Science Textbook adoption process.
Science Instructional Materials Adoption
The Pasco County School District is participating in a full-scale K-12 adoption of Science instructional materials aligned to Florida’s State Academic Standards for Science. We would like to invite you to be part of the narrowing team, which serves to review and narrow the materials submitted by publishers during the adoption process.
To submit your interest for an opportunity to serve on the narrowing team, please complete this form. There is an 8-10 evening commitment for this work. A detailed list of courses to be reviewed, dates, and times of narrowing team commitments are available on the instructional materials adoption website. The deadline to submit your interest is September 20, 2024. Parents/guardians selected through the randomized screening process will be notified by October 7 via email. We appreciate your partnership in this very important work.
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Bulldog Bark Newsletter and for being our partner in your child’s education.
Joshua Borders
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
(813) 794-6500
Events of the Week:
Monday 9/23:
Make up Testing
Tennis after school 2pm-3:30pm
Volleyball game vs. Pasco Middle (Home)
Tuesday 9/24:
Pep Rally - Last Hour
Football Game vs. Pasco Middle (Home)
- Kickoff is at 6:30
- Students who attend must be picked up by 8pm
Volleyball practice 2pm-4pm
Wednesday 9/25:
Make up Testing
SVB Tennis After school 2pm-3:30pm
Volleyball & Football Practice 2pm-4pm
Thursday 9/26:
Football & Volleyball Practice 2pm-4pm
Friday 9/27:
Football & Volleyball Practice 2pm-4pm
Things to Know:
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Contact us: 813-794-6500