DRES Family Message
September 11, 2022
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Good Afternoon DRES Family,
In remembrance of September 11, 2001, DRES thanks all of the first responders and military family and friends that risk their lives daily to protect and help us. We are grateful for you.
We will have a moment of silence tomorrow during our Morning Message in remembrance of 9/11.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read over some DRES announcements and upcoming information.
Have a good afternoon,
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Your children have learned about the following leadership habits:
1. Fearless- Being willing to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone.
2. Adapt- We are able to adjust to different situations, especially when they are out of our control.
3. Care- We're willing to put in the effort to show everyone we're serious about reaching our goals.
We have 3 APEX Leaders on campus each day to teach the leadership habits to each classroom, play with the students during recess, and pass out prizes earned. They have been a great addition to the school environment and are connecting well with our students!
We are a little less than halfway to our goal of raising $25,000 for our school. The funds we earn will go towards enhancing our school security, technology upkeep, Teacher Appreciation, and other ways to support our DRES School Family.
Keep bringing in those pledges!
APEX REMIX Final Event
8:45-9:15 AM- 1st Grade
9:30-10:00 AM- PreK- Kindergarten
10:15-10:45 AM- 2nd Grade
11:00-11:30 AM- 4th Grade
12:30-1:00 PM- 5th Grade
1:20-1:50 PM- 3rd Grade
The REMIX event will have music, low light, and glow sticks.
Bus Discipline Changes for WCPSS
District-provided transportation is offered to eligible riders. For the safety of all, students are required to follow certain rules to maintain the opportunity to use this service.
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Sit in your assigned seat
- Use a quiet talking voice
- Remain seated
- Follow driver’s instructions
- Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the stop time
- Wait at the bus stop in an orderly manner in a safe location
- Follow loading, crossing rules, and procedures
- Do not bring inappropriate items on the bus or cab
- No hitting and no fighting
- Be totally silent at railroad crossings
- Keep the bus or cab clean
Consequences for Bus Referrals:
1st referral- Action by school admin
2nd referral- 0-3 day bus suspension
3rd referral- 1-5 day bus suspension
4th referral- 1-10 day bus suspension
5th referral- Susp remainder of year
If your child tends to get bus referrals, we are needing to work together to make sure they can continue to stay on the school bus, especially if they do not have another way to get to school. Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right.
Read more detailed information here: https://www.wcpss.net/Page/53041
1 ID Card- $9
2 ID Cards- $12
4 ID Cards- $15
Each Additional Card After 4- $3
If you are interested and haven't received the envelope yet, please contact your child's teacher.
Campus Clean Up- Saturday, September 17- 9:00am-12:00pm
Come join us for our School Grounds Clean Up Day this Saturday, September 17 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Some clean up needs:
Scrub cafeteria walls.
Pick up trash around the outside of the school.
Build/fix picnic tables.
Pull weeds.
Pressure Wash Cafe Tables
Trim branches.
Items to Bring:
Pressure Washer
Scrubbing sponges
Garden Gloves
Branch Trimmers
Quarter 1 Dates
9-6 to 9-16- Apex Fundraiser
9-16-22- Apex REMIX Event
9-17-22- School Grounds Clean Up Day 9am-12pm- Come help us clean up our school!!
9-22-22- McTeacher Night 4:30-7:30pm- 9698 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615
9-26-22- PTA Meeting 6:30pm- DRES Media Center
9-30-22- Last Day of Quarter 1
10-3 to 10-24-22- Track Out
September 26 PTA Meeting- 6:30pm
Cafeteria Volunteers
Join the PTA
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- We are working towards a goal of 275 members - if we hit this, every child will get a DRES water bottle sticker
- Join by Sept 30th to be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card
Title 1 Video
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
November 10
December 5
December 21
March 24
May 9