Sycamore Canyon Family Newsletter
October 20, 2024
Fall Carnival
Thank you to PTA, all our incredible volunteers, the multitude of donations, and our amazing community who created a memorable Fall Carnival on Saturday! We are so lucky to have such a dedicated group of families. Thank you!
Parking Lot/Drop Off Reminders
- In order to keep traffic flowing in the morning we are asking parents to remember if your student needs help getting out of the car, please park and help your students out.
- If you are parking in the handicap stalls, please have your Handicap Placard clearly displayed.
- Please keep your speed slow in the parking lot. We have many little students walking with parents in the parking lot.
If you have questions about any of these procedures, please contact the office.
Thank you!
Before & After School Reminders
If you wish to make an appointment to see your child's teacher, please email or call the teacher. Please do not just duck into their classrooms before or after school. They are preparing their day or the next day's lessons and need that time to prepare. If you have questions about items that might have been left in the classroom at the end of the day, please check in the office first, and we can help call the classroom for you. Thank you!
ELP Food Drive
- Help our ELP students scare hunger! Our Expanded Learning Programs 4th - 8th grade students participate in the WE Scare Hunger campaign to raise awareness on the issue of food insecurity, collect food for local food banks, and help create a world where no one goes hungry. Donate canned food items at your school site's ELP location through October 24. All donations will go to the Santee Food Bank.
Kids Free October
- There is no better time to be a kid in San Diego than right now in October, when the Kids Free San Diego returns! Kids aged 12 and under can get free admission into more than 50 local museums. aquariums gardens, historic sites and other attractions, including theme parks like LEGOLAND California, SeaWorld San Diego, the San Diego Zoo & San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Sesame Place San Diego, Belmont Park and more. Explore the SAVINGS and the FUN at https://sandiegomuseumcouncil.org/specials/kidsfree/.
PRIDE Assisting our Community (P.A.C.) Room
- The PRIDE Assisting our Community (P.A.C.) Room is open and available to all families in the district. If you are in need of toiletry or household items for any member of your family, please contact PRIDE Academy’s school social worker or make a appointment to visit the P.A.C. Room at https://bit.ly/3yWbH5s.
Positive Parenting Program Webinar: Raising Teenagers
- Join us for the next Positive Parenting Program Webinar: Raising Teenagers. This is a free, online parenting series to learn to better manage misbehavior, improve your parent-teen relationship, and reduce stress for the entire family. Dates: October 16 & 23 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Register at https://bit.ly/4esV297.
WeTip - Crime Reporting
- The Santee School District is now working with WeTip as a crime reporting solution. WeTip provides a completely anonymous reporting solution that gives you a platform to help fight crime, bullying, and other forms of misconduct that you witness. WeTip’s dedicated solution gives you a safe route directly to the right people in the district so we can help uncover and correct any problems or misconduct quickly. To report a crime:
- Call 844.619.1837; call centers are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year
- Text REPORT to 844.619.1837
- Visit https://www.wetip.com/submit-a-crime-tip/
- Click on the WeTip button at the bottom of the district and/or your school’s website
Opt-In for Emergency Texts
Staying in touch during an emergency is crucial. Opt-in for text messages for a convenient way to stay up-to-date during an emergency.
Text "Yes" to 67587.
Learn more.Stay Informed
Email: infoSC@santeesd.net
Website: https://sc.santeesd.net/
Location: 10201 Settle Road, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 956-5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SYCCAN