2024-05-20 - RPS E-News
May 20, 2024 - BOE Meeting Summary

Retirement Recognitions
The Board of Education thanked retirees Joyce Cerbasi, Mary Lou Handy, Suzanne Silvetti, and Sandra Kunzel.
Joyce Cerbasi - GWMS - A giver and nurturer who guided thousands of students in her time with GWMS, Ms. Cerbasi is retiring after 25 years in public education. Before teaching, she worked at her father's garden center and opened a greenhouse, attending Bergen Community College for Horticulture. She went back to school for her undergraduate degree in English and a K-8 certification. Ms. Cerbasi has a Master's Degree in Multicultural Education and one in School Administration. Joyce officially began a 25-year career in public education. She taught numerous grades from first through eighth grade and served as the K-5 staff developer in Ridgewood for 7 years. Thank you, Ms. Cerbasi.
Mary Lou Handy - GWMS - Prior to joining the world of public education, Ms. Handy worked as the Medical Director of Admissions for Cornell University. On the sidelines of baseball games , Ms. Handy began speaking with fellow parent, George Neville, the then principal at George Washington Middle School. Through conversation, he encouraged her to interview for a position, which she accepted, beginning her career at Ridgewood in 1999. She led a Stepping Stones program, focusing on elective courses that enhanced problem-solving, public speaking, and passion projects. Ms. Handy is also well known for her development of the Cambodia Club, which supports and improves the lives of students and families in Cambodia. With her guidance, this club has expanded across the entire school district. Thank you, Ms. Handy.
Suzanne Zilvetti - GWMS - After 35 years in education, Suzanne Zilvetti is retiring after 25 years in Ridgewood as the Godwin House 8th-grade science teacher at George Washington Middle School. Ms. Zilvetti’s passion for education and all of the amazing scientific phenomena that occur in the natural world is what she will be most remembered for. Her genuine excitement for astronomical and geological events is contagious to both students and colleagues. Her enthusiasm and passion for science combined with her dedication to her students and colleagues will be greatly missed by the science department and the GWMS community. Thank you, Ms. Zilvetti.
Sandy Kunzle - RHS - After 32 years in education, Ms. Kunzle is retiring from her position as a biology teacher at Ridgewood High School. In 1992, Ms. Kunzle entered Ridgewood Public Schools as a student teacher. After graduation, she left for a brief period before returning as a Biology teacher in 1995. Ms. Kunzle has been a leader in the science department and is always willing to assist colleagues and share her extensive experiential knowledge. For the last 10 years, Ms. Kunzle has been the coordinator of the Ridgewood Academy for Health Professions (RAHP), where she collaborated with members of Valley Hospital to provide students with explorations and research opportunities in the health professions. Thank you, Ms. Kunzle.
RAHP Student Presentation: Mason Fraiman, RHS
RHS student Mason Fraiman presented on his Study on the Effectiveness of AUGi on Different In-Patient Hospital Units. View the presentation below or on the BOE webcast.
Recognition of Student Representative Sarah Bronstein
Superintendent Dr. Mark Schwarz and the Board of Education recognized and thanked RHS student Sarah Bronstein for her service this year as the student representative to the Board of Education. Sarah consistently provided updates that were insightful, informative, and timely. Best of luck at the University of Wisconsin, Sarah! The full resolution can be viewed on the meeting agenda or on the meeting webcast.
Dr. Schwarz also welcomed Harrison Burns as the new student representative. Welcome Harrison!
Student Representative Report
Sarah Bronstein - RHS Student
- College T-Shirt Day is May 31st
- Celebration of the Arts is May 23rd
- DECA Nationals - two groups placed in top 20, another in the top 10
- Project Interact - worked on Project Mayfair and they will be helping with the American Legion flag placement and the Memorial Day Run
- RHS Flag Football Tournament is June 5th
- Green Teams continue to work on their Sustainability Projects and a more sustainable RHS
- RHS Track and Field teams Banquet on June 2
- RHS Graduation Signs were received on May 7th
- RHS Prom is June 7th at The Grove
- NJSLA Testing for juniors on May 20th-21st
- No School May 24th through 28th to honor Memorial Day and all veterans
- Jazz in the Wood was May 19th
- RHS Band held car wash on May 18th to raise money for the band program
- A cappella concert is tonight
- RHS boys and girls track and field were county champions
- Thank you, BOE, for this opportunity and to Mr. Nyhuis and all of the teachers that helped me become a better public speaker.
- Good Luck, Harrison!
Superintendent Report
- Congratulations to the retirees and honorees
- Congratulations to Sarah
- Welcome Harrison
- Faculty, thank you for coming tonight
- Our State of the Schools Address was last week. The presentation and recorded presentation are on the website.
Attendance at Conferences
Conference attendances were approved.
The Board approved the administration portion of the agenda and the addendum:
- Receipt of Suspensions and Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Reports.
- Continuation of Position of Student Representative to the Board
- First Reading of Revised Regulation: Regulation 9120 Public Information Program
- Appointment of Bond Counsel
- Appointment of General Board Counsel
- Appointment of Special Education Counsel
- Appointment of Conflict Special Education Counsel
- Approval: Renewal for Student Accident Insurance through Bob McClosky Insurance
- Approval: Consulting Agreement with IMAC Insurance Management & Consulting
- Appointment: Affirmative Action Officer
- Appointment: Title II ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
- Appointment: Homeless Children Liaison
- Appointments: Title IX Coordinator for the 2024-2025 School Year
- Appointment: Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Coordinator
- Appointment: Chemical Hygiene Officer
- Appointment: Custodian of Records
- Appointment: Data Coordinator
- Appointment: Indoor Air Quality Designee
- Appointment: Integrated Pest Management Coordinator
- Appointment: Right to Know Officer
- Appointment: School Safety Specialist
- Appointment: Substance Awareness Coordinator
- Appointment: Toxic Hazard Preparedness Officer
- Approval: Authorization for the Superintendent to Hire Employees During the Summer Months through September 17, 2024
- Approval: Agreement with Valley Medical Group (VMG) to provide Drug and Alcohol Testing Services
Curriculum and Instruction
- Field Trips listed on Attachment C of the agenda
- Existing Curriculum for the 2024-2025 School Year
- Textbooks for the 2024-2025 School Year
- 2024 Additional Spring and Summer Community School Program
Human Resources
A complete list of appointments, changes of assignments, resignations, retirements, and leaves of absence can be found in the Human Resources section of the agenda and addendum.
Kunzle, Sandra Biology Teacher RHS 30 07/01/24
REA Resolution
The REA resolution was amended and approved, and approved a memorandum of Agreement establishing terms and conditions for a successor collective negotiations agreement between the Ridgewood Board of Education and the Ridgewood Educators’ Association effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028.
A complete list of approvals can be found in the Finance section of the agenda.
Thank you to:
- David Rosen $1,000 To be used to enhance the Ridgewood Unified Programs.
- Learning Services Home and School Association $210 To be used to pay for the STEPSS students to attend the May 15, 2024 Rockland Boulders game.
- Ridgewood Alpine Race Team, Inc. $6,989 To be used to pay for the cost of ski buses during the 2023-2024 winter season.
- Somerville HSA $2,160 (gift in kind) A gift in kind of t-shirts for staff as part of the community culture building initiative.
- WJCA Inc. $750 To be used to enhance the Mental Health Awareness Day at Benjamin Franklin Middle School in the 2024-2025 school year.
- O’Gorman Brothers, Inc. $500 To be used to enhance the Mental Health Awareness
- DBA Bathfitter Day at Benjamin Franklin Middle School in the 2024-2025 school year.
- John and Anne Oros Foundation $500 The Jack Stroker Scholarship Award fund.
- Robert and Susan Becker $500 Brian Vanicky Scholarship Fund
- Randy T. Pearce Esq. $500 Brian Vanicky Scholarship Fund
- Timothy Peterson $5,000 Brian Vanicky Scholarship Fund
- Bergen County Directors of Guidance $500 Bergen County Directors of Guidance Scholarship Award Fund.
Resolutions and Motions Not Included in Consent Agenda
The Board approved
- First Reading of Revised Bylaw - Bylaw 0174 Legal Services
Approval of Bills
The Board approved the payment of bills as listed in the agenda.
- Green Ridgewood is partnering with Climatefest.
- Federated HSA is hosting Tech Without Stress (see flyer below)
- Jazz in the Wood - An annual event - Wow!
- State of the Schools - we already discussed, but thank you
- Partnership for Community Wellbeing - growing and focusing on what wellness means
Committee Reports
- Curriculum - Improved course of studies, but looking at data on college admissions and elementary and middle school student house assignments
- Finance - Meeting was focused on syncing up
- Policy - Discussed use of facilities policy, other topics such as fields policy and waiting lists at Glen School will also be addressed
- SEPAG - June 3rd is the next meeting at 9am
Discussion Items
- Glen School enrollments - need to be clear on how registration and wait lists work
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
Monday, May 20, 2024 Regular Public Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2024 Regular Public Meeting