Lenski Weekly Update
September 6th, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Friday!
We hope that you all enjoyed the cooler weather this week.
Many of our students finished their fall iReady assessments this week. This informations provides our staff with a starting point for instruction as it provides us with data on what our students already know and what we can do to extend their learning. iReady testing happens in the fall, winter, and spring.
We hope to see you all at our annual Family Movie on the Lawn tonight! A big thank you to our wonderful PTO for hosting this fun family event!
Have a great weekend!
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
All Music performance dates have been set for the school year, so please mark your calendars and share with family and friends! These performances involve ALL students at their grade level, and the expectation and hope is for ALL students to participate in this BIG DEAL EVENT! Individual information sheets will be coming home with students approximately one month before each performance date. Please reach out to Mrs. Gregory at agregory@lps.k12.co.us if you have any questions or suggestions.
–4th grade
Thursday, October 24, 5:30-6:00 in MPR.
–2nd grade
Tuesday, November 19 in MPR.
Group A (2 classes) = 8:15-8:45
Group B (other 2 classes) = 9:15-9:45.
–5th grade
Thursday, December 5 in MPR. 2 family performances times
Group A (2 groups) = 5:30-6:00
Group B (Combo + 1 group) = 6:30-7:00
–3rd grade
Thursday, February 6, 5:30-6:00 in MPR.
–1st grade
Thursday, February 27 - in the GYMNASIUM
Group A: 1:00-1:30 p.m.
Group B: 2:00-2:30 p.m.
From the Counselors
The beginning of the school year is a great time to establish new routines at home. This can help lower stress for your family.. Here are some strategies to create a school-year routine. More Information
Create a visual schedule of the day. Here are some ideas: Morning Routine Checklist, Back to School Schedule Template
Keep all school materials (Backpack, lunch boxes, etc.) in one place to make them easier to find.
Pick out outfits the night before.
Set up a homework time and location.
Make time for connection! (Schedule 10 minutes to read a book together, turn the radio off in the car and chat about the day, eat breakfast together…or whatever works for your family!)
Shannon Ritchey
Sabine Baez
Recess Parent Pals!
If you are interested in volunteering to help during lunch recesses, we would love to have you! Check in as usual at the kiosk. Then, come into the front office to receive your yellow vest. You may come up with your own game, or click here to preview games with videos. We’ll also have a binder with additional ideas in the office to choose from.
Recess schedule:
Kg 11:15-11:35 (primary playground)
1st 11:35-11:55 (grades 1-5 are on the intermediate playground)
2nd 11:55-12:15
3rd 12:15-12:35
4th 12:35-12:55
5th 12:55-1:15
Check out our NEW amazing shop for all your Lenski gear. Every item is customizable and shipped directly to you. Best of all, 10% of all sales is given back to Lenski.
Go Superstars!
Get your gear here!
Superstars of the Week
Important Dates
September 6th: Annual Family Movie Night on the Lawn
September 10th: Lenski Accountability Meeting
September 20th: LENSKI FUN RUN!
September 27th: No school for students
September 30th-October 4th: Scholastic Book Fair!
October 11th: Donuts with Grownups!
October 14th-October 17th: Fall Conferences
October 17th-October 21st: No school for students
October 22nd: Lenski Accountability Meeting
October 25th: Lenski Trunk-Or-Treat 4:00-5:30pm
October 27th: LPS STRIDE! Register Here!
October 31st: Halloween Parade at 2:15pm