MOH Library Newsletter
January 2025
January 5-Star Quests!
January Library Quest: Favorite Book Snowflakes
Since we didn't have a full month to complete the December quests, we will continue them into January.
Do the library quest and earn 25 5-Star points!
Come into the library, fill out the snowflake with your name, the title of your favorite book, and a 7-word summary of the book. There are examples for you to look at in the library. You can also check out other people's favorite books!
January Strengths Quest: Aztec Strong Poem
Do this quest and earn 25 5-Star points!
Fill out this Aztec Strong Poem based on one of your strengths. You will look at some examples first, then complete your own. You can do this digital version and submit it on this google form, or pick up a hard copy of this in the library.
Many students have already completed the Dec/Jan quests. Come to the library to see their quests along the windows and the book stacks.
Completed Strengths Quests!
Completed Strengths Quests!
Completed Library Quests!
Aztec Book Club!
Candy Cane Races in the Library!
Candy Cane Races in the Library!
Several classes came to the library in December to do the strengths and library quests, and then they participated in candy cane races!
Ms. Milholland's AVID 9 class!
Ms. Milholland's AVID 9 class!
Ms. Milholland's AVID 9 class!
Attention Seniors!
You are responsible to paying off fines for library, textbooks, and technology before you graduate. Do NOT wait until May to make sure you are cleared from the library. Some of you owe things from middle school. You can return items to the MOH library even if it belongs to MOM or another school in our district. We can clear it off your record and return the items to the school it belongs to. If you owe money due to lost or damaged items, we can set up a payment plan for you so you can make monthly payments between now and May instead of trying to pay it all at once at the end of the year. Our library tech, Mr. Hernandez, sends out monthly notices on Jupiter if you owe something. Don't ignore those messages. Come see Ms. Siglin or Mr. Hernandez in the library if you have any questions or if you want to check and see if you owe anything. We are here to help you!
Library Hours and Info
Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:15am-5:00pm, Friday 7:15am - 4:00pm
*Open at nutrition break and lunch!
MAGIC Center Tutoring: Monday - Friday 7:15-8:15am, Monday - Thursday 3:45-5:00pm
Tech Help: We are here to help you with your tech issues, however, our IT tech is not allowed to work on your computer if the case is not on it. Also, if you crack your screen and the case is not on, you will have to pay for the repairs, so keep your case on!
Click here to search for what books we have at our library. https://moh.goalexandria.com/
Check out #bookstagram or #booktok for more book recommendations.
We're Taking Requests!
Is there a book you'd like to read that we don't have in our library? Fill out the request form and we'll do our best to get it if we can, and we'll notify you when it comes in.
New AP Test Prep Section in the Library!
Do you want a little extra help preparing for SAT's or AP tests? We now have test prep books available for students to check out for two weeks at a time. Come check out the selection of materials.
Montgomery High School Library
Mrs. Siglin, MOH Librarian
Email: kerry.siglin@sweetwaterschools.org
Phone: 619-628-3830