Weybridge Family News
December 6th 2024

Weybridge Family News
Weybridge Elementary Calendar
Calendar notes
Wednesday 12/11, 1:00 - Early release - after school care, 1:00-3:00. See info below.
Wednesday 12/18, 2:00 - Band and chorus performance - all are welcome!
Thursday, 12/19 - Gifts for Giving - see info below.
12/21 - 1/1 - Winter Break
Thursday, 1/2 - School reopens
ACSD School Board Meetings - 49 Charles Ave., Middlebury
Monday, December 9, 6:30-8:30
First icy and snowy weather on the playground
Meal Order
Below you will find the form to complete before Monday morning at 7:30am for ordering breakfast and lunch for your student/s. Click on the button and help your child make their food choices for the week. Thank you
Thank you for the Thanksgiving Feast Barbara, Shannon and all our volunteers
Dear Families,
It felt like a whirlwind week. Coming back from vacation, anticipating another, and feeling the wintry cold has shifted the energy a bit. This coming week we have school-based professional development during the early release time. The following week the 4/5 chorus and band will be performing 12/18 at 2:00 in the Common Room. We hope you will join us. Their growth as vocalists and instrumentalists is quite remarkable. Thursday, 12/19, is the day set aside for the beloved Gifts for Giving tradition.
Drop-off reminder: Please do not use the bus lane during drop off time. Most importantly it creates a potential safety hazard as children are crossing to the school. Thanks
Early Release Aftercare, December 11, 1-3pm: Our next early release day is this coming Wednesday. WES students are welcome to participate in aftercare from 1-3 pm. We will offer a PG-rated animated movie and have legos and art supplies available. We plan to watch Inside Out 2 (pending any technical glitches). A light snack will be provided. All are welcome. Just let Samantha know who will be picking up your child if they plan to stay. Thanks!
Playground - the Beaver Lodge: Over vacation, James Landenberger and Mike Newkirk, who worked with the students several years ago to design and construct the castle and the Beaver Lodge, began reconstructing the Beaver Lodge. Besides the construction work last week, there has been a lot of conversation and gathering of the perfect wood for the project. Work will continue, likely into the spring. Thanks to both James and Mike.
Gifts for Giving, a message from FOWE:
Thanks to those who have signed up to volunteer with Gifts for Giving! We still have a few slots left for projects and helpers. Note: If you'd like to do a project you can sign up now and decide your project later and FOWE will cover the cost of needed supplies up to $25.
Gifts for Giving Volunteer Signup
We'd love to see you at this creative and heartwarming event. Erin and Alison
Lunch volunteers: Barbara will be gone for the rest of the month of December, possibly into January. ACSD is providing lunch support, but having a volunteer is extremely helpful. We need coverage next week for Monday, Thursday and Friday. If you can volunteer for even one day, please email Christina cjohnston@acsdvt.org or sign up directly on the calendar. Thank you!
Best, Christina
After care on Early Release Day- Wednesday December 11th
FOWE is working to provide free after-care on early release days for the 24/25 school year.
Our next early release day is Wednesday, December 11.
WES students are welcome to participate in aftercare from 1-3 pm. We will offer a PG-rated animated movie and have legos and art supplies available.
This week we plan to watch Inside Out 2 (pending any technical glitches).
Light snack provided. All are welcome. Just let Samantha know who will be picking up your child if they plan to stay. Thanks!
Icing Containers Wanted!
In the 2-3 Classroom, we have been testing ideas for simple, inexpensive water bottle holders attached to student desks. (We often have quiet, focused work sessions interrupted with the Clunk-Clankety-Clank of metal water bottles falling onto the floor.)
After collecting ideas all summer and testing a few prototypes, we have a design that seems to work pretty well-- an old icing container attached to the desk with velcro. (Thank you, Erica Castle, for suggesting the velcro!)
Now we need more icing containers!
If you ice a cake, please save your icing containers for us!
The 2-3 class thanks you!
State House inspired lego builds from the 4/5
Dear Parent/Guardians,
There continues to be a number of cases of head lice throughout the school. Attached you will find a letter from Nurse Dani about what to look for and what to do if you do discover head lice on your student. We would recommend that you check your child's head for lice and their eggs (nits) this weekend and especially over the Thanksgiving break. Do reach out if you are not sure what you are looking for. We can help.
We appreciate your understanding and diligence,
Best wishes,
Christina and Samantha
Hello ACSD community,
The CDC has reported an increase in Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infections. M.
pneumoniae infections are generally mild and mostly present as a chest cold but may
also present as pneumonia. Symptom onset is typically gradual and can include fever,
persistent cough, and a sore throat.
M. pneumoniae bacteria are spread by inhaling respiratory droplets. Strategies that
prevent respiratory viruses, such as handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes,
prevent these bacteria from spreading. Most people who spend a short amount of time
with someone who is sick with M. pneumoniae don't get infected, however outbreaks
can be prolonged due to:
● the long incubation period of M. pneumoniae, which is between 1-4 weeks
● the ability of the bacteria to persist in the respiratory tract for several months
● the prolonged presence of symptoms such as coughing.
Recommendations from CDC for the public
● Learn about M. pneumoniae symptoms such as fever, headache, and a slowly
worsening cough. Stay aware of who might be at higher risk of severe disease,
including young children, people with asthma or reactive airway disease.
● Protect yourself and others by following core prevention strategies to prevent spread
of M. pneumoniae and other respiratory germs.
● Seek medical care if you or your child has persistent or worsening symptoms of
possible M. pneumoniae infection, such as wheezing or difficulty breathing, especially
if you or they might be at higher risk of developing severe disease.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. More information can be found
at the CDC website.
Be well,
Dani Girard RN, MSN
Pokémon Pop-Up Museum by Middlebury College Biology Students
When: Dec 7, 2024, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: The Great Hall in McCardell Bicentennial Hall
276 Bicentennial Way Middlebury, VT 05753
(Parking is available in the lot on Bicentennial Way)
Come visit our Pokémon-inspired research center and museum! Middlebury students are creating an immersive community outreach and engagement experience for Vermonters of all ages who love learning about wildlife and the world of Pokémon. Visitors can touch specimens, ask questions, play games, and collect prizes by speaking with student experts on insects, mammals, and more. Costumes are welcome—we’ll be dressed up, too!
Addison Central SEPAC
Learn more about the SEPAC at https://www.addisoncentralsepac.org/.
Sign up for SEPAC updates here.WHO WE ARE:
The Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an organization led by parents (defined broadly) that focuses on improving the education and experiences of students with special needs and disabilities in the Addison Central School District (ACSD). (Learn more at: www.AddisonCentralSEPAC.org)
Support families through information, events, and community.
Collect community input and help district leaders understand the concerns of families and students.
Collaborate with ACSD to improve district policies and practices.
Don’t miss out on SEPAC resources and events! Sign up for updates at the link below.
The link to the bus routes are below and on the ACSD website. Please be waiting at your stop 5 minutes before the approximate bus stop time. Younger students will need their parent at pick up and drop off.
Engage and Connect!
TELEPHONE: 802-545-3302
FAX: 802-545-3305