RHMS Buffalo Blast
April 22 - 26, 2024
HIV/AIDS/Consent Presentation - 8th Grade Students
Friday, May 3, our 8th grade students will take part in a HIV/AIDS/Consent presentation sponsored by the Pittsburg County Health Department. This presentation will address how HIV/AIDS can be transmitted and the potential dangers to one's health. In addition, Ambra Gibson, RN, will discuss topics on "age of consent" and Oklahoma laws associated with age of consent.
If you would like to view the slideshow that will be presented to our 8th graders, please click the link below.
If you would like to opt your child out of the presentation, please click and print the opt out form and return to the RHMS office by May 1.
A Note From Ms. Miller...
Before School Tutoring
Morning tutoring will be available in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:45 with Mrs. McElhany and Mrs. Burgess.
Morning Tardies - Our first bell rings at 7:40am with 1st hour starting at 7:45. If a student is late, they will need to enter through the front doors, check in on the kiosk and go to 1st hour where they will be marked tardy.
Class Tardies - Per the District Handbook, if a student receives 3 tardies in a class, the student will receive a detention. We have extended our passing time this year to accommodate our students, therefore the shouldn't be any reason for students to be tardy to class ;)
Research proves that attendance is vital and plays a pivotal role in the academic success of students.For students that are chronically absent, our CAT (Chronic Absentee Team) will be making visits to homes of students with 7 or more absences. It is state law that students are to miss no more than 9 days a semester, absences exceeding this number are reflective on the school's State Report Card and will be referred to the District Attorney. Research shows there is a direct correlation between student's attendance and academic achievement in school. We thank you in advance for helping us ensure your child's academic success.
Have a BUFFALO Day!
Caroline Miller
Water Bottles
Student Activities
Monday -
Tuesday - 7th & 8th State Reading Test; Tennis v. Carlton Landing; 8th Baseball @ Red Oak; 7th Baseball @ Hartshorne
Wednesday - 8th State Writing TestThursday - 8th Baseball @ Pryor
Friday - 8th State Science Test
Upcoming Events
April 23 - 7th & 8th Reading State Test
April 24 - 8th Writing State Test
April 26 - 8th Science State Test
April 30 - 7th & 8th Math State Test
May 15 - 8th gr Promotion Ceremony, 10:00am; 7th gr Awards Assembly, 1:30
May 16 - Last Day of School
Randy Hughes Middle School
Email: cmiller@mcalester.k12.ok.us
Website: www.mcalester.k12.ok.us
Location: 1717 E. Van Buren Avenue, McAlester, OK, United States
Phone: (918) 423-1509
Facebook: facebook.com/randyhughesmiddle