Board Bulletin
March 8, 2024

School Board Accepts Bids for Additional Facility Improvements
The big picture: The School Board has approved the final set of construction bids for this spring’s school improvement projects that will be funded by the voter-approved referendum.
Zoom in: The School Board recently accepted construction bids for:
Washington Elementary School: Secure entrance
Bridges Community School: Secure entrance
What’s next: Construction has already commenced at the Center For Learning and will start this spring at Dakota Meadows Middle School, Roosevelt Elementary, Washington Elementary and Bridges Community School. Watch for information coming from your school with respect to any impacts construction will have on things like traffic and entrances. A website (including webcams for some larger projects) will also be established to keep the public up to speed on our progress. The remainder of our bond facility projects are in design and will be bid later this year for construction in 2025.
School Board Presents Legislative Platform
The big picture: The state of Minnesota, through our Legislature, makes up the largest source of funding and regulations for public education. Each year, Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) adopts a legislative platform to guide our advocacy priorities in working with our region’s representatives to the Legislature.
Zoom in: This year’s legislative platform includes several priorities including:
Calling on the Legislature to clarify the school resource officer (SRO) law.
Ensuring MAPS can prioritize spending money in the classroom by asking the state to fund costly new requirements on school districts passed last year.
Provide flexibility to school districts to advance career readiness and work-based learning initiatives.
Supporting efforts to grow our future teacher workforce by empowering talent already in our buildings.
Providing resources for mental health and early childhood.
- Advocacy: Our School Board and many members of our school community recently presented the legislative platform in a meeting with Senator Frentz and Representatives Brand and Frederick. In addition, our School Board will participate in the Minnesota School Boards Association Legislative Day at the Capitol later this month.
Growing our Own Teachers
The big picture: Nationwide, schools are finding it increasingly difficult to find enough qualified teachers. MAPS is not immune from this challenge. Since we know that the most important component of a high-quality education is a high-quality teacher, MAPS is upping our game to recruit and retain our future workforce.
Growing our own: Our school district is taking great strides to identify our next teachers from among our own ranks - whether they be students or current staff that don’t have a teaching license.
Supporting pathways to teaching for our students: Through a grant in partnership with Minnesota State University, Mankato, MAPS is supporting current high school students exploring the teaching profession - including an introduction to education course offered at our high schools. In addition, the grant supports hiring a navigator to help guide and inform students of opportunities, scholarships, classes and work experiences that fit within the education pathway.
- Supporting pathways to teaching for our current staff: MAPS is piloting a new ‘teacher in residence’ program with current employees who are in a student support role and working to get their teaching license. Under this program, when these individuals reach the student teaching portion of their undergraduate work, rather than have them resign their positions and lose their income, the ‘teacher in residence’ program keeps them employed in MAPS while fulfilling their student teaching responsibilities. This is a win-win situation, especially if their student teaching experience is successful and MAPS is interested in retaining them as full-time teachers. MAPS also recently received a Special Educator Pipeline Grant that will allow us to support existing staff that want to become special education teachers.
Project Success Launches at Middle Schools
The big picture: In January, MAPS was proud to implement Project Success programming at Dakota Meadows and Prairie Winds Middle Schools.
Zoom in: For over 30 years, Project Success has been helping Twin Cities students find purpose and passion. Last summer MAPS was invited to be the program’s very first expansion outside of Minneapolis. Project Success leaders were attracted to MAPS’ commitment to including all students in relevant learning opportunities and for the intentional steps the school district has taken in improving the sense of belonging for ALL students.
- What it will mean: Project Success facilitators meet monthly with all students, engaging in classroom activities that build trust and positive relationships amongst peers, all while helping students think and plan for their future. Project Success invites all students to participate in field trips and out of school activities, and works with school leaders to develop high interest opportunities for students. Programming is supported through the school district’s Achievement and Integration plan.
The Kindness Booth
The big picture: The Greater Mankato Area United Way and Capstone Publishing generously donated a book to all MAPS first graders.
Zoom In: The Kindness Booth was written by local author Laura Murray and is an encouraging story that follows a group of friends on a mission to brighten their neighborhood through acts of kindness.
Giving Thanks: Our School Board wishes to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in this amazing expansion of the literacy partnership between the school district and the Greater Mankato Area United Way.
Construction Commences at the MAPS Center for Learning
The big picture: The third and final phase of construction at the MAPS Center for Learning started in late February. This project is funded by the school facilities bond approved in November and represents a pivotal opportunity to expand preschool and early learning opportunities for our community, which research shows leads to improved academic and student success in Elementary grades and beyond.
Zoom in: This phase is poised to bring a host of transformative additions, including:
An additional classroom pod and childcare pod will provide educational and extended care services for families.
Renovated gym floors will promote physical activity and wellness among students.
A full-service production kitchen will enable additional local farm to table produce options for our students district-wide.
Location of our nutrition services offices, a printshop, and the district warehouse will increase administrative efficiency.
What’s next: Construction is expected to last through mid-August.
MAPS Receives Grant for Solar at Middle Schools
The big picture: The Minnesota Department of Commerce has awarded MAPS a Solar for Schools grant that will place solar panels at Dakota Meadows and Prairie Winds Middle Schools.
- Zoom in: The grant, totaling $84,000 for each site, will support installation of solar panels that will generate 40 kilowatts of electricity. This project will support the district’s sustainability goals and lower electricity costs by more than $10,000 at each site. Even more importantly, it will serve as hands-on educational tools for our students and will be integrated into our math and science curriculums.
School Board Hears Reports From Several Schools and Departments
The big picture: Our School Board recently heard presentations from Central High/Freedom School, PEEK Middle School, Rosa Parks Elementary, Washington Elementary, Adult Basic Education, and the MAPS Instructional Support Team on their performance and key initiatives they are pursuing to advance learning and the student experience.
Zoom in: You can view each of these entities presentations below:
Nominations Open for the Spirit of Youth Awards
The big picture: As a public school system, we know that our success truly requires the commitment of our community to shape the future of our kids. The Spirit of Youth Awards recognizes those in our community whose impact goes above and beyond expectations, creating a lasting standard and legacy in youth development.
Get your nominations in: Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 awards. These awards are presented by the Mankato Area Public Schools Community Education Advisory Council. https://www.mankatocer.com/ref/spirit-of-youth-award
New COVID-19 Guidelines
The big picture: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidelines for those who test positive for COVID.
Zoom in: People who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to routinely stay away from others for at least five days. The CDC now says people who have COVID-19 should stay home until they’ve been fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours and their symptoms have been improving for 24 hours. After that, it’s fine to resume regular activities.
MAPS Staff & Student Spotlight
Student Spotlight
We appreciate Lucy for her continual positivity and helpfulness. She inspires all students to use their Bridges 3B’s - Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.
Staff Spotlight
Out and About
School Board member Kari Pratt served as a judge at this year’s Bridges Community School Spelling Bee. This year’s winner is Avery, pictured here with Kari.
Board chair Shannon Sinning participated in the Kindness Booth book distribution at Eagle Lake Elementary while Board members Chris Kind and Patrick Baker participated at Roosevelt Elementary.
Board member Patrick Baker attended the Greater Mankato Growth Annual Meeting.
Board member Patrick Baker attended the performance of the Mankato East and West Concert Choirs at the Minnesota Music Educators Association Conference. He’s pictured with the Mankato West Choir Director Claire Baker and Clayton Reedstrom who composed one of the songs and serves as lead cook at Mankato East.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
2-hour Early Out (K-12)
Monday, March 18, 2024
5:30 p.m. - School Board Meeting - Mankato Room
Friday, March 22, 2024 - End of 3rd Quarter
No School (Grades K-5)
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29, 2024
No School (Grades K-12)
Monday, April 1, 2024
5:30 p.m. - School Board Meeting - Mankato Room
Mankato Area Public Schools
Email: maps@isd77.org
Website: www.isd77.org
Location: 10 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-387-1868
Facebook: facebook.com/ISD77MAPS
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS