Saucon Valley High School
Weekly Updates
SVHS exceeds the Growth Standard in PDE PVAAS release!
On November 3rd the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) released PVAAS district, school, and teacher growth reporting based on the 2021-22 Keystone content areas. The Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS) is a statistical analysis used to measure a district’s, school’s, or teacher’s influence on the academic progress rates of groups of students from year to year.
We are proud to report Saucon Valley High School performed Well Above in Algebra, Biology and Literature. This means there is Significant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard. More information about PVAAS is available here.
November 7th and 8th -High School Audion Schedule
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th and our Audion will be used.
Thursday November 10th - Saucon Valley Special Education Alliance
Friday November 11th - Veterans Day
The Saucon Valley High School community would like to thank all Veterans for their selfless service to our country. On Friday, we honor all those who have served. Everyone is encouraged to wear red, white, and blue for a Veterans Spirit Day.
Special thank you to our Saucon Valley Veterans. We are proud of you and appreciate your commitment, sacrifice, and patriotism. Pictured: Custodians Eric Cooper (Navy) and Tom Reading (Army); Board members: Colonel Shawn Welch (Army), Bryan Eichfeld (Navy), and Mike Karabin (Army).
Information for the Class of 2023 is now available!
Senior students held a class meeting on Thursday, November 3rd.
Information concerning Cap & Gown orders was shared. Graduating Seniors must complete a Cap & Gown order for our Commencement Ceremony. Students will need to order the cap, gown, and tassel. Please make sure to indicate the correct height and weight so that you receive the correct size for the gown. If you need financial assistance, please contact the Saucon Valley High School Office. Information is available on our Senior website:
College and Career Readiness
College and Career Readiness class and the counseling department will be taking all Junior students to NCC over the course of 3 days to view college programs and discuss Dual Enrollment options. This will occur on November 7, 8, and 9th, the cost is free to students, and they can bring lunch or buy lunch at the college. Students unable to attend, will be assigned an alternate project to document required forms of evidence.
All 11th grade students will be getting an email from Mrs. Alderfer about when they will be going on the field trip. The students will leave at the beginning of 2nd period and return around 2:00 PM. Students will wait for school to be dismissed in the auditorium. All students need to complete the pre-survey, even if they are not attending the field trip. Students that attend will be assigned a short survey to complete when they return from the trip. Students that do not attend the trip will have to complete a research project about the programs at NCC. The project and surveys are mandatory.
Due to the junior class field trips to Northampton Community College, Senior College and Career Ready will not meet next week. Please use this time to focus on getting your 3rd job shadowing experience scheduled. We will have classes the week of 11/14 and will send out the schedule by the end of next week. In the meantime, if you have any questions about college applications or post high school planning, please set up a meeting with Ms. Fisher and Mr. Shirk.
College Visits
The following colleges are visiting Saucon Valley High School this week. College representative visits are a great way to learn more about colleges you are interested in and are also an excellent tool to connect with admissions offices of colleges you are applying to. If you are interested in attending any of these visits, please register through Naviance. Contact Ms. Fisher if you have any questions.
Savannah College of Art & Design - SCAD
Mon November 7, 2022 12:00 PM
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
Tue November 8, 2022 10:00 AM
DeSales University
Tue November 8, 2022 11:00 AM
Central Connecticut State University
Tue November 8, 2022 12:00 PM
Arcadia University
Wed November 9, 2022 9:00 AM
Allegheny College
Thu November 10, 2022 8:00 AM
Cross Country State Championships
Students congratulated cross country teammates Olivia Bortz and Isabella Johnstone on their trip to Hershey for the State Championship with Coach Ed Kolosky!
Comprehensive Physical Education
Naturalization Court Ceremony
National Honor Society
Pie Fundraiser for Girls Lacrosse
Saucon Valley Girls Lacrosse is selling pies! Proceeds from the sale benefit the team.
Available varieties are pumpkin custard, apple crumb and blueberry crumb pie. All of the 9” inch pies are homemade and $18 each.Orders are due Saturday, Nov. 12 for pickup at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23 at Saucon Valley High School. To place an order, email Jane Hoff at
See's Candies Fundraiser
The sophomore class is holding a See's Candies fundraiser from October 24th through November 29th. They are currently raising funds for a down payment for the 2024 prom. All orders will be shipped directly to the customer. All holiday themed products will ship on/after November 11th. Please share with family and friends.
Dine and Donate for MiniTHON
Athletic Updates
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Schoology Parent Account
Our Learning Management System, Schoology, will play a central role in teaching and learning. With Schoology, students can connect virtually to instruction, digitally submit assignments, participate in interactive activities, receive feedback, and connects directly to other platforms such as Seesaw. We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to sign up for a Parent Account to support your child's learning within the platform. Follow these instructions to create a Parent Account using the unique access code in your welcome email.
Safe2Say is a youth violence prevention program. The program teaches youth how to recognize warning signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late.
Resources for Parents
Saucon Valley High School
Walter Pawlowski
High School Principal
Location: 2097 Polk Valley Road, Hellertown, PA 18055, USA
Phone: 610.838.7001