Fabulous Fridays!
August 2nd, 2024
A newsletter of gifted education serving Ada, Botkins, Ft. Loramie, Jackson Center, Hardin-Houston, Hardin Northern, Indian Lake, Jackson Center, Ridgemont, Riverside, Russia, Sidney, Tipp City, and Upper Scioto Valley schools.
Gifted PD Offerings
Destination Imagination '24-'25
Legislative/ Testing Updates
Reminders and Timeline
Gifted PD Offerings
Destination: Imagination! Celebration and Opportunity!
DI Coordination includes:
- On-Site Recruitment and training of DI coaches ("Team Managers") for all MRESC districts taking gifted services;
- Facilitation of all DI processes with team managers (obtaining team numbers, paperwork, etc.);
- Tastes of DI offered to all districts taking gifted services;
- Ongoing support for team managers throughout the season (suggested schedules; email reminders; and additional support);
- Training days on-site at districts for the following events: instant challenge training; team manager training;
- Expert connection with DI leaders across the state/ nation (for times when teams qualify for state/ national competitions); and
- Representation of our counties on the regional governing board and facilitation communication at the regional level.
Legal Update: Gifted Operating Standards
Below are the updates to the gifted rule (official adoption coming in 30-60 days). I will be setting meetings with districts' administrative teams ASAP to look at these items and update our policies, plans, and practices to match these updated requirements!
1. No-Services Letters: Update, 8/19 ~ These are still up in the air. The newest filing has added the NS letters back into the operating standards.
2. Ongoing PD: the newly updated rule states on p. 9 that teachers serving gifted students who have completed the initially required 60 hours must, after that:
"participate in on-going, specialized, training in gifted education each year thereafter;"
"document specialized training in gifted education on the IPDP, or by other methods as determined by the department and monitored by the district;" and
"participate in regularly scheduled collaborative planning in curriculum development and instruction with an educator who holds licensure or endorsement in gifted education."
PD must be provided by gifted experts
3. Planning time: p. 11 of the Rule states that, "Gifted intervention specialists and general education teachers providing service in a co-teaching setting will be provided with regularly scheduled collaborative planning time."
- Additionally, classroom teachers serving the WEP must, "participate in regularly scheduled collaborative planning in curriculum development and instruction with an educator who holds licensure or endorsement in gifted education" (p. 9).
- Districts must document the specialized training that classroom teachers servicing the WEP receive (p.9).
4. WEP/ Progress reporting:
a. parent input: “reasonable attempt at the commencement of services and each year thereafter to obtain parent input and parent signature on WEP.”
b. The WEP must include: "methods and performance measurements for evaluating the goals specified;" "methods and schedule for reporting progress to students and parents;" and, "an explanation of how the gifted services meet the student's documented strengths, educational needs, and goals for the student" (p.6).
5. Services:
Gifted cluster: minimum three (3), maximum twenty (20); similar areas of ID
(Examples: ELA/SS/ Cog, math/sci/ cog); waivers are available where fewer than three
students are identified.
6. Testing:
a. Required screening areas: reading, math, superior cognitive (Whole-grade screenings of creativity, social studies, and science are no longer required.)
b. Grade bands remain the same (once in K-2; once in 3-6)
Erica will be reaching out to each administrative team taking gifted services to plan any needed adaptations/ changes to our current service models. Once these meetings occur, we will update the gifted policy and plan for each district. Once finalized, each district's Board of Education must approve the gifted policy and plan.
Updated Gifted Assessment List: please note that issues with the CogAT are being addressed by OAGC/ state advocacy. Click here.
Items and Timeline!
On August 7th, your administrative team members will be receiving an important email from me. This will highlight many of the necessary items for the school year. We will refer to this email when we meet as a team later in August. Please review and come to the meeting with any questions!
In addition, please make sure your administrative assistants are aware that our team (Cheyenne Kroeker and Kim leach) will be reaching out for the following information:
- Student counts for tested grade levels (share w/ Cheyenne & Kim)
- Student addresses for tested grade levels (share w/ Cheyenne & Kim)
- Updates to new teaching staff (share w/ Cheyenne & Kim)
All content (c) 2024 Erica Baer-Woods, MRESC Director of Student Achievement. ebaer-woods@mresc.org
Midwest Regional Educational Service Center
Our Vision/Mission: The Midwest Regional Educational Service Center serves and supports students, families, and districts as an innovative educational partner.
Email: ebaer-woods@mresc.org
Website: www.mresc.org/gifted
Location: Gifted Education, Sidney Office, 129 East Court Street, Sidney, Ohio 45365
Phone: 937-498-1354, x7004