Richmond Elementary E-News
December 6, 2024
Spotlight on Music
Our kindergarten musicians continue to move to the steady beat and explore the four ways we use our voice: whispering, talking, shouting, and singing. 1st grade musicians continue to explore musical opposites and basic rhythm patterns, using classroom instruments, and have begun learning the first song for their music performance. Our 2nd grade musicians are soon to complete a unit on dynamics, adding the concepts of crescendos and decrescendos to their music vocabulary, and playing games and instruments to show their learning. 3rd grade musicians are working to sing and play Do, Re, and Mi on xylophones and are exploring how notes can move by steps, leaps, and repeat. Our 4th grade musicians continue to gain proficiency playing the recorder, having learned to play the notes B, A, and G, and play simple melodies such as “Hot Cross Buns” as a class ensemble. 5th grade musicians are exploring harmony on Orff instruments, learning about 6/8 meter, and are looking forward to the ukulele unit beginning in January.
This school year, D303 1st and 3rd graders will participate in a music performance for their families at their elementary school. At Richmond, we are excited to announce our performance dates!
Richmond Music Performances:
1st Grade: March 11 @ 6:00 pm
3rd Grade: March 24 @ 6:00 pm
Spotlight on Art
Students in the Tiger Paw ART studio have been creating in clay! Each grade has learned a different technique for building, for example using coils or slabs. Fifth grade created relief tiles, fourth grade created coil pottery, third grade created initial tiles, second grade created a slab house, first grade created a pinch pot, and kindergarten created relief slab ornaments. This week students are busy glazing their clay pieces and after one more firing in the kiln their amazing work will be coming home right before holiday break so please be on the lookout!
CogAT Reports
3rd and 5th grade families - CogAT reports will go home in backpacks the week of 12/9. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Picture Retake
Retake Picture Day is 12/12/2024! If you're satisfied with your child's picture, no further action is required.
If you purchased and were unhappy with your Picture Package, please send your Picture Package to school with your student on Retake Day. Your Retake Picture Package will be produced and shipped to the school four weeks after Retake Day. Please note, if your child is photographed on the original and Retake Picture Days, the Retake picture will replace the original picture in certain products, like the yearbook.
Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken. If you have not preordered, please use the Retake Order Code 87223CF to place your order at https://inter-state.com/Order. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
Find answers to Retake Day questions here.