Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School 10/27/23
Principal's Message - Week 8:
Good Afternoon, Maple Place & Happy FriYay!
Maple Place showed their spirit this week as we recognized Red Ribbon and School Violence Awareness Weeks. Thank you to Mrs. Bonett for organizing the week for our students and faculty.
We have an exciting final week of Fall Sports ahead of us this week. All of our fall sports teams are in the playoffs. The Field Hockey Team has a playoff game today at Maria Gata fields. If they win, they move on to the next round on Monday. Both the boys and girls soccer teams have a playoff game on Monday. If they win, they will move on to play for the Championship on Thursday, 11/2. Wishing our Chargers the best of luck in their quests for the championship!
We are starting to get a lot of items in our Lost & Found. Please check out the pictures below to see if anything may belong to your child.
This weekend is supposed to be our first dry weekend in quite some time. I hope you all enjoy the weather and get outside for some festive fall activities.
Wishing you a great weekend,
Melissa Keiser
Fall Sports:
TODAY, Friday, October 27th - Field Hockey: Home vs. Rumson Country Day - 3:30pm
* If Field Hockey wins today, they will have a playoff game on Monday. TBD!
Monday, October 30th - Boys Soccer: Away vs. Fair Haven - 3:30pm
* If the boys win this game, they will play for the Championship on Thursday, 11/2. Team TBD!
Monday, October 30th - Girls Soccer: Home vs. Fair Haven - 3:30pm
* If the girls win this game, they will play away at Forrestdale for the Championship on Thursday, 11/2.
Winter Sports:
Sign-ups for Winter Sports occurred this week during student lunches. Students in grades 6 through 8 have the opportunity to try out for both Boys' and Girls' Basketball as well as Cheerleading. A physical is required for participation. Mrs. Dora will provide the students with the necessary paperwork. More information regarding a pre-season meeting as well as try-outs will be forthcoming.
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, October 30th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - Band Room
Chimes - 2:45-4:00pm - Cafeteria
Running Club - 2:45-4:00pm
Fun Fit Sports Club - Interest Meeting - 2:45-3:30 - Library
Tuesday, October 31st:
Cadet Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Wednesday, November 1st:
Charger Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Student Leadership - 7:15am - Cafeteria
Chorus - 2:45 - 4:00pm - Band Room
Running Club -- 2:45 - 4:00pm
Maple Place Alliance - 2:45-3:45 - Room 105
Thursday, November 2nd:
Cadet Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Friday, November 3rd:
Charger Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Yearbook (8th grade only) - 7:30am - Room 108
Halloween Guidelines:
Students may come to school in costume on Tuesday, the 31st. Keep in mind that costumes should be able to be managed by the students and should be appropriate for school. The students will be wearing their costumes all day, and therefore, please keep in mind the comfort level of your child’s costume. There are several guidelines that must be followed to ensure the safety and security of all students:
No masks or face coverings can be worn to school.
No realistic weapon accessories are allowed in the building (for example – guns, knives, swords, etc.)
Excessive make-up or face paint is prohibited. The school must be able to identify the students. (Keep in mind, students will be in costume all day and excessive make-up becomes itchy and irritating.)
Costumes that prohibit normal school routines are not allowed (Blow up costumes, stuffed costumes, anything that will not allow the students to sit in a seat and complete assigned work should not be worn).
Student Leadership is sponsoring a Costume Contest. In order to enter, the students are asked to bring in a non-perishable food item to their homeroom teacher by Monday, October 30th. The Costume Contest will be held during the start of the school day on Tuesday, October 31st. This year's Halloween festivities will be held indoors and will be for the students, faculty and staff. We will not be holding an outdoor event. Winners of the Costume Contest will receive an Enzo's Halloween Prize Pack.
Mayor's Halloween Proclamation:
8th Grade Information:
As you are aware, there are many high school opportunities for our 8th graders. This section of the Weekly Wrap Up will provide you with information on upcoming high school open houses in our area.
Academy of Allied Health & Science
Saturday, October 28th - 10:00am
Thursday, November 16th - 6:30pm
Marine Academy of Science & Technology
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Wednesday, November 15th - 6:30pm
Communications High School
Saturday, October 28th - 10:00am
Wednesday, November 15th - 6:30pm
High Technology High School
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Thursday, November 16th - 6:30pm
Biotechnology High School
Thursday, November 2nd - 6:30pm
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Academy of Law and Public Safety
Sunday, November 18th - 10:00am
Saturday, October 28th - Entrance Exam - 8:00am-12:00pm
Saturday, November 18th - Entrance Exam - 8:00am-12:00pm
Saturday, December 2nd - Campus Tour 9am-1pm
Trinity Hall
Wednesday, November 8th - Open House - 6:00-8:00pm
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, November 7th - PTO Meeting - Maple Place Media Center - 7:00pm
Wednesday, November 8th - Teacher of the Year Nominations are due!
Wednesday, November 8th - Last day of Marking Period 1
Thursday & Friday, November 9th & 10th - No School! Teachers' Convention
Wednesday, November 15th - Board of Education Meeting - Wolf Hill School - 6:00pm
Friday, November 17th - First Marking Period Report Cards open in the parent portal!
Tuesday, November 21st - Picture Retake Day!
PTO News:
Attending the Trunk or Treat Oct 29??
The PTO is looking for someone to host a trunk for the annual Trunk or Treat on October 29 at 2pm. If anyone is planning to attend the PTO can supply the decorations and candy if you can supply your trunk. Contact Felica 732-996-1517 or a Board Member for details!
5th Grade Fun Night
Come hang out with your classmates for an exciting night of games, music, pizza, and more!
All students who attend must purchase a ticket and complete a permission slip by October 27, 2023.
Flyers and permissions slips coming home with the students this week
Mike's Crumb Cake
Purchase to enjoy now or for the holidays!
The crumb cakes can be frozen for up to 6 months
Order by October 25, 2023
Local deliver on November 6, 2023, to Oceanport or Sea Bright
Look out for the flyers coming home with the students this week.
Click the link below for the Membership Toolkit for more information on the items mentioned above:
Save the Date!
November 1: Candy Collection for Holiday Express~ Service hours available to pack candy bags
November 22, 29, 30, Dec 1- Half Day Bagels
December 15, 7-9 pm: Middle School Dance 6-8th Grade. We are looking for 5 volunteers for each grade level. Contact Tara Guinta at 973-412-5900 if interested.
March 8: Spring Auction
Treats for Holiday Express:
Oceanport Boro Trunk or Treat:
Sea Bright Trunk or Treat:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS