Dealey Community
The mission of George Bannerman Dealey is to provide an exemplary education that develops and empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
Greetings Dealey Community!
We are now beginning Week 8 of the 3rd quarter! Here at Dealey, we strive to have an equitable, inclusive and safe environment for every member of our community. We are still proud to be an International Peace Site as designated through the World Citizens Peace organization.
As an International Peace Site, we have made the decision to live out the following Five Peace Actions.
1. SEEK peace within yourself and others
2. REACH OUT in service
3. PROTECT the environment
4. RESPECT diversity
5. BE a responsible citizen of the world
An inclusive school climate for students refers to an environment where all students feel supported intellectually, academically and emotionally. Dealey students are extended a sense of belonging in our school regardless of differences. An inclusive school community produces children with good character, innate compassion , increased self awareness and self esteem. We are united in the mission of our campus. There is truly Unity in the Dealey Community!
Black History Month
As we end Black History month, I want to publicly thank Mrs. Virginia Robinson our 7th grade Texas History and African American Studies teacher. She and her students created our Black History wall next to the cafeteria. Everyday, her students have shared Black History facts and trivia during the morning announcements.
On Thursday, February 29, 2024 we will have our annual “Living Museum in honor of Black History Month”. We will also have a “Black History Dress Day” on Thursday February 29, 2024. The entire community is encouraged to dress in your African ,HBCU, NPHC paraphernalia and/or Black History t-shirts/memorabilia. Thank you to the entire Dealey community for sharing your gifts and cultural knowledge this month!
PTA Annual Auction and Ball Thanks!
On Friday night ,we enjoyed our annual PTA Auction and Charity Ball. This year’s theme was “Havana Nights” It was a stellar event! We are very thankful for our entire community’s support of our beloved Dealey. Special Thank you to our PTA president ,April Ogboenyiya and everyone who served on the event committees. We also want to show gratitude to her dedicated auction leadership committee, Taylor Jacobs and Rebecca Currie! We are also grateful to Mr. Chad Redel ,our Dad’s Club president and lead auctioneer. The auctioneer team rocked this year! Beautiful event everyone & we appreciate you all! Whether you donated an auction item, an experience, bought a ticket or simply showed up for our students, Thank You! The proceeds from this event go to Dealey to support our campus programs including student resources, equipment and supplies for our campus.
Sending you all lots of Dragon Love! 🐉💙
SBDM Meeting
Our next SBDM meeting is Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. This week I will be sharing special updates about bond, MOY Map results, safety and more. If you would like to learn more about the business of Dealey, please join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 416 480 9577
Passcode: 12345
Be the first to order your yearbook!
Choir Shout Outs!
On this past Thursday, our Dealey Treble and Tenor-Bass Choirs attended Pre-UIL Adjudication at Carter HS and came home with Excellent ratings for both groups, onstage and in the sightreading room.
Ms. Suarez could not be prouder of the outstanding work, growth, and team effort of these students!
They sang their best and were also kind, polite, and well-behaved throughout the entire day. CONGRATULATIONS on a JOB WELL DONE!
Gift to the Students from Ms. Garrett!
We only have two weeks left until Spring Break!
On Valentines Day, I gave all of my Dealey dragons a special Valentines gift. It is a themed “Spring Dress” Week to welcome the warm weather back to Dealey.(see flyer below for more details).This will be the week before Spring Break. We are kicking it off with a “Career Dress” day on Monday, March 4,2024. We are so excited about our additional dress up week!
Highlights of the Week
There is a lot happening here at Dealey! So check out this week’s flyers for more information about uniform donations, dress code reminders, 6th grade fundraisers, helping our neighbors and much much more.
Check out all of the flyers below for more information about the great events happening here at Dealey!
Dealey is truly " Soaring to New Horizons" 🐉💙
Student Devices
Special reminder that all PK4-8 student owned personal electronic devices are kept in the locker or front office during the school day. Smart watches with cellular service are applicable under the cell phone policy.
Curriculum Updates-
Tier 1 instruction is standards-driven, focusing on students' broad skills and generalizing to a learning target. In contrast, Tier 2 intervention targets a specific skill deficit that has been identified through assessment. Instruction and intervention targets this specific skill.
Simply put, Tier 1 is the first time instruction is taught to all students. Tier 2 is used when students do not show mastery on Tier 1.
Our teachers have done a great job with merging the Montessori principles with the new Tier 1 curriculum(Amplify and Eureka). As we move forward, a select few Dealey teacher leaders are serving on the district’s Montessori focus group to create Montessori friendly instructional planning calendars for the 24-25 school year.
Next school year, all Montessori schools will have brand new instructional planning calendars that will include tier 1 curriculum (Amplify & Eureka), be aligned with Montessori pacing/material, and keep our students in a true Montessori multi grade level classroom.
We were very excited to hear this news at our Dallas ISD Montessori Summit on January 8, 2024.
Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.
We are Soaring to New Horizons!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024- Peace Wednesday (8:45 AM (ES) & 1:45 PM (MS)
Wednesday, February 28, 2024- 4th Grade NAEP Testing
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 -SBDM Meeting at 6:30 pm on Zoom.
Thursday, February 29, 2024 -Black History Month Dress Day
Thursday, February 29, 2024 -Living History Museum for Black History Month
Friday, March 1, 2024- Group and Spring Picture Day
Monday, March 4, 2024- Dealey's Read Across America Day
Amber Garrett, Principal
Office- 972-794-8409
Weekly Community Focus- "Peace"
Parent University-"What is an International Peace Site?"
Black History Month -Living Museum & Dress Day 2/29/24
Don’t Forget, Pictures will be taken at on Friday, March 1.
To Order Pictures Online CLICK HERE.
Recuerde, las fotos de primavera se tomarán el Viernes, Marzo 1.
Para ordenar fotos en línea HAGA CLIC AQUI.
Dealey's Read Across America Day
Spring Dress Week -3/4/24-3/8/24
Kindness in our Dealey Neighborhood
6th Grade Fundraiser- Spring Flower Bulbs
Uniforms Needed (Nurse)
Student Email Access
Principal Olympics
Theater Announcements
Congratulations again to the 6th grade theater students! "They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras" was a wonderful production!
Next up is "Totally Red" on April 26, 2024.
Night time show times are coming soon. Theater will be wearing their shirts on Tuesday, Friday and all show.
5th Grade Theater Link/Sign Up
It is first come first serve and I will be closing the link out next Friday.
(Only staff and students can access the form, please contact Ms. Powell (wepowell@dallasisd.org) directly if you need sign up assistance.)
Orchestra Newsletter (February/March)
6th Grade NEXTREX Challenge
NJHS Clothing Drive 2/19/24-3/28/24
UPDATE (2/25/24)
The solar viewing glasses from the Perot Museum of Nature and Science have arrived, and we will start delivering them to campuses tomorrow morning! It’s going to take some time for my staff and I to divide them up for each school and central staff department and for our delivery driver to deliver them, but they are on the way so please be on the lookout for them at your campus. They will arrive in a paper bag or box that will have your name on it and someone at the school will need to sign for them.
Once you have your glasses, please store them in a secure location until you use them on April 8, 2024. Consider the following factors when storing your glasses:
- Temperature: Extreme temperatures can adversely affect the materials used in eclipse glasses. Please keep them in a room-temperature environment.
- Moisture: Humidity can damage the solar filters. Store the glasses in a place with low humidity.
- Light: While not a crucial as temperature or moisture, it is a good idea to keep your glasses in a dark place to help maintain the integrity of the filters.
For more information on storing and using solar eclipse glasses safely visit:
- NASA - Solar Eclipse Safety
- NASA Eclipse Flyer - English
- NASA Eclipse Flyer - Spanish
- AAS.org - How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely
- Rice University - Safe Eclipse Observing
Additional Instructional Supports
The team at NASA’s Neurodiversity Network has recently developed an Eclipse Guide for Neurodiverse Learners in preparation for the eclipse. We are requesting that campus leaders share this information with teachers that work with students who have autism. One of the Neurodiversity Network’s team members, Dr. Ariana Riccio, is leading the effort to partner with schools on teaching STEM concepts. Schools or participating classrooms interested in this partnership would have completely free and full access to curriculum support from NASA-funded heliophysicists and specialists in curriculum design for students with autism. For more information, please contact Michelle Brown, Special Education Director, at micbrown@dallasisd.org or 972-581-4343.
I created a Solar Eclipses website that you may share with teachers and students to make the most of this learning experience. It includes safety information, websites, videos, and lessons and activities (broken down by grade band and in English and Spanish) that you can use to plan for the total solar eclipse.
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will sweep across Texas and be observed in the DFW area. In an effort to provide students with a safe opportunity to view the eclipse, The Perot Museum of Nature and Science will provide all Dallas ISD students and staff with a free pair of solar viewing glasses. Dealey has already submitted our order for glasses for all staff and students. We are so excited about our Dealey Solar Eclipse Day!
Instructional Supports
The team at NASA’s Neurodiversity Network has recently developed an Eclipse Guide for Neurodiverse Learners in preparation for the eclipse. We are requesting that campus leaders share this information with teachers that work with students who have autism.
The STEM Environmental Education Center has created resources that campuses may share with teachers and students to make the most of this learning experience.
- Website: Solar Eclipse Resources
- Infographic: Types of Solar Eclipses
- DIY: Make Your Own Eclipse Viewer
- Safety: AAS.org - How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely
Campus teams are encouraged to post observations and pictures of the total solar eclipse to Twitter and use the hashtag #DallasISDEclipses. Campuses may also tag the STEM Environmental Education Center using the following Twitter handles: @disdstemscience and @disdeec.
Career Day 5/9/24
Champions Summer Camp
Hot tip: Join Champ Camp for summer break!
To say that we’ve got something amazing to offer you this summer at Champions Champ Camp is an understatement. Our education experts have built a summer program that'll have kids flipping for camp!
Campers are looking for fun, friends, and variety. Check out everything we’ve wrapped into our summer. We know it'll check all your boxes, and we’re certain your big kid will appreciate it too:
- CONVENIENT AND FLEXIBLE. Join Champ Camp for one week or all summer long! Just pick the days or weeks that work for you and we’ll handle the rest.
- DIFFERENT DAILY. No two days are the same. We'll include off- and on-site field trips, interactive sports, STEM, water play, group activities, and more!
- A SAFE PLACE. When you drop your camper off, you know they’re with people (and in environments) you already know and trust.
- CONFIDENCE. By fall, your child will be more confident, with new skills and new friends!
Get a jump start on setting your summer routines and enroll today. Just so you know – you are under no obligation to select a schedule quite yet, however, we know these next few weeks and months will fly by and registering now will help ensure you have one less thing to worry about the closer we get to the end of the school year.
Registration: $25/Child OR $50/Family
Tuition: $195/Week
Give your child a creative space to explore what they love. Don’t wait to save your spot—we’ll fill up fast! Click here to enroll now or give me a call!
We hope you’ll join us this summer! Champ Camp’s always more fun with friends.
Mark Johnson
Site Director
P: (940) 368-3614
Ursuline-Summer Camp (Dealey Discount)
Dealey Teacher of the Year!
Elementary Counselor's Corner- Ms. Morales
SchooLinks is a college and career readiness program that helps K-12th grade students discover their interests and strength, explore colleges and careers, and create a personal graduation plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals.
The district mandates that kindergarteners choose one to three jobs they are interested in. This must be completed in Clever. Tablets are required for students complete this task.
Based on the shared schedule, my goal is to work with small groups in my office. Please be aware that the timeline could change depending on how soon I can finish working with each group.----------------------------------
Working Together: Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion
Crista A. Morales
Professional School Counselor
George B. Dealey Montessori Academy
Office: 972-794-8420
Email: crimorales@dallasisd.org
Middle School Counselor's Corner -Ms. Kirk
Have a Great Day!
Mrs. Kirk, M.A.
Counselor, Dealey International Academy
Grades 6-8
Join Our Facebook Group!
PTA Announcements
Carpool Information
Transportation Form
Transportation Form 2023-2024 (All Students)
All Students- Every student needs a transportation form filled out. Thanks!
Bus Riders Only- Please use this Dealey Transportation GroupMe if your child rides the bus.
Elementary School News
Dealey GT Website
PK-5 Communication
Class Dojo is your one-stop shop for 1-on-1 communication with your child's teacher, classroom updates, school-wide updates, and individual progress updates! Class Dojo is FREE - there is no need to pay or upgrade the membership.
Middle School News/Website
The new Texas Assessment Family Portal was launched on January 2, 2023, and is available for parents to view test scores for the Texas Assessment Program. The portal can be accessed via the Texas Assessment.gov website, https://www.TXFamilyPortal.org, or the easiest way by using the single sign-on feature in PowerSchool at www.dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
House Bill 114 will become effective Sept. 1, 2023:
Any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300 feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event, must be placed in DAEP.
Learn more below.
Dealey Family Quicklinks
Dallas ISD Calendar
Parent Liaison
Social Media
Welcome Executive Director Choice!
About Us
As one of the best schools in Dallas, we provide an exemplary Montessori education that empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Principal -Amber Garrett
972) 794-8400