Learn German With Detective Stories
Guten Tag!
In an abandoned house at the outskirts of a small town, an unidentified body has been found. Can you help Kommissar Harald Baumgartner and his colleague Katharina Momsen solve this case and improve your vocabulary along the way?
Learning German Has Never Been More Fun
Each chapter contains a selection of relevant words translated into English, and is followed by questions regarding the content. (The correct answers are to be found at the end of the book.)
While the writing itself primarily aims at an entertaining and interactive experience, the language is specially designed to familiarize the reader with unique forms of spoken German, with an emphasis on dialogue and the daily culture of speech.
- includes vocabulary with difficult and important words translated to English
- ready for on-demand translation (only available on physical Kindle devices)
- includes exercises for comprehension training
- hand-drawn illustrations by the author
In-Device Translation
Only available on physical Kindle devices. (dictionary file not included, but there is a tutorial how to download one for free within the book)
Includes Mini Quizzes
Each chapter is followed by multiple choice questions about content and grammar. There's an answer key at the end of the book with all the correct answers.
100% DRM-FREE!
this book comes without any copy restrictions so you can convert it into whatever format you like and enjoy it on your favorite device
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About The Author
André Klein was born in Germany, has grown up and lived in many different places including Thailand, Sweden and Israel. He has produced two music albums, performed and organized literary readings, curated an experimental television program and is the author of various short stories and non-fiction works.
Twitter: @BarrenCode