The Synapse
Updates from the Sciences at Loyola University Maryland
April 2024 | Issue 66
The April issue of The Synapse showcases the events that took place during the 2024 Celebration of Science Week. This includes the STEM Excellence Event and Loyola's first 24-hour Hackathon, as well as highlighting the achievements of NAS faculty members, and the Solar Eclipse. Moreover, the MSDS program at Loyola has been recognized for its affordability. We also feature exciting student and faculty opportunities both on campus and beyond. Additionally, Earth Day is celebrated in April.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
— Jane Goodall
Share your news, photos, inspiring stories, and upcoming events for a future issue. Please send any feature suggestions to jguerra@loyola.edu
2024 STEM Excellence Event
2024 Choudhury Sarkar-Dey Graduating Medalists:
- Brianna Hebeka, '24 (Forensic Science and Biology) - Division Medal recipient
- Mia Aglieco, '24 (Biology) - Division Medal finalist
- Sajiv Gnanasekaran, '24 (Computer Science) - Division Medal finalist
- Moira McKinley, '24 (Mathematics and Statistics) - Division Medal finalist
- Gabrielle Macneil, '24 (Engineering) - Division Medal finalist
- Zachary Longamore, '24 (Chemistry and Biochemistry) - Division Medal finalist
Dr. Frank Golom, Dean of the Loyola College of Arts and Sciences during his closing remarks
Dr. Bahram Roughani, Associate Dean for natural and Applied Sciences during the awards distribution
Choudhury Sarkar-Dey Medalist and Finalists
(L-R) Dr. Frank Golom, Moira McKinley, Mia Aglieco, Brianna Hebeka, Gabbie MacNeil, Zach Longamore, Sajiv Gnanasekaran, Dr. Bahram Roughani
CPaMS Scholars
(L-R Clockwise) Dr. Frank Golom, Samantha Walsh, Juliana Merlino, David Avallone , Kevin Wang, Aliyah Smith-Bradley, Michael McCrory, Josh Thomas, Peter Pressley, Sajiv Gnanasekaran, Collin Katz, Dr. Bahram Roughani, Emma Smith, Moira McKinley, Kelly Reynolds, Maggie Sullivan
(Not in photo: Bolden Blades)
Haig Scholars
(L-R Clockwise) Dr. Frank Golom, David Avallone, Jacob Martin, Maggie Sullivan, Marykat Weigman, Zach Longamore, Kelly Reynolds, Cecilia Mota, Julia Bell, Kevin Wang, Sajiv Gnanasekaran, Dr. Bahram Roughani, Megan McCusker, Mia Aglieco, Julia Ayroso, Kristine Jones, Izzy Sedwick, Dani Niedermeyer.
(Not in photo: Taariq Eddy)
Hauber Fellows and Mentors
(L-R Clockwise) Dr. Dave Rivers, Dr. Rob Bailey, Dr. Frank Golom, Zach Longamore, Kevin Wang, Dr. Bahram Roughani, Dr. Yanko Kranov. Dr. Andrea Erdas, Dr. Mary Lowe, Grace Prince, Maggie Sullivan, Lily Mead
(Not in photo: Anna Rico)
Biology Department
The awardees with the Department Chair Dr. Lisa Scheifele, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
The awardees with the Department Chair Dr. Birgit Albrecht, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Computer Science Department
The awardees with the Department Chair Dr. Sibren Isaacman, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Data Science Program
The awardees with the Program Director Dr. Kevin Drummey, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Engineering Department
The awardees with Dr. Rob Bailey, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Mathematics and Statistics Department
The awardee with the Department Chair Dr. Ethan Duckworth, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Forensic Science Department
The awardee with the Department Chair Dr. Dave Rivers, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Physics Department
The awardee with the Department Chair Dr. Andrea Erdas, Dr. Frank Golom, and Dr. Bahram Roughani
Dr. Suzanne Keilson's exceptional performance has earned her the prestigious 2024 Faculty Award for Excellence in Engaged Teaching. Congratulations to her on this well-deserved accomplishment!
Loyola's Online MS in Data Science is TechGuide's 2024 Top 15 Affordable
Loyola's Online Master’s in Data Science program secured an impressive #15 ranking for its affordability in TechGuide's 2024 list of Online Master’s in Data Science degree programs. The TechGuide identified Loyola's program among the top 25 institutions for providing exceptional educational opportunities at an affordable cost. This recognition underscores the program's dedication to delivering outstanding education while remaining accessible to students. Please visit this page for the details.
HackHounds 24
Loyola's first 24-hour Hackathon was participated in by 60+ students from various disciplines. The event was held in Fernandez Center from April 6-7, 2024. The following activities took place:
- participated in various workshops
- created programs
- worked with hardware, AI, various code libraries, and more
- had a game tournament to relax, and
- were able to compete for some good prizes!
Data Science Winners
Hardware/IoT Winner
Health/Environment Winners
Brainstorming of the Hackaton's participants
The participants in action
Contemplating the Eclipse: Moments of Unity and Wonder
The April 8 solar eclipse marked a profound celestial event that transcended boundaries of geography, culture, and belief systems, uniting people in a shared experience of awe and marvel. As the moon's shadow graced the Earth, millions from diverse backgrounds paused to witness this rare phenomenon, collectively awestruck by the beauty and majesty of the universe.
During this extraordinary event, individuals set aside differences and joined together to celebrate the wonders of nature. Whether amidst the hustle of city streets or in the tranquility of remote rural areas, people of all ages and walks of life came together, forming connections and forging memories. Among them, the Loyola community convened in the quad, creating a shared experience of wonder among students, faculty, staff, and administrators. We extend our gratitude to the Physics department, especially professors Inge Heyer and Mary Lowe, and the Astronomy Club, for orchestrating the solar eclipse observation on April 8.
The solar eclipse served as a poignant reminder of our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It stirred a sense of unity and solidarity as people lifted their gazes skyward, bound by the awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding above.
Though the eclipse itself was fleeting, its impact in fostering unity and togetherness resonates long after the celestial event has passed. As we navigate the complexities of our world, may we draw upon the spirit of collective wonder and appreciation ignited by the April 8 solar eclipse, finding common ground amidst the vastness of the cosmos.
Sequence of the 2024 Solar Eclipse
Taking turns in looking through the solar scopes
Intrigued by the show in the sky.
Wow, that is so cool!
Loyola co-sponsored the 2024 CAPWIC Conference
The CAPWIC is the ACM Capital Region Celebration of Women in Computing and provides a low-cost, regionally tailored, small conference for women and minorities in computing. The event is held annually, and the most recent one took place on April 5-6, 2024, at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. The conference was attended by women, including students, faculty, and professionals, as well as anyone who supports women in computing. The primary objective of CAPWIC is to bring together female students and allies to promote the recruitment, retention, and progression of women in computing.
Loyola's delegates to the Annual CAPWIC Conference at the University of Virginia on April 5-6, 2024.
(L-R) Alyssa Eddy, Audrey Versteegen, Lydia Asisten, Layo Adesina, Dr. Megan Olsen, Julieta Guerra
Talks delivered by Dr. Sudeshna Basu, Asst Teaching Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Department
- Speaker at the Thirteenth Ohio River Analysis Meeting, University of Kentucky, March 2024.
- Invited Speaker, International Conference on Mathematics and Applications, Burdwan University, Burdwan, India, March 2024.
- Invited Speaker at the International Seminar on Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Calcutta, Mathematical Society, Salt Lake, Kolkata, India, March 2024.
- Invited speaker at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India, March 2024. Talk on mathematics in Politics.
- Keynote Speaker at the International Mathematics Day on March 14, 2024, the African Mathematical Union (AMU) and the NGuerekata Evolution Equations Research Laboratory (NEERLab) (Online talk )
Math and Politics Talk in Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India,
Dr. Basu in University of Kentucky
Keynote Speaker at the International Day of Mathematics
Everyone is invited to attend a talk on “The Relevance of Rabindranath Tagore’s Philosophy of Peace in Today’s World” by Dr. Sudeshna Basu, Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics and Statistics.
Her talk will take place on Thursday, April 18th at 12 pm in CT*M113 (conference room behind Starbucks).
Free lunch will be provided! Register on the Bridge here: https://cglink.me/2hL/r2140562
Spring 2024 Pop-Up Classes
This semester's pop-up classes will take place virtually and in-person, promising a wide variety of new skills and knowledge! The following pop-up classes are open to the Loyola and Notre Dame communities. If you have any questions, ideas for potential pop-up classes, or would like to teach a future class, contact Clara Love at cmlove@loyola.edu.
Pop-up Class: Telescope Stargazing
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 8-9pm
In Person at Outdoors at LNDL
Instructor: John Damond (EPFL)
Explore the night sky and look at the full moon through a telescope!
Pop-up Class: Customize a Mug with Sublimation Printing
Thursday, May 2, 2024, 4-5 pm
In Person at LNDL Front Steps and IDEAspace
Instructor: Nicky McDougal and Youlanda Halterman
Learn about the science behind sublimation printing with a dry ice demo, then customize a mug with sublimation!
Register for Artificial Intelligence at Work Panel Series!
Join faculty from Loyola University Maryland and Notre Dame of Maryland for a lively moderated panel discussion series about how the rise of artificial intelligence is currently affecting the way we work and how it is expected to change things in the future. The panelists will address how AI is affecting their disciplines, their teaching and research, and the careers their students will be entering.
Artificial Intelligence at Work: Business
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 17, 4-5 pm
Venue: Loyola Notre Dame Library
Elizabeth Kennedy, Professor of Law and Social Responsibility, Loyola University Maryland
Leslie Korb, Associate Professor, Chair, Business & Economics Department, Notre Dame of Maryland University
Jake London, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Operations, and Law, Loyola University Maryland
Register for MS Data Science Info Sessions on Wednesday, April 17 and May 15
Join us for an upcoming information session to learn more about Loyola University Maryland's Online Graduate Data Science program. The academic program director and the director of program operations will be present to answer your questions regarding program formats, application requirements, and the admission process.
By attending any of our information sessions, you can save yourself from paying the $60 graduate application fee.
Join us and explore the opportunities that await you! Please register here.
STEM Students Internship and Scholarship Opportunities at Naval Surface Warfare Center
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahegren Division Is offering the following paid internship and scholarship programs for STEM students:
1. Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART). The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program offers scholarships to undergraduate, masters and doctoral students who excel in STEM fields. Students are also provided opportunities to continue their research in Department of Defense civil service roles following graduation. Interested students should visit the SMART website for descriptive materials and to access the online application.
Application period: August-early December
2. Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
The SEAP is a paid internship program that provides an opportunity for high school students to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DoN) laboratory during the summer. The program encourages students to pursue science and engineering careers, furthers their education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and makes them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within the DoN. Participants spend eight weeks during the summer doing research at 35 DoN laboratories. Learn more about SEAP and the application process.
Application period: August - 1 November
3. Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP)
The NREIP is a paid internship program for college students that provides an opportunity to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DoN) laboratory during the summer. The NREIP encourages participating college students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further their education by participating in research with the help of mentors, and to make them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within the DoN. Participating students spend 10 weeks during the summer conducting research at 45 DoN laboratories. Learn more about NREIP and the application process.
Application Period: August - 1 November
4. DOD Cyber Scholarship Program (CYSP)
The Department of Defense (DoD) CySP is a scholarship program through the DoD. Interested students must be currently enrolled in National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity universities to participate. The universities will advertise the program and submit interested students’ applications. Visit the CySP website for more information.
Application Period: November-February
5. DOD College Acquisition Internship Program
The DoD College Acquisition Internship Program is a paid, 10-week summer internship that provides college students with real-world exposure to DoD acquisition workforce career opportunities. The program welcomes full-time second- and third-year students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Interns receive hands-on, practical experience in analysis, research, report writing, oral briefings, policy development, program analysis and computer applications. Learn more about the DoD program and application requirements.
6. Pathways for Students & Recent Graduates to Federal Careers
The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. Three paths are available:
- Internship Program
- Recent Graduates Program
- Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program
Learn more about all three Pathways opportunities.
Application Period: Throughout Year
Competition in biomedical design and innovation up to $20,000 award
The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and VentureWell have come together to support and expand the Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge, a competition that recognizes undergraduate excellence in biomedical design and innovation.
DEBUT challenges teams of students in undergraduate biomedical education to solve real-world problems in healthcare.
Important dates: Deadline: May 31, 2024 Winners announced: August 26, 2024
Click here for more information and to apply.
Reminders & Resources
The Bridge
Visit The Bridge for upcoming campus meetings and events.
Training and Development Opportunities for Employees and Students
Academic Calendar
Coronavirus Resources
- Loyola Coronavirus Updates - General university information for all students, faculty, staff including reopening plans, COVID-19 dashboard, FAQs, policies, and resources
Student Support Resources
Employee Support Resources