The Bolt
Franklin's Family Newsletter

MARCH 7, 2025
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Friday, March 7th-Saturday, March 15th: Puffs (Volunteers Needed)
Sunday, March 9th, 8:30am-12pm, Norse Hall: All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast PTSA Fundraiser
Monday, March 10th-Friday, March 14th: Affinity Group-Inspired Spirit Week
Wednesday, March 12th-Friday, March 14th, Redwood: Dine Out for the Franklin Band
Thursday, March 13th, 6:30pm, Room M-221: PTSA General Meeting
Saturday, March 15th, FHS Library: OBOB Regional Competition
Monday, March 17th, 5:00-8:00pm, Cafeteria: Alumni Social
Thursday, March 20th, 9:30am-1:30pm, Marshall Campus: Franklin's Shift at the PTA Clothing Center
Sunday, March 30th: Last Day to Order from the PTSA Plant Sale
Thursday, April 3rd, 6:00-8:00pm, FHS Library: Poetry Slam
Saturday, April 19th, 9:00am-4:00pm, PSU: Black Student Success Summit
Dear Franklin Students and Families,
I am so excited to welcome spring weather and spring athletics! Check the Trivory app for upcoming track and field events, baseball and softball games, and tennis and golf matches. Tonight starts the opening weekend of our winter play, Puffs. It will be playing this weekend and next weekend. Come out to support our thespians! I am very proud of our student affinity groups. They are working hard to plan and present the BIPOC Assembly on Friday, March 14th. The SUN program and affinity groups ask that everyone participate in Spirit Week next week leading up to the assembly. See below for the daily themes and activities.
I want to acknowledge two of our students for their academic achievement of being selected National Merit Scholarship Finalists. Alex and Sam Emert are finalists based on their outstanding PSAT scores and rigorous course load. Congratulations Alex and Sam! We are very proud of you!
Also, there has been a slight change to the A/B calendar for the week before and after spring break. Friday, March 21st will now be an All 8 Periods Day. Monday, March 31st will be an A Day and Tuesday, April 1st will be a B Day.
Let us know if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!
Thank you,
Dr. Z
Puffs opens TODAY, Friday, March 7th and runs through Saturday, March 15th, with a 2:00 matinée on Sunday, March 9th. You can purchase your tickets by clicking this link.
Anyone who volunteers to help during a performance (students or adults) will receive a FREE ticket for another night!
NEW: BIPOC Assembly and Spirit Week
Next Friday, March 14th is Franklin's annual BIPOC Assembly! This year our SUN school has introduced a spirit week and some after school workshops led by affinity groups. See photo above for all the details.
Dine Out for Franklin Lightning Band
Redwood Restaurant in Montavilla is partnering with Lightning Band Boosters for a special Dine Out 3-day event, March 12th-14th. Brunch in the middle of the week? Yes, please! Redwood specializes in breakfast and lunch options. All offerings are made fresh and can accommodate all dietary restrictions. Call ahead for take out if you don’t have time to eat in the restaurant. Redwood is also holding a special pop-up Italian Night evening event on Wednesday, March 12th. This special menu will include starters, salads, and entrees all served family style. Don’t forget dessert, they’re all made from scratch in house. All ages welcome until 9pm. Call ahead for takeout or make reservations for the Pop-Up Italian Night: 503-841-5118.
Don’t forget to tell them “I’m With The Band!” to support the Franklin Lightning Band!
Franklin Lightning Band Celebrates Our District Champions and State Qualifiers
On Saturday, February 22nd Franklin Lightning Band students participated in the District Solo & Ensemble Festival. Congratulations to our musicians making it to State: Hunter Diaz (trombone), Trey Owens (Tuba), Evan Samson (Mallets), Celia Stimey (Oboe), and Paige Barry (Bassoon). The Franklin Sax Ensemble , Franklin Small Percussion Ensemble, and the Large Percussion Ensemble also qualified. Congratulations to all of our student musicians on a job well done!
OBOB Volunteers Needed on March 15th
OBOB Regionals will take place here at Franklin on Saturday, March 15th! Oregon Battle of the Books is a state wide reading competition where students read and battle to see who knows the most about the books. Franklin teams are fierce this year. If you would like to volunteer to moderate some battles, please email our Librarian, Ayn Frazee. It's the most pulse pounding, exciting, reading based head-to-head contest of the year.
NEW: Volunteers Needed at the PTA Clothing Center
Volunteers are needed on Thursday, March 20th for Franklin's turn at the PTSA Clothing Center, located at the Marshall Campus, 3905 SE 91st, Room B-60.
This helpful service exists only because of wonderful volunteers like you! We're looking for 5-6 people to help sort donations or be a "personal shopper" for families who are selecting clothing.
This is one of our most loved volunteer opportunities. Please sign up here. Thank you!
NEW: Plant Sale
Celebrate spring with hanging baskets, tomatoes, basil, strawberries, and more!
Support Franklin by purchasing your spring flowers and vegetable starts through the FHS Parent Teacher Student Association Plant Sale! All proceeds go directly to support classrooms, student clubs, theater, dance, metal shop, ceramics, field trips, the SUN program, and many other classroom materials and activities at the school.This is one of the largest fundraising events for the Franklin PTSA, and your support is even more critical with upcoming district budget cuts. As part of this fundraiser, you can also donate plants for teacher and staff appreciation week as a thank you for their hard work all year!
- Order online here.
- All orders are due by Sunday, March 30th.
- Pick up your order on Wednesday, May 7th at Franklin, just in time for Mother's Day!
SUNDAY: All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Fundraiser
Join the Franklin PTSA for a Viking Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, March 9th from 8:30am to noon. It’s an all-you-can-eat meal with scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, coffee/tea, hot chocolate and of course...pancakes! The cost is $12 per adult, $6 for kids 3-10. Under 3 eat FREE. 20% of the proceeds go to the PTSA.
See you Sunday at the Norse Hall, 111 NE 11th Ave.
PTSA General Meeting, March 13th
The PTSA General Meeting will be Thursday, March 13th at 6:30pm in Room M-221. Guest speakers will include Career Coordinator Martin Rodriguez and College Coordinator Regina Stanton.
Boeing Opportunities
Boeing Portland Tech Prep Open House: Thursday, March 20th, 6:00pm
Tech Prep Open House is an excellent opportunity for interested students and their parent/guardian to visit our training facility and learn more about paid learning opportunities for high school juniors and seniors. To register and obtain security approval to come on site, email Portland IAM/Boeing Joint Programs at, or call 800-854-1310 by March 14th. Space is limited. Visit our website for more information on the Tech Prep Machining and Tech Prep Assembly programs and how to apply!ATHLETICS
NEW: FAB Newsletter
Click here to read the Franklin Athletic Boosters' weekly newsletter to learn how you can get involved!
Dragon Boat Team is Looking for New Paddlers
Wasabi Kraken Youth Dragon Boat is looking for students to join their team. Kraken athletes have the option to compete in dragon boat races all around the Pacific Northwest, or just enjoy the time paddling on the Willamette River. In order to try it out, all new paddlers will get three free practices. After that, there is a $20 annual fee to continue, and scholarships are available. No gear is required and everyone aged 14-19 is welcome! Click here to read all the details about how to sign up.
Join the Boys Tennis Team
Are you interested in getting involved in Boys Tennis? All grades welcome! Here’s how to get connected:
- Download the Stack Team App
- Search for Franklin HS - Boys Tennis
- Request to join the Tennis Prospects group This will add you to the thread about upcoming practices and tryouts
Game Schedules
Because game schedules are subject to frequent, often last-minute changes, we don't publish them in this newsletter. Please bookmark this page to have easy access to up-to-date game info.
We run items in The Bolt family newsletter for two weeks unless there is a good
reason to run them longer. To submit an item, fill out this form by 4pm on Thursday.
You can find past issues of The Bolt on the FHS website or on our Smore homepage.
There is a lot going on at Franklin. Make sure to download Trivory, bookmark the
FHS website, and follow the PTSA Facebook page for the latest information.