The Bluejay
September 2024 edition
Attendance: BE HERE! BE A BLUEJAY!
This year's attendance goal:
K-2 students monthly attendance rate will be 95% or above.
AUGUST ATTENDANCE- We are off to a GREAT start!
Kindergarten: 98.23%
First Grade: 96.91%
Second Grade: 96.19%
Beginning in September, each month the classroom teacher with the highest attendance % for the month will win a Pizza or Donut Party from Mrs. Teague.
NWEA Testing
Students finished up NWEA testing in Math and Reading this week. Student reports will be placed in Student Leadership Binders and shared with you in the coming weeks.
Elementary Library Readers of the Month
Lunch Form Incentives
Lunch Form Prize Giveaways (Walmart Gift Cards)
It's that time of year when we ask parents to fill out and submit free and reduced meal applications. This year both campuses are running lunch form incentive programs! By submitting either a Free/Reduced Application OR submitting an Application Waiver, your child(ren) will be entered into a drawing for some GREAT prizes! See the flyers below for High School and Elemiddle information.
For more information on how you can enter to win a Wal-Mart Gift Card click HERE. All families are eligible to enter the contest by filling out the F/R form OR the Application Waiver.
Color Run- Let's Rally The Troops!!!
Everyone around here loves a friendly competition! Especially the principals! This year there is a competition between the 4 building principals to see who will be the GRAND MARSHALL at the PTO Color Run this month. Unfortunately, Mrs. Teague has a prior commitment and is unable to attend, BUT Mr. McNealy is stepping up to represent the PK-2 building in the RACE FOR THE COLOR RUN GRAND MARSHALL. Be sure to place your vote by donation by clicking this link https://cleverpto.ptboard.com/formvw/store?store=5556. The principal who raises the most funds gets to operate the main Color Run Fire Extinguisher! All proceeds benefit the students at Clever EleMiddle.
For more information on how you can participate in the Color Run as a participant, or a volunteer click HERE.
Clever Parents As Teachers- Missouri Curriculum Partner
Did you know we offer services for families and children ages prenatal to age 5?
Our PAT team is eager to connect with families who have children prenatal to age 5, not yet in Kindergarten. PAT is a FREE program that offers developmental screenings, in-home or on-site visits, resources, play groups and group connection activities. Scheduling is flexible and we work to meet the needs of your family. If you would like more information on our Parents As Teachers program, please fill out the form linked below. We look forward to hearing from you.
- Changes for afterschool routines must be made by 2:45. Please call, email, or send a ROOMS message to Ms. Taffy and your child's teacher.
- Personal devices such as cell phones, cell phones and other disruptive devices should be left at home and are not to be used during the school day.
- Picture Day is Coming Soon! Wednesday, September 18th. Please watch your email and ROOMS for ordering information
- KidAccount cards have been distributed. If you need to order additional cards, or if you have an expired card please contact Ms. Taffy in the office. Each additional card is $2.00.
- In order to help keep the carline traffic flowing consistently in the morning drop off line, if there are no cars in front of you, please pull all the way to the very first spot in the carline (blue cone).
Leader In Me
Clever is a Leader in Me school. Leader in Me is based off of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Throughout the year we will focus on those 7 habits. Students will receive LEADERSLIPS and a Leadership Tag which highlights when a student is showcasing leadership skills.
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw
Fall Festival
We are so excited for this year's Fall Festival! Planning is in full force and we are planning some exciting things for families! As our single largest fundraiser for our Leader In Me student Action Teams we hope you will join us for an evening of Food, Fun, Family, and maybe even a new little friend with some fins (IYKYK). The Book Fair will be Open, as well as Jay Threads.
If you would like to participate in the fun by hosting a game, or are able to donate some prizes, click HERE for more information. We can't wait to spend the evening with you and your family!
PTO Birthday Grams-
Send your favorite student a little Birthday Treat and support our PTO! That's a WIN-WIN for everyone.
Click HERE to order today.