Westview Counseling Newsletter
April 2024
Here is your information and news for the month of April! Make sure to check for updates, activities, and important events happening. Reach out to your counselor for any help you may need! We are here for you!
FAFSA Deadline Extended!
In consideration of the challenges students and families have experienced since the launch of the redesigned Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) the state filing deadline has been extended from April 2 to May 2, 2024. UC is encouraging students to complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) as soon as possible, but before the state deadline.
The California Student Aid Commission is hosting free Cash for College workshops across California to help students complete their FAFSA or CADAA applications. Find a local workshop.
Submitting your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
UC Campuses:
All nine of UC’s undergraduate campuses will extend their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline for first-year undergraduate students to May 15. UC campuses have made this decision for students and their families impacted by the current delays to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
CSU Campuses:
The California State University (CSU) has extended the intent to register deadline for fall 2024 for new first-time, first-year admitted students to no earlier than May 15, 2024, in response to the further delays in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) processing announced by the U.S. Department of Education. This extension applies to each of the 23 universities in the CSU system.
Private and Out of State Campuses:
Please check with the college you plan to attend to confirm their SIR deadline date.
Updating Colleges In SCOIR
If you applied to college, please update your SCOIR account.
Go to My Colleges in SCOIR, select a college you applied to, under application status select "Update Your Outcome" for each college.
For those colleges you have been accepted to, a green "Mark as Enrolling" button will appear. Select this for the school you will be attending in the fall.
Tutorial is available at https://scoir.helpdocs.io/article/0m91nps3qb-updating-outcomes
UC Events for Admitted Students
Admitted students will have a range of options to engage with campuses this spring. Events may include, but are not limited to, presentations on financial aid and scholarships, choosing a major, student organizations, support resources and housing. Unless otherwise linked, further event information and registration details can be found in the host campus’ applicant portal.
For more information on the enrollment process for first-years, including campus-specific information, reference the following two resources:
UC Berkeley
First-year & transfer: Cal Week (virtual), April 22–26
Transfer: Golden Bear Welcome, May 4
UC Irvine
Transfer: Bruin Day, May 11
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
First-year & transfer: Triton Days Open House, April 13
Transfer: Virtual Triton Days, May 1–2
Transfer: Transfer Celebration, May 3 and 17
UC Santa Barbara
First-year & transfer: Virtual Open House*, April 15–19
Transfer: Gaucho Transfer Friday, May 10
UC Santa Cruz
Transfer: Banana Slug Day, May 11 — More information available soon!
CSU Events for Admitted Students
Congratulations to your students who have been admitted to one or more of our California State Universities! Our Freshman: Next Steps webpage provides access to the admitted student websites for all twenty-three CSUs. Campus websites provide more information about important deadlines and next steps in the admissions process.
CSU campuses are hosting admitted student days in March and April for students and their families to experience and immerse themselves in their future college campus. View our campus events webpage for more details.
Fall 2024 - Extended Admission Deadlines
Several CSU campuses are still accepting applications. Visit our application dates & deadlines page and use the “Is Your Campus Still Accepting Applications?” feature to view open campus programs and their deadlines.
Palomar Community College
Miramar Community College
- Miramar College Application: https://www.sdccd.edu/apply/
- Online Orientation: https://www.go2orientation.com/sdmiramar/sdmiramar
The PUSD CTE Department and the WVHS PTSA is hosting the Elect Her Workshop on April 26th from 8 am to 11 am at the Poway District Office Community Room. Breakfast is provided. Transportation to school afterwards is available (must request transportation in the permission slip). It is a nonpartisan training for women* on how to run for student government and political office. *The workshop is open to all PUSD high school students, regardless of gender, who are comfortable in a space that centers on the experience of young women.
The event is a free half-day workshop by the Washington DC nonprofit, Running Start, where students will:
- Learn about the importance of women running for office
- Develop and give an elevator speech about an issue important to you
- Meet elected leaders
- Leave with a plan in case you do run for office - now or in the future!
Space is limited! Please complete the Elect Her Training Registration Form. Your registration is not complete until you also turn in a completed permission slip. You can get the permission slip from Mrs. Chittuluru (Mrs. C) in the Wolverine Center. Please return the completed permission slip to Mrs. Chittuluru no later than April 19th.
Outpost Junior Counselor Program description:
- For students entering 10th grade through freshman year in college in Fall 2024
- All current 2023-24 high school students are eligible to apply
- Minimum 2-week commitment
- Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:00 PM
- Located at Canyonside Community Park (12350 Black Mountain Rd, SD 92129)
- Includes daily training in leadership, professionalism, and communication
- Counts as “Service Leadership Hours” (One session = 86 hours)
- Junior Counselors are eligible to request letters of recommendation
Steps to apply:
- Application: https://outpostsummercamps.com/programs/junior-counselors/junior-counselor-application/
- Group Interview
- Enrollment (if asked to join the program)
- Training
- One (or more) 2-week session of camp: Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:00 PM
For more info: https://outpostsummercamps.com/programs/junior-counselors/
Parent Workshops
Parent Education Courses
SCOIR Information
STUDENTS - College & Career Search: Accessing SCOIR
For Students: Scoir Student Application [Video Overview] - User Guide and Support Documentation | Scoir (helpdocs.io)
PARENTS/GUARDIANS - College & Career Search: Accessing SCOIR
Recorded Presentation Link: https://youtu.be/tbPkNww_h7g
Presentation Link (no audio): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OPSl39I6MuvBYpb-1YEd3YXSkzRQ6lxpOoTHC5iVG54/edit?usp=sharing
Westview Scholarship Newsletter
NEW Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors
Don't miss this scholarship opportunity with the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Bernardo. Each year they award scholarships to students pursuing education after high school to students in PUSD. Please see the information and timeline below. Don't wait to apply!
April 30 - Deadline for applications
May 6- 17 - Interviews with scholarship candidates
May 24 - Awardees attend RB Kiwanis Meeting to receive their awards
We provide follow on scholarship monies to eligible past winners. These students are college sophomores and juniors who are continuing to excel. Recipients of this years' award will be eligible for follow-on scholarship money based on continuing need and scholastic performance in their college careers.
Financial Aid Resources
New UC Financial Aid Resources
UC is excited to announce the launch of a new systemwide financial aid calculator. This new tool will allow students and families to estimate their financial aid and cost of attendance at any of our nine undergraduate campuses in one place. The calculator is currently available for California resident students. Information for nonresident students will be available in the coming weeks.
Peer Tutoring
One on One Tutoring
Counselors/Wolverine Center
COUNSELING Canvas page!
Wolverine Center
Visit the Wolverine Center for help with SCOIR, Off Roll Stickers, College Visits, and more.
We are here for you! Need assistance with SCOIR? Questions for your counselor? Or just want to discuss present and future options?
Students have access to:
- Counselors (Click here to view our Counseling staff)
- Registrar: Ms. Carroll at kcarroll@powayusd.com
- Work Permits: see Ms. Annie Work Permits
- Student Services: Ms. Dalia at dyacoub@powayusd.com
- Mental Health Resources: contact your Counselor
- SCOIR: Contact Ms. Beccarelli at dbeccarelli@powayusd.com
- College Rep Visits: All College Visits will be in person in the Wolverine Center (calendar on SCOIR)
Mental Health
Virtual Wellness Center sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education
This virtual Wellness Center includes activities and resources to support the well-being of staff, students, and parents by promoting health and wellness. Explore each area to discover strategies and tools that work for you.
Mental Heath Support
Counselors are available to help support students through any personal, social, or academic concerns. Please reach out to your counselor if you need support. Additional hotlines and resources are provided below.
If you are in crisis or are in need of immediate mental health support, call 988.
Stay Connected
You can also stay up to date on scheduled activities by accessing monthly calendars below.
Westview Counseling
Email: westviewcounseling@gmail.com
Website: WESTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL (powayusd.com)
Phone: (858) 780-2000