Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School
August 20, 2024
Dr. Wilson-Rosse
Dr. Mullins
Dr. Vignon
Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School will uphold our values of respect, cultural awareness, acceptance, integrity, and responsibility by ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered.
09.02.24: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
09.04.24: Progress Reports Issued
09.04.24: Activity Day #1
09.09.24: Mental Health Awareness Day
09.18.24: Activity Day #2
Melody Osborne, School Counselor
7th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with Science and Social Studies
Belinda Hotchkiss, School Counselor
8th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with ELA and Math teachers
Ask your student about school. Be creative when doing so. Instead of asking, “How was school?” Or “What did you do today?” Try asking something like, “What made you laugh today?” or “What was the most interesting thing a teacher said today?” Get even more creative and share something about your day first. Your student might be more likely to open up.
For more information regarding our school counseling program and for resources, please join our Schoology Group! https://mnps.schoology.com/group/7291911979 Access Code: M86S-4MMQ-JCBD4
Susan K. Purcell-Orleck, SEL Facilitator
SEL for Parents:
"It’s hard to overstate the importance of sleep for our well-being. When our sleep is disrupted, we become more susceptible to illness and more likely to suffer cognitive impairment, poor work performance, and withdrawal and loneliness. This is especially true for our children ... Children who get insufficient sleep can become irritable and grumpy, have problems concentrating in school and studying, and have poorer immune function. They may even experience delayed growth ... In teens, sleep is a time when certain neural connections are pruned back in favor of others so that energy is preserved for what matters most in adolescence. It’s probably not surprising, then, that sleep also affects mental health."
For more information, please visit our SEL at Meigs website (https://selatmeigs.weebly.com/sel-for-parents.html).
Support Meigs Students: Give to the MEIGS PTO INVEST Campaign!
What is INVEST?
INVEST is the Meigs PTO’s annual giving campaign and the largest source of funding for our school’s PTO.
How do INVEST funds help?
Every dollar raised through INVEST directly benefits Meigs students and teachers by providing vital resources that wouldn’t otherwise be available, such as:
- Updated instructional materials and equipment, like enhancements to the computer lab.
- Library resources, including technology and display updates.
- Science materials for experiments, frog dissection, and rocket building.
- Costumes for drama productions.
- Instrument repairs for band and strings.
- Supplies for music, art, drama, and computer classes.
- Support for clubs, athletics (jerseys, equipment, banners)
- Resources for the Meigs garden and outdoor classroom.
How can I give?
Visit – www.investmeigs.evrits.com
How much should I give?
Our goal is to raise $50,000, or $75 per student. Donations last year ranged from $10 to $1,500—every amount counts! Let’s work together to make a big impact.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes! The Meigs PTO is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax-deductible. Don’t forget to ask your employer about matching gifts.
Email us at meigsptoinvest@gmail.com.
Combine your love for Titans games with your passion for supporting Meigs! The Titans Fundraiser offers an incredible opportunity to be part of the action and give back to our school.
Use the exclusive code MEIGS2024 to secure your seats at a special rate for these upcoming games: Patriots on 11/3, Vikings on 11/17, and Bengals on 12/15. But that's not all – for every ticket you purchase using the MEIGS2024 code, a generous $10 will be donated to our PTO, supporting various programs that benefit our students.
We're aiming to reach a target of 150 tickets for the 12/15 showdown against the Bengals. Achieving this goal means an exclusive post-game photo session on the field for the Meigs community.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enjoy Titans games while making a meaningful impact on our school. Secure your tickets now by visiting THIS LINK and remember to use the code MEIGS2024 during your purchase.
Join us for Project LIT Book Club!
We will be discussing New Kid by Jerry Craft. Please submit the attached permission slip to Ms. Maggio, Ms. Spacek, or Ms. Tucker-Dye. Copies of the book are available in the library on a first come, first served basis.
Attention all 7th & 8th graders! Are you interested in being in our after school Anime or D&D club? If so, please have your parents complete the attached permission form(s). All forms must be returned to Ms. Tucker-Dye (amanda.tucker@mnps.org) no later than Friday, August 23.
John Miller
I have coached basketball for six years. This will be my third season as a head coach. I have coached at the high school level and middle school level and have coached both boys' and girls' basketball. More information will be coming soon about open gym and the first day of practice. I look forward to serving our Meigs community and can't wait for the season to begin!
Teacher Sponsor: Mrs. Schimenti
Interested in Swimming with the Meigs team for Nashville School Swim Club? Think you might like to give swimming a try? We are excited to begin registering for Session One of Nashville School Swim Club!
Session 1 will be 9/3-10/6 at Seven Hills Swim Club. The focus of this session will be development. Athletes will develop their feel for the water, stroke, and stamina. In order to participate, athletes must be able to comfortably swim 4 lengths of the pool.
Who should swim during this session? Everyone is welcome. Swimmers for this session are swimmers who maybe were just getting comfortable last season and have a goal to improve this season and need a jump start. Swimmers who are new to team swimming have a great opportunity to develop before the tryouts for the next session. Swimmers who want to keep going and not lose momentum gained during summer swim. There will be no tryouts for this session.
Registration is completely online with the form found on the NSSC website. For safety and the best experience for all of the swimmers we will limit the session to the first 45 swimmers to register. Parents will be notified when registration is received. The list for the session will be published on the NSSC website no later than August 26th. This is an open session, and we are not dividing up by school, so Meigs swimmers will be combined with swimmers from other schools that participate in NSSC.
Practice times are Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-5:30. The fee for Session 1 is $150 payable on the first day of the session. Please wait for payment instructions before sending payment.
* Please bookmark the NSSC website www.nashvilleschoolswimclub.org and use the page as a reference.
* Any questions at all, please reach out to our parent liaison, Dana Hughes at dana.n.hughes@gmail.com.
Volleyball Home Games:
Please come out and support the volleyball team. Home games are on August 19, August 26, and September 16.
To purchase tickets please go to GoFan. Search for Meigs then click on the game to purchase a ticket. A list of those that purchased tickets will be printed at 8:00 A.M. on the day of the game.
GoFan - The largest high school ticketing solution in the U.S.
Parent Permission:
Any student that would like to attend a home volleyball game must have a parent complete this permission form by 8 A.M. on the day of the game.
All meets at Cornelia Fort Airpark
August 21
JV 5:45
Varsity Girls 5:00
Varsity Boys 5:30
August 28
JV 5:45
Varsity Girls 5:00
Varsity Boys 5:30
Sept 4
JV 5:45
Varsity Girls 5:00
Varsity Boys 5:30
Sept 11
City Championships, TBD
6th Grade:
- 8/24 - Beginning BAND Jumpstart - 9am-12:30pm
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 12/6 - 6th Grade Winter Concerts
- BAND - 5:30pm
- STRINGS - 7:30pm
7th and 8th Grade:
- 10/17-10/18 – MNPS All-County Honor BANDS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 11/7 – MNPS All-County Honors STRINGS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/8 – TN All Mid-State Auditions Clinic
- 12/7 – TN All Mid-State Auditions @ Wilson Central HS
- 12/13 - 7th & 8th Grade BAND & STRINGS Winter Concert 6:30pm
- 1/9-1/11 - TN All Mid-State STRINGS Clinic
- 1/16-1/18 - TN All Mid-State BAND Clinic
Please remind your student to use the buddy system for morning and afternoon commutes.
Students and parents have access to the school's daily menu. Please click on the link to view the options for breakfast and lunch: MealViewer Schools
Meal benefits form link for parents:
To ensure grading is more equitable for all students, we created a school-wide retake policy aligned to the district's expectations. Students who score below a 70% on a summative assessment must be given an opportunity to retake the assessment. Teachers are required to offer a minimum of one retake for students as needed.
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT: https://technology.mnps.org/support
Meigs Website: www.meigsacademicmagnet.org
Location: 713 Ramsey Street, Nashville, TN 37206, USA
Phone: 615.271.3222