Bridgewater Bear Tracks
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Try Your Best
December 6, 2024
Winter Reminders
Please send your student to school prepared with clothing appropriate for the changing temperatures.
If the temperature is warmer than 0 degrees and the wind chill is warmer than -10 degrees students will be outside for recess.
Labeling clothing and winter gear with your child's name is helpful, especially as we approach winter! We have numerous mittens, hats and sweatshirts in the lost and found. Labeled items are so much easier to return to the owner. Keep in mind that many of us shop at the same stores, so you can imagine how many pairs of black snow pants we have.
Click on the button below to read about weather related disruptions and school closings. This information will help you plan if the weather affects the school day.
Lost and Found
Thank you to everyone who picked up their clothing items from the lost and found! We will be doing another donation run during Winter Break, so please have your children collect their things in the next two weeks. The school is also open until 6PM if you want to come in and take a look after school!
Winter Break
Winter Break is December 23rd-Jan 1st with no school for students. The Bridgewater Office will also be closed. Please remind your child to bring home their winter gear over break so they can play outside.
School-age children need from 9-12 hours of sleep per night. Children who get less sleep have difficulty focusing and regulating their emotions. It is best to keep a consistent bedtime for children with no electronics in their room. Please give your child the gift of sleep.
PE Corner Happenings
December is the kickoff to our volleyball unit. We will be working on volleyball skills for the first two weeks of December, followed by a week of winter games to kick off winter break.
Students worked on passing and setting a volleyball on Monday and Tuesday, and the remaining days this week are spent serving and combining our skills in different drills and activities. Next week we will be playing volleyball themed games working on using the skills learned this week.
On Wednesday we had a fifth grade student make the Possible Shot. Pacey Amy was nominated for the possible shot by a peer, for her never ending patience and consistent encouragement when practicing serving. Pacey is a more reserved student, but doesn't let that get in the way of her work ethic. Pacey gives her full effort and always tries her best. Pacey is kind to everyone and peers enjoy having her on their team. Pacey modestly nailed the possible shot on her first attempt. We are happy to be able to recognize and highlight an exemplary student like Pacey.
Grades 3-5 will be participating in roller skating January 8-24. All students were sent home with a sheet containing the details for this unit. If you have additional questions, please let one of the Physical Education teachers know! To pay and give your student permission, please click the link HERE. The cost for this in-house field trip is $7. If you need financial assistance, please let us know.
Coloring Contest Winners
Recently, the Northfield VFW Auxiliary presented the elementary schools with an coloring contest. The theme “My Beautiful America” was well received, with many students participating. The local Auxiliary judged the pictures, and those winners will be moving on to the District judging in December. We had two winners at Bridgewater, and they happen to be brothers! Congratulations to William and Wyatt! 🎉
"Extra Holidays" (Non-Screen Activities)
Here is a list of the "extra" holidays that might give some good ideas for non-screen related activities to do as families/groups. Whether it's National "Bake Cookies" Day or National "Dice" Day, get some inspirations for creative ways to spend time at home!
~A Message from the Bridgewater Booster Club~
BBC Open Board Positions
The time has come for two of our current BBC Board Members to step down. Beau Nielsen (President) and Tori Swedin (Treasurer) will be retiring at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. We are searching for a new President and a new Treasurer for the 2025-2026 school year. Please inquire at our front office with questions and/or interest in one of the positions!
December Band and Orchestra Concerts
Please join us for our upcoming musical performances!
December 10 - All 5th Grade Band Concert
Greenvale Park Elementary, 6:30pm
December 12 - 4th/5th Grade Orchestra & 5th Grade Band Concert
Bridgewater Gym, 2:05PM
December 17 4th/5th Grade Orchestra Concert NMS @ 7PM
Winter Walk - Thursday December 12
Join us in celebrating the 26th Annual Winter Walk on Thursday, December 12th! Experience downtown Northfield by candlelight! Stroll through unique shops, dine at fine restaurants, enjoy caroling, live reindeer, fireworks, storytelling, luminarias, decorated store fronts and much more!
Free Open Gym at Greenvale Park Elementary!
Looking for a fun, active way to spend your time over winter break? Join us for FREE Open Gym at Greenvale Park Elementary!
When: Monday, December 23, 10am - 12pm & Friday, December 27 10am - 12pm
Where: Greenvale Park Elementary School Gym
Who: All Northfield District Students Welcome!
No registration required—just show up and join the fun! Spread the word, and we’ll see you there!
YMCA Programming
Did you know that the YMCA sends a van to Bridgewater to transport students to the Y after school for programs? The programs that are just starting are: Afterschool Basketball, Afterschool Volleyball, Afterschool Soccer, and Afterschool Gaga Ball. All of these are for students in Grades 1-5.
Go to or call 507-645-0088 to register.
Northfield Swim Club - Winter '24-'25 Session Starts DECEMBER 2
Is your swimmer ready for competitive swimming? If your swimmer is interested in joining the swim team for the first time, contact Coach Jesse to set up an evaluation. Evaluations take 10-15 minutes and determine if swimmers are ready for the team or if they need additional swim lessons.
Multiple Swimmer Discount - 1st Swimmer = Full Amount; 2nd Swimmer = 10% off; 3rd Swimmer = 20% off; & 4th Swimmer = 40% off
Scholarships are available - Need-based scholarships are available through the Northfield Youth Sports Collaborative. To learn more about scholarships contact the Northfield Community Resource Center at (507) 664-3524.
December Lunch Menu
The lunch menu for each month will be provided in the newsletter.
Fall Breakfast Menu
There are many activities that children and adults may access during the course of the year. Don't forget to check the numerous opportunities from the Northfield Community Education Program:
Upcoming Events
Dec. 10---All 5th Grade Band Concert @ GVP
Dec. 10---Bridgewater Booster Club Meeting 6:00-7:00 pm in the BW Media Center
Dec. 12---Band & Orchestra Concert 2:05 in the Bridgewater gym
Dec. 16---Gingerbread House Day for Kindergarten 9:30-10:30
Dec. 17 ---4th/5th Orchestra Concert; 7 PM @NMS
Dec. 23-Jan. 1---Winter Break-No school for students
Jan. 14---Bridgewater Booster Club Meeting 6:00-7:00 pm in the BW Media Center
May 16---Boosterthon Fun Run
June 5---Fifth-Grade Graduation
School Calendars 24-25
Helpful Numbers and Links
Attendance Line
Benjamin Bus
BW Main Office
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bridgewater Elementary School
World-Class Learning for Elementary Students, Bridgewater Elementary School, situated on a 14-acre campus just south of downtown Northfield, is a K-5 public school serving approximately 570 students. It serves the neighborhoods on Northfield's southern side, Dundas, and the rural area south of Highway 19 and west of Highway 246. Students benefit from an active parent-teacher organization, Bridgewater Booster Club (BBC) and many parent volunteers.
The staff is intensely dedicated to offering a high-quality, well-rounded education that strives to meet the specific needs of each student. We focus on empowering our students in their academic and social emotional learning along with building a solid foundation for their educational journey in partnership with families.
Main Office Number: 507-664-3300
Attendance Line: 507-664-3306
Address: 401 Jefferson Parkway
Web page: