November 2, 2024

Hello, Longwood Families!
Welcome to November! We just wrapped up our first quarter, and it was a fantastic start to the school year filled with learning and growth!
🥳 Attendance Pop Up Party: To celebrate students’ commitment to daily attendance, we hosted our first fall-themed pop-up party on Friday! Students enjoyed a fall themed movie during lunch and were able to vote on a favorite class pumpkin. Thank you for helping make sure your child is here each day, ready to learn. Attendance plays an big role in student success, and we’re grateful for your partnership!
🍎 Report Cards: Reviewing report cards with your student is a great opportunity to celebrate their success and set a goal for the next quarter. Your support reinforces the importance of learning and continual growth. Quarter 1 Report Cards are available now in ParentVue by clicking the report card tab. Directions can be found here. Please call the office if you have any questions. We're happy to help! 630-428-6789
💧Refillable Water Bottles: Please remember to send your child to school with a refillable water bottle each day. There are multiple bottle filling stations around the building.
🧥Lost and Found: If your student is missing anything, please encourage them to check the lost and found this week. Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the day on Friday.
Mon, 11/4: 🚫 No School for Students - Institute Day
Tue, 11/5: 🚫 No School for Students & Staff - Election Day
Wed, 11/6: 🕘 Late Start Wednesday, *Doors Open 9:00*
Thu, 11/7: 📸 Picture Retakes!
Fri, 11/8: 🎓 Future Ready Friday Spirit Day! Represent a career or college/university!
Please continue reading for additional important reminders and news.
Have a wonderful long weekend, Lions! See you Wednesday!
🦁 October Longwood Leaders 💙
🍂 Attendance Pop Up Party 🍁
🎃 Thank you to Home Depot in Naperville on Route 59
for their donation of 17 pumpkins for our classrooms! 🎃
IPSD204 has placed a bond referendum on the Nov 5th ballot to address its highest-priority facility & safety needs, without requiring a tax rate increase.
D204 Bond Referendum Benefits
Improving safety and security at all schools
Maintaining academic excellence and accountability
Enhancing building efficiency, saving taxpayer dollars
Protecting property values
Ensuring every student has access to a quality learning environment
Reducing costly and disruptive emergency repairs
Extending the useful life of existing facilities
Making districtwide improvements without a tax rate increase
🎁 Gift Mart 🎁
Sign Up will arrive home on Wednesday by Backpack!
Note from the PTA:
Our next restaurant fundraiser will be at Panera on Wednesday, November 13th. Keep an eye out for the flyer in backpack mail!
🍁🦁Join Us on Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm
We welcome your ideas as we plan for upcoming events and opportunities for our students!
There are many ways to support as a Longwood community member and opportunities are flexible around your availability! By becoming a member of the PTA and/or attending a meeting you could support by sharing ideas, donating items or funds for upcoming events, assist with upcoming parties, or lead school-wide events. Join us on November 12th to find out more!
November Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Trait of the Month: Empathy
Mon, 11/4: No School - Institute Day
Tue, 11/5: No School - Election Day
Wed, 11/6: Late Start Wednesday *Doors Open 9:00*
Thu, 11/7: Picture Retakes
Fri, 11/8: Future Ready Friday - Represent a career or college/university!
We, 11/13: Family Conference Scheduling Open in ParentVue
Thu, 11/21: Family Conferences 4-8:00pm
Mon, 11/25: Family Conferences 8:00am-8:00pm
Tue, 11/26 - Fri, 11/28: No School - Thanksgiving Break
🍎 Previous Updates 🦁
- 10.26.24 Weekly Preview
- 10.19.24 Weekly Preview
- 10.13.24 Weekly Preview
- 10.5.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.29.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.22.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.14.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.7.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.3.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.31.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.25.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.24.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.17.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.14.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.5.24 Summer Scoop