From the Desk of Mrs. Larned...
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Our First Full Week!
These first few days of school have been an exciting and busy whirlwind of learning procedures and getting to know one another. Our class is off to a great start and I am looking forward to an awesome 2024-2025 school year, full of growth and building relationships! One particular team-building activity, Two Truths and a Lie, that we completed this week in class was a fan favorite. Ask your student for more details about this engaging activity designed to try and stump our fellow classmates. 😀
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- Friday, August 30th: No School
- Monday, September 2nd: No School- (Labor Day)
- Wednesday, September 11th : 1/2 Day (afternoon staff PD)
Homework Folders
You will begin seeing a red folder come home with your student every afternoon (starting on Monday). This folder will be used to send homework and other important correspondence back and forth between school and home. Beginning on Monday, the students will be given homework each night (excluding Fridays) to complete and return the next day. Please have students use their red folder to transport their completed work to school each morning. If you happen to have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
Weekly Spelling List
Each Monday afternoon, students will be bringing home a weekly Spelling list that they should take a few minutes to study each day. These words (and the weekly spelling patterns that they center around) are part of our Wonders ELA curriculum. During the week, we will also be completing several word work activities that will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the specific spelling patterns/rules found within each word. Finally, on Friday, each student will be tested on their new spelling word knowledge.
Class Dojo
This year, I’ll be using ClassDojo to share fun moments from the classroom and keep you up-to-date on important upcoming info and events. If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to download the Class Dojo app and get connected to our class using the link found below.
Recorder Time!
Today, each of the students will be bringing home an order form for purchasing a recorder that will be used in music class throughout this school year. If you didn't happen to see this paper in your student's backpack, please let me know and I will send you another copy.