Pāpāmoa Primary
Growing Successful Learners - Whakatipu Mātauranga
Matt's Message
Kia Ora e te Whānau
Last night, our board held the first of our twice-termly meetings, where we began by discussing student achievement. Typically, we share the percentage of students and their current achievement levels against the curriculum for each year group.
However, instead of delving into detailed statistics, we chose to focus on what we refer to as 'Target Action Meetings.' Sara and Anna presented this process, and the board members were so impressed that they felt it was important to share with you, our community. This approach highlights our commitment to ensuring that no child slips through the cracks.
The Target Action Meetings are a tool that we use to guide our school interventions, resourcing and reporting on all students individually and collectively on their learning outcomes. It is specific to Reading, Writing, Maths and Learning Support needs of Tamariki.
Each term, during Weeks 4 or 5, our school conducts two-day meetings where teachers meet individually with senior leadership to discuss and document students who are performing below their expected year level in Reading, Writing, and Maths.
In these meetings, goals are set for the next 10-week teaching block, aiming for all students to achieve at their year level by the end of the year. Teachers provide both formative and summative assessment data, supported by examples of student work, to demonstrate each student's current level of achievement.
From this process:
Senior Leaders can identify learning patterns and behavior, plan resources, and set up intervention groups with specialist teachers to accelerate learning. This process also helps in understanding students' overall needs, assisting in decision-making like class placements and new enrolments. It ensures that long-term plans match student needs and fosters shared ownership of student learning outcomes across the school.
Team Leaders can easily identify and support students across their classes, ensuring that planning is based on student needs rather than just the curriculum.
Teachers are expected to demonstrate progress in regular 10-week blocks, with planning focused on explicit Next Learning Steps in Reading, Writing, and Maths. This process ensures that no student "slips through the cracks" and that teachers are supported and heard throughout the year.
Students benefit from consistent monitoring, with any changes in their progress being carefully tracked and addressed. This ensures all students receive the support they need to succeed.
SENCo consolidates all relevant information in one place, including historical support and health and wellbeing issues, reducing the "learning lag" and ensuring continuity of support from year to year.
This structured process ensures that every student's learning progress is monitored, supported, and celebrated, fostering a successful learning environment for all.
As Principal, I am very proud of this process within our school. I would like to thanks our SLT for their commitment to ensuring the best outcomes possible for all Tamariki.
International Students
As you will know, this year we began hosting International Students within our school. It has been a very exciting journey for those children but also our kiwi tamariki and staff. Next week I will be travelling with 21 other schools across Tauranga to Korea and Japan to market our school for future students in 2025. This is something that has been happening for Tauranga Schools for a number of years. You can read more about this here.
I look forward to meeting new prospective parents and student with the hope to see them transfer to New Zealand at the beginning of 2025.
While I am away, the school will be in the safe hands of Deputy Principals Sara and Anna.
Ngā mihi
Matt Simeon
Summer Sport Registration - Term 4
Term 3 Events Calendar
Our school website has the link to our school events calendar. Click on the link below to see all of the term events that parents need to know about.
The calendar has been updated with our Term 3 Events:
Papamoa College Enrolment Open Evening
Tuesday 20 August 6.00pm - 8.00pm
This evening will cover information about what Pāpāmoa College has to offer and how the 2025 enrolment process works.
The campus will also be open for you to explore.
We look forward to meeting you!
2024 Term Dates
Wednesday Challenge
The Gymnastic Academy - Term 3
Fun First Football - Term 4
The extremely popular Fun First Football Programme is back on our Pap Primary sports field on Thursday after school in Term 4! This is their busiest term so Book early to guarantee a spot for your child as they will fill up fast . This is for kids aged 4yrs old - 9yrs old. Simply go to https://funfirstfootball.co.nz/ for more info or to Book today!
The Study Nook
Term 1 05 Feb – 12 Apr
Term 2 29 Apr – 05 Jul
Term 3 22 Jul – 27 Sep
Term 4 14 Oct – 18 Dec
School Starts 8:40am
Morning Interval 10:30am - 11:00am
Lunch 12:40pm - 1.30pm
School Finishes 2:35pm Karewa and Matakana | 2:40pm Tūhua and Mōtītī
Phone: 542 3261 (absentee message service)
Email: papamoaprimary@papamoa.school.nz
Website: http://www.papamoa.school.nz/report_an_absentee
Please include your child’s name, room and reason for absence.
If your child arrives at school after 8.40am they are late. Please ensure they sign in at the office before going to class. Thank you.
As part of our School-Links communication system, an automated text message will go out to all unexplained absences. This number is a reply once only.
While we understand that families sometimes need to take time away from school, it is essential that we as a school are notified.
Any absence longer than 20 school days will need to be approved in advance by the school principal. You can do this by sending an email to papamoaprimary@papamoa.school.nz explaining the reason for your child's absence and the dates they will be away. If your child is absent for longer than 20 school days the MOE instructs us to remove a child from our school roll. If you live outside of our school zone there is no guarantee that your child will be able to re-enrol at Pāpāmoa Primary School. It's important to keep communication open between us. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in your child's education.
You can order (or cancel) any time before 9am on the day or schedule in advance.
Lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch.
Get started now… Click here or go to www.mykindo.co.nz and click ‘create account’.
Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or tel. 0800 EZLUNCH (0800 395 8624) week days 8am-4pm.
The mobile is tentatively scheduled to be onsite at Te Manawa O Papamoa School from Monday 29th May for the remainder of Term 2.
For emergencies, parents can phone 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to find the nearest clinic.
In the event of an emergency, sickness or injury we need to be able to contact someone who can collect your child.
Office staff will only administer medicines to students once a form has been completed and signed by a parent or caregiver.
Would you like to know more about our School Policies and Procedures?
We invite you to visit the site at https://papamoa.schooldocs.co.nz
(note that there's no "www.").
Our username is "papamoa" and password "3118".
Contact Details
Phone: 07 542 0865
Location: 312 Dickson Road Pāpāmoa
Email: admin@papamoa.school.nz
Website: www.papamoa.school.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PapamoaPrimarySchool/