Monroe Memo
January, 2025
A Message From Mrs. Parduhn
Happy New Year! Here’s to an incredible 2025! As we move forward together, our success depends on our collaboration and support for one another. We invite you to join us for PTA Bingo Night on Wednesday, January 29, from 6:00–7:30 PM, where we will have some fun and also share the Monroe Partners-in-Learning Compact (you can view the Compact here: Compact). The partnership between students, families, and staff is essential in helping our students achieve their goals. As a school-wide Title 1 school, we are dedicated to creating opportunities for ALL of our students to thrive. We will continue to work on and strengthen:
increasing academic achievement
providing direct instructional support to students
providing professional development for teachers and staff
promoting parent and family engagement
A New Look!
There have been several improvements made to our Monroe School lobby the past few months including new paint, new furniture and a large screen tv for announcements. The crowning jewel was installed right before break thanks to Monroe parents, Dan and Carmen Draheim and the company Dan works with, R Whirlwind. Mr. Drahiem was inspired to create an illuminated Monroe Mustang design to help welcome people into our bulding. He also installed a large mustang graphic in our gym.Thank you to the Draheim family for such an awesome addition to our school!
Ms. Schroeder
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? Kindergarten Teacher, year 2 at Monroe
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Laugh
Who is your favorite Disney character? Dori
If you could have a superpower what would it be? To clone: this way, I could teach and go to the bathroom at the same time.
What is your favorite snack food? Cheetos
Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will add life to your years.
Is there a skill you would like to learn? Paddle Boarding
What was your favorite toy as a child? My Barbie Dreamhouse
If you could trade lives for one day with anyone, who would that be? Oprah
What are you afraid of? The dark & clowns
What is your favorite children's book? The Best Nest
Ms. Ziolkowski
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? I am the General Music teacher for all Monroe students, and this is my 5th year at Monroe!
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?Talk!
If you could have a superpower what would it be? Invisibility
What is your favorite snack food? Popcorn
Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? "Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength."
Is there a skill you would like to learn? Crocheting! I'm an avid knitter, but I'd like to know both.
What is your favorite children's book? My favorite picture book is probably "Stick and Stone;" my favorite YA novel is "Hummingbird" thanks to a recommendation from Mrs. Berres!
Mrs. Krause
What is your position here at school and how long have you worked at Monroe? Literacy Coach / SFA Facilitator
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Golf - or watch our kids play sports together
In your opinion who is the greatest athlete of all time? Michael Jordan - I used to read every article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sports section about him when I was growing up.
What is your favorite snack food? Popcorn or Potato Chips
What was your favorite toy as a child? Micro Machines
What are you afraid of? Deer - I nearly got run over by one when I was riding my bike as a child and have now been scarred for life.
What is your favorite children's book? The Velveteen Rabbit
SFA News
Our current literacy program has three instructional components: KinderCorner, Reading Roots, and Reading Wings. Let’s take a closer look at Reading Roots!
Reading Roots is a literacy program for beginning readers that uses a variety of techniques to help students learn to read with the goal of developing a strong foundation for literacy. It fosters a love for reading through systematic phonics instruction, rich literacy experiences, oral-language and vocabulary development, engaging media content, and opportunities to read decodable stories. The main portion of the reading block is dedicated to four different 20-minute activities:
FastTrack Phonics - Fun, fast-paced, and systematic phonics program that builds students’ skills in phonemic awareness, letter-sound correspondence and word level blending and segmenting.
Shared Story - Students read complex, engaging, and interesting stories using the letter sounds they have learned.
Story Telling & Retelling / Adventures in Writing - Students are provided exposure to and interaction with higher levels of children’s literature.
Practice with Cleo & Theo - A web-based activity to provide additional reading practice. Students work in partnerships to complete tasks and give each other feedback.
What can you do to help?
Students in Reading Roots bring home a Read & Response sheet each day. Listen and support your child as he or she reads their Shared Stories and help them complete their homework sheet. Read books to your child and engage them in conversations about the texts.
Monroe Elementary School
2502 South 14th Street, Manitowoc WI
Phone - 920-663-9550
920-663-9666 attendance line
Fax - 920-663-9551