Denmark Digest
October 2024
Message from Kim Oliver, Principal
October is always a busy month on a high school campus. With fall and winter sports overlapping and fine arts thriving, it's exciting to see our students engaged before and after school in practices, club meetings, and events. As I’ve mentioned before, one of the best ways for students to thrive academically is by getting involved in campus life. We’re dedicated to providing opportunities for students to connect and engage.
This newsletter highlights some of the exciting events from September as well as upcoming events for the month of October, such as Homecoming, underclassman picture day, Trunk or Treat, One Act, etc. I hope our students will participate in all of the events of Homecoming week, including dress up days, Trunk or Treat, the pep rally, the game and the dance. These events allow students opportunities to have traditional high school experiences while making lasting memories with their friends.
As we wrap up the first nine weeks in October, please encourage your students to submit any late or missing assignments and to make up any assessments missed due to absences. Monday, October 7th is the final day for submitting missing work for this grading period.
Thank you, as always, for entrusting us with your students. It's a Great Day to Be a Dane!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Go Danes!
Kim Oliver
Denmark's August Students of the Month Recognized
We recently honored our August Students of the Month with a luncheon and short ceremony. Please click HERE to access the slideshow and see our students of the month for August.
These students were so appreciative of the opportunity to be recognized!
Congratulations to Our National Merit Semifinalists for 2024 - 2025!
We are excited to announce our 16 National Merit Semifinalists for 2024 - 2025. These 16 students mark the most semifinalists that Denmark has had in a single year. We are so Dane proud!
Best of Forsyth Voting is Open!
Please consider voting for Denmark High School as the best high school in the 2025 Best of Forsyth voting..
Denmark Performing Arts has been nominated for Best of Forsyth 2025 for Live Theater! As winners in 2024, we would love to earn this honor once again! Voting takes place October 1-31 and you can vote multiple times! If you have attended one of our shows or know one of our Thespians, you recognize the heart and soul put into each production. We would love for you to take a moment and vote for Denmark Performing Arts
For Your Calendar
October 10th: Underclassmen Photo Day
October 18th: PSAT
October 23rd: Trunk or Treat
October 25th: Homecoming Game
October 26th: Homecoming Dance
October 30th: One Act Region 6-6A @ FoCAL
October 30th: Pathway Night at Denmark High School
April 12th: Prom
May 18th: Graduation @ 8:30 AM
Upcoming Events on Campus
All Things Homecoming
Denmark Family,
We are so excited to continue the traditions of Homecoming and Homecoming Spirit Week! We are looking forward to seeing the growth of our events this year as we continue to add new members to our Dane Nation Family.
Please help us by encouraging your student to participate in ALL the fun activities planned for Homecoming Week 2024 including: Spirit Week (daily themed dress days), Powder Puff, Trunk or Treat, Pomp Board Decorating, the Homecoming Football Game (THEME: CLASS COLORS – 9th Grade: Grey, 10th Grade: White, 11th Grade: Navy Blue, 12th Grade: Carolina Blue) and the Homecoming Dance!
Homecoming Game
Friday, October 25th at 7:30 pm, the Danes will take on the Lambert Longhorns. The theme is CLASS COLORS. The homecoming court presentation will take place during halftime.
Homecoming Dance
Theme: The 2024 Homecoming Theme is Midnight Masquerade.
Date: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 7:30 – 10:30 pm.
The dance will take place inside the Denmark High School gym. Tickets are on sale through School Pay until Wednesday, October 23rd. The suggested attire is semi-formal but this is optional. Come enjoy the evening with your friends!
Denmark students who are bringing guests from another school must purchase a couple’s ticket and fill out the guest permission form. Click HERE to print the form. This form requires the signature of an administration from the guests’ school. Please turn completed forms in to Mrs. Bracket in the main office by end of day Monday, October 21st.
Our gym floor has been resurfaced over fall break in preparation for the 2024 basketball season. NO DRESS SHOES OF ANY KIND will be permitted on the gym floor! You can wear tennis shoes or go barefoot but in order to maintain the floor, dress shoes are prohibited.
There will be NO food served at Homecoming.
We want this week to be the best Dane Homecoming and are looking forward to giving our students opportunities to make memories all week long! Thank you for your continued support! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Nelson (f39322@forsyth.k12.ga.us).
It’s a Great Day to be a Dane!
Erica Nelson
Frequently Asked Questions About the Homecoming Dance
General Questions:
- When is Homecoming? Saturday, October 26 from 7:30pm – 10:30 pm.
- What is the theme? Midnight Masquerade
Ticket related questions:
- When is the last day to buy tickets? October 23rd
- Where can I buy my tickets? Online through School Pay
- How much are tickets? $30 for a single ticket or $50 for a couple’s ticket.
Tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable. - Do I need to bring my ID to verify your purchase of tickets? YES! If you do not have a state issued ID, please take a screenshot of your IC with your name and photo showing on it.
Single vs. Couple tickets:
- If you are bringing a date from Denmark High School, you can both purchase single tickets separately OR one person can buy them as a “couple” on School Pay.
- If you are bringing a date from another school, you MUST buy a couple’s ticket and turn in the guest permission form (see information below).
Date related questions:
- Can I bring someone from a different school? ABSOLUTELY!! Just make sure you fill out a guest permission form! Click HERE for the form.
- When is the Guest Permission Form due? Monday, October 21st to Ms. Brackett in the front office. Make sure ALL information is correct and filled out in its entirety.
- Where can I find the guest permission form? Your Student Canvas page, Ms. Nelson’s room (2634) or the front office. Also, you can click HERE.
Attire related questions:
- What should I wear? Our suggestion to you is semi-formal optional attire J
- Should I wear a long dress or short dress? A short dress is more appropriate for this event J
- Can I wear a dress that is a crop-top? Yes, provided it is not too revealing and tastefully cut.
- What about my shoes!? This event will be held in the DHS gym – NO dress shoes will be permitted on the gym floor. You can elect to wear tennis shoes OR take off your shoes and go barefoot but you will not be able to be on the dance floor with dress shoes on
Time related questions:
- What time is this event? Doors open at 7:30 PM and last dance will be at 10:25 PM J
- If I don’t arrive at 7:30 PM, will I be able to get in? Absolutely! Final call for check-in is at 10:00PM
Location related questions:
- Where is this event held? Denmark High School main gym
- Where do I enter to get in? You can ONLY enter through the check in which will be located in the main lobby of the gym
- If I’m driving, where should I park? In the student parking lot.
- If you have ANY further questions, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Nelson (elnelson@forsyth.k12.ga.us)
Last Day for Students to Submit Missing or Late Work for 1st Nine Weeks
In an effort to get gradebooks up to date before the nine weeks ends, all late or missing work must be submitted by October 7th!
Congratulations to Mr. Brian Jeffrey - August Teacher of the Month
We were excited to recognize Mr. Brian Jeffrey as our August Teacher of the Month. He teaches AP Biology and Environmental Science, and students nominated him for his ability to make a challenging subject attainable and for not taking himself too seriously.
Nominate Our Next Teacher of the Month
We need your assistance with the selection of our Teachers of the Month. Please take a few moments to nominate one of our outstanding teachers and tell us why that teacher should be selected.
CTAE Intern Spotlight
Kaylie Guthrie is a paid intern for Forsyth County News. She writes stories for the newspaper and has even gotten to take photos and interview people for quotes. She has written a few for the online FCN and they also published one of her stories she wrote Wednesday, Sept. 11 and put it on the front page! She has future career aspirations to go into journalism/reporting.
She told me “It was about this 9/11 Stadium Climb that is hosted in honor of the fallen first responders of 9/11. People climbed 110 stories in the bleachers which is equivalent to the height of the World Trade Center and it was a fundraiser too! It was a really amazing event to be able to cover. The picture below is Kaylie with her internship supervisor, Michelle Hall holding the edition with her article on the front page 😊
Are You Interested in Becoming a Substitute?
Forsyth County Schools and Denmark High School is in need of substitutes. If you are interested in finding out more information, please click HERE.
Yearbook Information
Senior News
Join the PTSO
We have a wonderful partnership with our PTSO who supports staff and students throughout the year. Please consider joining this amazing organization. Click HERE for membership information and to join PTSO.
DHS Important Information
Check Outs:
Check ins and check outs to school occur through our attendance office. Students are not permitted to simply leave campus; all students must go through the attendance office when leaving campus outside of their regular dismissal times. Please note, students are not permitted to check out after 3:15 PM.
Drop Off Before School / Pick Up After School:
Parents must drop off students in front of the main entrance both before and after school. This year, we ask that you arrive no earlier than 3:00 PM to pick up your student after school in the car rider line. During dismissal, if your child is not physically present when you arrive in the pickup line, you will be directed to circle back around the parking lot to keep traffic moving and minimize congestion.
Drop Off of Items / Deliveries:
Parents are NOT allowed to drop off any items for students, with the exception of prescription medication that is housed in our clinic or eye glasses that students need.
Payment for Lunch Accounts:
We ask that all parents set up an account with MYSCHOOLBUCKS.COM.
if you have not already done so. We prefer online payment in lieu of cash whenever possible.
Transportation for students enrolled in FVA / GAVS Part Time, Dual Enrollment, and/or IE2:
Students who are enrolled in FVA / GAVS part-time, Dual Enrollment, and/or IE2, and come to Denmark HS for some of their classes, MUST enter the building through the front doors only. To ensure the safety and well-being of all Denmark HS students, we ask that all students in this situation arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to the start of their first in-person class on Denmark’s campus.
FCS Food and Nutrition Information
MySchoolBucks will replace MyPaymentsPlus as the meal payment app.
Counseling Corner
Grade Level Information
9th Grade Students
- YouScience: All 9th grade students will be taking the YouScience Aptitude Assessment during the months of September-October during Dane Time. The assessment will be broken up into 3 proctored testing time slots. Once finished, students will have access to a bank of personal aptitudes, career options, and more!
10th Grade Students
- YouScience: All 10th grade students will be taking the YouScience Aptitude Assessment during the months of September-October during Dane Time if they have not completed it. Once finished, students will have access to a bank of personal aptitudes, career options, and more! In addition, students will be completing grade level activities that include dual enrollment exploration and career exploration.
- Classroom Guidance: On October 22nd and 23rd, we will be meeting with all 10th grade students. Students completed YouScience Brain Games last year, and we will be helping them discover their unique aptitudes. In addition, we will remind them about this career exploration platform and discuss the dual enrollment program. We encourage you to login to YouScience with your student to review their results and encourage additional exploration.
11th Grade Students
- In September, all Juniors were given lessons on the “SAT/ACT” and “Finding their Dream College”. This month, all Juniors will be saving three Postsecondary Plans to their YouScience platform. We will meet with all Juniors on October 28th to share all things “junior”. Be on the lookout for additional information about our College & Career Night in November.
12th Grade Students
- College application season is in full swing! Here are a few things to note:
- College applications will be processed in the order in which they have been received and will be completed by the college deadlines. Check out our College Application Toolkit for quick reference materials for applications!
- UGA, Georgia Tech, and Ga State do not require counselor letters of recommendation. However, they do require a school report to be completed. If you are applying to these schools, you are not required to fill out a Senior Profile, but it would be helpful to your counselor to send them an updated resume.
- If applying to schools that do require a counselor letter of recommendation, please make sure you turn in your Senior Profile. This can be found in the College Application Toolkit referenced above.
- Transcript requests must be made through Parchment and will be processed once we return from break. Remember that students only need to submit 1 transcript for all Common App schools. Please make sure that students are putting an accurate graduation year (2025) when requesting a transcript. The link for Parchment can be found here.
- United States Presidential Scholar: Applications/Nominations Due November 1st. The 2024-2025 U.S. Presidential Scholar nomination/application form is available on our website here and is due November 1st, 2023. Any Georgia high school student may complete the application, provided they are scheduled to graduate between January 2025 and August 2026 and obtain signatures from their principal and school counselor.
- Please note that submission of a nomination form does not guarantee the student will be nominated for the national recognition; Georgia is only permitted to nominate 20 students to the U.S. Department of Education. This nomination form is for the general Presidential Scholar recognition; the CTE and Arts recognitions are handled separately and are by invitation only. We ask that you distribute this application widely to graduating seniors in your school or district.
Sources of Strength
As we enter year 4 of Sources of Strength we are energized by the growth and student excitement. This is the second year we have opened Peer Leaders to all grade levels and ended up training 40+ students on training day! We have 7 new adult advisors added to the team as well from all different departments!
Upcoming College and Military Visits
College Visits
*Students Signup Using Student Support Time.
- Tuesday, October 1st– DT1- New York University
- Tuesday, October 1st– DT2- University of Oklahoma
- Wednesday, October 2nd- Lunch visit- Purdue University
- Thursday, October 3rd – DT1- Vanderbilt University
- Thursday, October 3rd – DT2-Duke University
- Friday, October 4th- Lunch Visit- Marines
- Tuesday, October 8th- DT1-Mississippi State University (Hail State!)
- Friday, October 25th- Lunch Visit- Marines
- Tuesday, October 29th- DT1- University of West Georgia
- Thursday October 31st- DT1- Savannah College of Art and Design
Parking for 2024 - 2025
Parking is available for 2024 - 2025! We are currently accepting payment through Schoolpay.com.
Parking is now open to 10th grade students with a valid driver's license!
- If you need to create a School Pay account, please click https://schoolpay.com/login/registration
- You will need the student ID number and last name to set up an account
- The parking fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $135.
*Parking Passes can be picked up in the front office.
Students MUST come in person (no parent or friend) and bring their driver’s license (NO LEARNERS PERMITS WILL BE ACCEPTED) and proof of payment (printed receipt or phone receipt) in order to pick up their pass.
Link to application: https://forms.gle/Yrgj7cRhSHoihuLs8
Please Note:
Parking is a privilege and students are not guaranteed a spot. Extracurricular activities, grade level, and designations such as IE2, Work Based Learning, Mentorship, Out of District and Dual Enrollment DO NOT guarantee preferential parking
Registration for all AP Exams is Now Open
It is time to register and pay for AP exams that will be taken in May. Click HERE for all information and to register.
Fine Arts
National Art Honor Society Assists with Faculty Appreciation Event
Our art students have been busy during the month of September. They added our Dane logo to the baseball wall and also have been working on the interactive coloring book that is part of the FCS Education Grant program.
Mark Your Calendars for Jekyll & Hyde
Denmark Performing Arts will be performing Jekyll & Hyde at the Georgia Theatre Conference One Act Festival on October 19 and at the GHSA Regional One Act Competition on October 30. Break legs and Go Danes!
Mark your calendars to see Jekyll & Hyde in our Denmark Theatre December 6, 7, 8, and 12, 13, 14.
Support Our Performing Arts as You Decorate for Holidays
Ready for the holidays? Support Denmark Performing Arts by purchasing your fresh wreaths, garland, centerpieces, and more! These make great gifts and will be shipped for you! DPA earns 15% of each order and your holiday list just got a lot shorter! Click HERE to order online or use the QR code provided. Thank you for your support of the arts!
Senior Nights
We love our football, cheer, band, and softball seniors!
National Coaches Day: October 6th
National Coaches Day – October 6th - Coaches help our student-athletes develop skills, resilience, teamwork, and teach life lessons. We will celebrate and recognize our coaches for their dedication and hard work with a lunch on Friday, October 4th. We need your help “showering” our coaches with positive shout outs, favorite memory with a coach or any other highlight as to what a DHS coach has meant to you, your family, the sport, etc.
It Is Time to Order Letter Jackets and Class Rings
3rd Ascent Visit – Stop by the cafeteria on Tuesday, October 22nd and order your letter jacket and/or class ring. For the letter jacket, you will need your “Letter” or certificate indicating that you have lettered. See the flyer for more details and deposit requirements.
All Sports Pass Available for Students
All-Sports Pass – It is NOT too late to get your All-Sports Student Pass! The All-Sports Student Pass is valid for all home game and all sports (football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, flag football, tennis, etc.), except playoffs. Attend approximately 10 games and you will have paid for the pass. The “access code” is your Student ID.
Athletic Schedules
For Your Planning Purposes
Please see the Midterm Schedule below. We wanted to share this schedule as early as possible in the event that you are planning to travel over the semester break. Please note: students are not permitted to take midterms early.
Business Spotlight
Leadership For Teens: Frolific
Leadership For Teens: Free Trial Class!
As we prepare for our Spring 2025 semester, we invite you to experience the benefits of our Leadership for Teens class firsthand. Don’t miss this opportunity—join us for a free trial class!
Sign up now at: www.frolific.com/free-trial-class
About Us
Website: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/dhs
Location: 645 Mullinax Road, Alpharetta, GA
Phone: 470.533.2521
Twitter: @DenmarkHS