Happy Friday the 13th!
Let's celebrate and look ahead for more fun!
Congratulations to all of our Whippurs of the Week!
6th Grade Whippur of the Week: Ledi Fejza!
Ledi always steps up to help others. Ledi works his hardest every day and uses his PAWS!
6th Grade Whippur of the Week: Isaac Lechuga!
Isaac continues to be a positve and helpful peer in the classroom and cafteria. He helps his friends succed and is respectful of others!
7th Grade Whippur of the Week: Mariana Aparicio Espinoza!
Mariana is always prepared for class and asks questions when needed. She respects the classroom and lives by the classroom's agreements!
7th Grade Whippur of the Week: Sadie Bowers!
Sadie has had a positve attitude since Day 1! She works hard to improve on her instrument. She always shows respect to all peers and staff at HMS!
8th Grade Whippur of the Week: Alyssa Freer!
Alyssa is always looking for ways to help her classmates and teachers. She volunteers her lunch periods to complete Student Council activities and even comes before school!
8th Grade Whippur of the Week: Jimena Rochel!
Jimena is a positive leader in class and takes pride in her work!
September Family Night: AVID Bingo!
NIU Stem Fest 2024!
Looking for something free and fun to do with your child that involves STEM based learning? NIU is hosting STEM Fest 2024 on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Code Red Lockdown Drill
Hampshire Middle School will participate in a lockdown drill on Wednesday, September 18th. This drill is required by Illinois State Law. The purpose of this drill is for students and staff to be aware of our safety procedures if we should need to go into a lockdown during an emergency situation. If you have any questions regarding this drill, please contact the main office. Thank you.
Positive Behaviors Reminder: Cell Phones
We wanted to take some time to review our district's cell phone policy at school and the help we need to ensure all of your students are safe and supported at HMS. Although students may choose to use their cell phones before/after school, during passing periods, and while at lunch, students are expected to keep their phones stored in their lockers during class. We are asking that you talk with your student about these expectations and reiterate that they should only engage in positive behaviors while on their phones.