Full Moon Every 29.5 Days?
Check Out These Events Occurring Before the Next Full Moon!
In This Edition:
- Transition Fair - Wednesday, October 25th
- Test Drive a School Bus - Saturday, October 28th
- What is Peachjar?
Do You Have Plans for Postsecondary Success?
The BCS Office of Special Education invites BCS students in 7-12th grade, their families and caregivers, to connect with local agencies and education reps to begin planning for your future after completing high school. Join us at the Transition Fair on Tuesday, October 25th at the Berkeley 2000 Center from 5:30PM-8:30PM. It's never too early to start thinking and planning!
It's You Turn in the Driver's Seat!
The BCS certified driver training team invites you into the seat of a bus to test drive the school bus operator's experience. Join us on Saturday, October 28th from 10 am until noon at 88 Harlan Springs Road. Click the link below to get the full details and to register!
Since 2018, Berkeley County Schools has used an electronic flyer distribution program called Peachjar to share flyers from approved community not for profit organizations through email and posted on school websites.
The primary parent in a student household will receive e-flyers from Peachjar to the email address on file with your school. Everyone is invited to register to receive e-flyers, and you can register here for the school of your choice by clicking here. E-flyers are delivered via email on Wednesdays.
With Peachjar, you'll never have to worry if you missed that flyer formerly stuffed in the bottom of your child's backpack. Approved digital flyers from your child's school are emailed to you as an image and are posted to your school's web flyerboard for easy review and reference.
Lots of parents learn about new programs for their child through Peachjar! From music and soccer to study abroad programs, tutoring and drivers ed - Peachjar helps connect your family with even more opportunities in your school and community. Flyers are accepted for verified non-profit organizations only.
Berkeley County Schools, WV's second largest and fastest growing school district, boasts a diverse student population recognized statewide for great success in academics, the arts and athletics.
This newsletter is a publication of the Berkeley County Schools' Communications Office on October 9, 2023.
Email: info@berkeleycountyschools.org
Location: 1453 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, WV, USA
Phone: 304-267-3500