Sachse Mustang Band UPDATES
Welcome to the START of School
Congrats on such a tremendous amount of progress during summer band! I'm so excited with the start that we have, let's maximize what we are capable of and keep pushing it to the next level. Make sure that you read the details below to make sure you are ready for WEEK 1 of school.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL... what do I need to be ready?
SO GLAD YOU ASKED, make sure to still have work out clothes for after school rehearsal
- Light Athletic Clothes
- Tennis Shoes
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Instrument/ Sticks & Bag
- Music
- Tuner
- Pencil
- A1 band will start at 7 AM on the turf field on Monday; be on campus by 6:30 AM or you will be late because traffic the first week is AWFUL! Our 7 AM start on the first day is an adjustment from our original schedule.
- A1 band students can come dressed in work out clothes and have a change in your backpack. You will want to have your change of clothes in the bag that is out at the field with you. Restrooms at the turf field will be opened for you to change when we dismiss. I will give you a little extra time on Day1.
- During A1 we will not be using props this week; DM's ladders only.
- WATER JUG Filled with Water
- Towel
- Double check you have your ID/ trust card on a lanyard, chrome book, and all other supplies you need for A1.
- KEEP Drinking Water
- Pre-pack all your things you will need
- Drink More Water
- Take a deep breath
- Drink Water
- HAVE a GREAT first day of School!!!
Students can be dropped off ONLY in the back by the field house
DO NOT get out of the car by the bandhall
Try to make sure you have your instrument with you the night prior to all A days
The side door and fine arts doors will not be open on School days in the morning
All students enter the school through the back doors.
If you have all of your things for A1 with you, you can come directly to the Turf field.
There is an entrance to the field just beside the field house that will be open for you along with the entrance by our field.
For after school Rehearsals/ other events, continue to...
- When dropping off park, in a parking spot, then allow your student to get out of the car.
- When picking them up, park in a parking spot and wait for your student there.
- Expect that following rehearsal it will take them 10 minutes to put up their things and make it out to your car.
- If we are dismissing from the field, you can pick them up there, but follow the same procedure to park. If you are picking them up from the front, it will likely take them 15-20 minutes to get their things put away and make it to your car.
- Be patient and cautious as students will be walking through the parking lot to get to cars.
- STOP in the FIRELANE to drop off your student
- PARK IN THE FIRELANE to wait for your child at the end of practice.
- STOP in the FIRELANE for any reason other than to wait for people walking to pass.
- If you are stopped waiting for pedestrians, you SHOULD NOT have your student unload and drop them off, please make sure you are parked IN A SPOT before having them exit your vehicle.
Student Safety is the most important thing and this procedure helps ensure this as well as keeping the flow of traffic moving before and after all events. No one enjoys waiting in a line of cars, FIND A PARKING SPOT and try to avoid stopping in the FIRELANE for any reason other than to let pedestrians pass. Thank you in advance for your help with this!
Looking ahead...
Labor Day Parade
Monday, September 2, 2024
First parade performance of the year; all performances are for a grade.
Students are dropped off and picked up from Sachse HS for parades to be bussed to the start of parades, then back from the end of the parade. This year, we are the LAST high school in the parade.
Inspection for the parade will be at 8:30 AM in the Cafeteria
Make sure you have...
- Instrument (not in case except for battery and sousaphones)
- Summer Uniform
- Tennis shoes
- Sunglasses (optional)
Parade starts at 9 AM, approx. return to the school will be 11:00 AM; real time updates will be posted on the band app once we are loaded on buses and returning to the school.
September 3-6 HOCO Week
Parade number 2 will be the same week as LD Parade (see calendar)
We will have Wednesday Rehearsal on this week, make sure you have that noted on your calendar.
Keep an eye on the band calendar to make sure you are ready for upcoming events.
At this time, all fees should be made through CHARMS. Please make sure that you have paid your first $300 toward your CHARMS account by the end of this month! If for some reason, you are behind with this balance, please get caught up by the end of July. If you are unable to do so, please contact Mrs. Taylor and the treasurer to set up a payment plan.SKYWARD Fees will need to be paid AFTER all charms fees are paid in full. For returning members, this will likely be August/ September, New Members/ and all guard and percussion this should be September/ October.
First Week of School- Labor Day
Please see band calendar as our first 3 weeks of school have adjusted rehearsal times to take into consideration excessive heat. We discussed this at the end of the year and band calendar times are accurate, but you need to look at the notes. You can also use the button below with that schedule mapped out. We made a couple of adjustments to that since the last smore.
August 12
Winds only will start at 7 AM; be on campus by 6:30 AM
After school: 3- 8 PM; see link below for individual section tutorials/ dinner/ rehearsal times
Students will pick up stadium some merchandise at the end of this rehearsal.
August 19, 26
Mondays 6:30 AM start for Winds
After school: 3- 8 PM; see link below for individual section tutorials/ dinner/ rehearsal times
August 13, 20, 27
8/13 booster meeting at Williams parking lot @ 7pm.
Tuesdays STADIUM REHEARSALS; 6:30- 9:30 PM
Take the opportunity to attend extended Tutorials as needed on Tuesdays.
Students will wear summer uniform and marching shoes to these rehearsals.
Parents will bring students to and pick them up from Williams Stadium. All students should arrive no later than 6 PM.
August 14, 21, 28
Wednesdays GUARD/ Percussion; 3 PM- 4 PM
Winds NO Practice, go to tutorials
August 15, 22, 29
THURSDAYS NO Practice, go to tutorials
August 16, 23
Fridays; 4 PM- 9 PM
More details coming regarding August 16 concerning our Call-a-thon; this will happen during the time we already scheduled for rehearsal.
August 17, 24
Final 2 DRILL DAYS 7:30 AM- 3 PM on 8/17
*Note that our final Drill Day on August 24 will end at noon
August 30
Breakdown for this day will be coming soon!
Sectionals will be on Wednesdays throughout the summer from June 12 through July 17
JULY 3 will be NO SECTIONALS and the bandhall will be closed.
These will be scheduled by section leaders between 9 AM and 2 PM and are typically one- two hours.
If you are out of town and cannot attend a sectional, please communicate that to the section leader and copy Mrs. Taylor via e-mail.
Any student wanting to take summer lessons, be aware that Wednesdays will also be the lesson day for teachers using our campus for their lessons.
SHOW Music Available
For any questions related to band, marching, auditions, guard, etc., please contact me via e-mail.
Phone: 817-456-1205