Wolverine News- January Newsletter
West High School - Sioux City, Iowa
January 2023
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A Message from the Principal...
Happy New Year Wolverines!
With a new year, this time of year brings our Wolverines a new semester with new opportunities for a fresh start. I encourage students and families to reflect on how things went the first semester and to set goals together for the second semester.
As I think about our senior class, this time of year is when things really sink in about graduation and what is next. I encourage our seniors and their families to engage in conversations both at home and with us at school about what the future holds so we can work together to help make it a smooth transition to where ever the path leads next.
-Ms. Rebecca Rieken
Congratulations Mr. Tim Schmitt, December Staff Member of the Month!!!
Congratulations to 11th grader, Victor Reyes, for Being Selected to Boys State!
The American Legion of Iowa Boys State is a week-long, hands-on youth civics leadership experience in the operation of the democratic form of government. Students learn more in one week than they would in a semester of high school civics.
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students.
ALL WHS students will follow special schedule January 17 and January 18
There will be no school on Friday, January 13.
Semester 2 begins Monday, January 16. This will be an "A" Day.
Tuesday, January 17 and Wednesday, January 18 ALL West High students will begin their day on the West High campus to participate in required MAP assessments and class meetings.
*The ONLY students excused from this special schedule are the students who are enrolled in 2nd semester regional pathway classes on the Western Iowa Tech campus. Those students will make up required assessments and activities at a later time.
All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade WHS students with 2nd semester classes at Career Academy, Harry Hopkins, or students who have “Out of Building” 1st or 2nd blocks on Tuesday and Wednesday MUST report to West High by 7:55am and report directly to the “A” day Advisory/Homeroom class for 2nd semester. It will be a “B” day on Tuesday, but students will still report to “A” day Advisory/Homeroom.
Before next Tuesday, please check your schedule to identify which homeroom you should report to on Tuesday.
9th, 10th, and 11th grade students who do not have an “A” day Advisory/Homeroom will be notified before Tuesday regarding which homeroom they will complete their assessment with.
12th grade students who do not have an “A” day Advisory/Homeroom should report to the Auditorium.
ALL 12th grade WHS students are to report to the WHS Auditorium both Tuesday and Wednesday for required senior class meetings and activities.
Schedule for next Tuesday, January 17 and Wednesday, January 18:
Activities Updates
Upcoming West High Activities
January 13th:
Boys’ Basketball:
9th-JV-& VARSITY verse SC North. 9th grade at 4:00 pm at West Middle School. JV at 5:30 pm at West High School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at West High School.
January 14th:
Girls’ Wrestling:
VARSITY at LeMars Tournament. 10:00 am start time. Held at LeMars High School.
Boys’ Wrestling:
VARSITY at LeMars Tournament. 10:00 am start time. Held at LeMars High School.
Boys’ Swimming:
VARSITY at Ft. Dodge Invitational. 11:00 am start at Ft. Dodge High School.
January 15th:
January 16th:
Girls’ Wrestling:
VARSITY at Lewis Central Tournament. 11:00 am start time. Held at Lewis Central High School.
Girls’ Basketball:
9th grade at Denison-Schleswig. 6:00 pm start at Denison-Schleswig High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
9th grade verse Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson at West Middle School. 4:30 pm start time.
Girls’ Bowling:
JV & VARSITY verse Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln at Plaza Bowl. 3:00 pm start time.
Boys’ Bowling:
JV & VARSITY verse Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln at Plaza Bowl. 3:00 pm start time.
January 17th:
Girls’ Basketball:
9th-JV-and VARSITY at Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson. 9th at 4:00 pm and played in the Thomas Jefferson Fieldhouse. JV at 4:00 pm at the Thomas Jefferson Activity Center. VARSITY at 5:30 pm at the Thomas Jefferson Activity Center.
Boys’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY verse Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson. JV at 4:00 pm at the Thomas Jefferson Activity Center. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at the Thomas Jefferson Activity Center.
January 18th:
January 19th:
Girls’ Basketball:
9th grade verse Sergeant Bluff-Luton at 6:00 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
9th grade verse Sergeant Bluff-Luton at 7:30 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Wrestling:
JV & VARSITY at SC East. 7:00 pm at SC East High School.
January 20th:
Girls’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY verse Sergeant Bluff-Luton. JV at 4:00 pm at West High School. VARSITY at 5:30 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY verse Sergeant Bluff-Luton. JV at 4:00 pm at West Middle School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at West High School.
Fine Arts:
Band at BOCH at University of Nebraska Omaha. 8:00am to 8:00 pm.
January 21st:
Fine Arts:
Speech at District Large Group in Sheldon, Iowa. Will be held at Sheldon High School 8:00 am -5:00 pm.
Boys’ Swimming:
VARSITY at Lewis Central Invitational at 11:00 am. Held at Lewis Central High School.
January 22nd:
January 23rd:
Girls’ Basketball:
9th-JV-and VARSITY verse SC East. 9th at 4:00 pm at SC East High School. JV at 5:30 pm at SC East High School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at SC East High School.
January 24th:
Boys’ Basketball:
9th-JV-and VARSITY at SC East. 9th at 4:00 pm at SC East High School. JV at 5:30 pm at East High School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at East High School.
Girls’ Wrestling:
VARSITY verse SC North-LeMars in a triangular format. 5:30 pm start at West High School.
Boys’ Swimming:
JV & VARSITY verse South Sioux City at 5:00 pm at West High School.
January 25th:
January 26th:
Girls’ Basketball:
9th grade verse Bishop Heelan at 6:00 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
9th grade verse Bishop Heelan at 7:30 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Wrestling:
VARSITY at MRAC CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT in LeMars. 4:00 pm start at LeMars High School.
January 27th:
Girls’ Wrestling:
VARSITY at REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at Long Lines Family Center. Start Time TBD.
Girls’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY verse Bishop Heelan. JV at 4:00 pm at West High School. VARSITY at 5:30 pm at West High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY verse Bishop Heelan. JV at 4:00 pm at West Middle School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at West High School.
January 28th:
Girls’ Basketball:
VARSITY verse Waukee Northwest at 12:00 pm (NOON) at West High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
VARSITY verse Waukee Northwest at 1:30 pm at West High School.
Junior Varsity at Homer Tournament in Homer, Nebraska. 9:00 am at Homer High School.
January 29th:
January 30th:
Girls’ Bowling:
JV & VARSITY verse Sioux City North. 1:00 pm start at Plaza Bowl.
Boys’ Bowling:
JV & VARSITY verse Sioux City North. 1:00 pm start at Plaza Bowl.
Girls’ Basketball:
9th grade at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln. 6:00 pm at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln High School.
Boys’ Basketball:
9th grade at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln. 7:15 pm at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln High School.
January 31st:
Girls’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln. JV at 4:00 pm at Abe Lincoln High School. VARSITY at 5:30 pm at Abe Lincoln High School Field House.
Boys’ Basketball:
JV & VARSITY at Council Bluffs Abe Lincoln. JV at 4:00 pm at Abe Lincoln High School. VARSITY at 7:00 pm at Abe Lincoln High School Field House.
February 1st:
We Are Hiring!
We have the following teaching opportunities available at WHS:
- ESL Teacher
We have the following coaching/sponsor opportunities available at WHS:
- Student Council Sponsor
- Head Track & Field Coach
- Head Cross Country Coach
- Assistant Volleyball Coach
- Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
WHS Seniors- Important Dates to Remember
ACT Testing
For students interested in taking the ACT at West High, the next testing date is on Saturday February 11th. Anyone wanting to register for the test needs to do so by January 20th. If you have any questions on how to register, please contact your school counselor.
FAFSA- Upcoming completion events...
Morningside University is hosting a few FAFSA completion events on their campus. They are open to the public and free to attend if you want FAFSA assistance. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ATTENDING MORNINGSIDE IN THE FALL. If you have questions, you may call their Financial Aid office at 712-274-5159
Morningside University, 1501 Morningside Ave. Lewis Hall-2nd Floor-Room 201
Friday, January 27th , 2023, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
West High Food Pantry & Closet
The West High School Food Pantry & Clothing Closet is available to meet the needs the West side community. We can assist families with meals, clothing, toiletries, and some household goods. Please call West High School with any requests, 712-279-6772, or email Mr. Van Buren: vanburm1@live.siouxcityschools.com
West High School Counseling Team and Support Model
West High School Counseling Team
Ms. Josie Pratt, 9th Grade Counselor
Ms. Caroline Chauncey, Counseling Secretary
Mrs. Chris Still, TAG Counselor
Ms. Ashley Benson, 10th Grade Counselor
Mr. Anthony Zeliadt, 11th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Steph Hames, 12th Grade Counselor
Silver Cord Hours Information
Immunization Requirements
11th grade students: There are new requirements for your student’s immunization status at school, please read the following so you know what you will need to obtain for your child so you can fill the needed requirements before the start of the 22/23 school year.
Effective January 11, 2017, the change requires a one-time dose of meningococcal (A, C, W, Y) vaccine received on or after 10 years of age for applicants in grades 7 and above, if born after September 15, 2004; and 2 doses of meningococcal (A, C, W, Y) vaccines for applicants in grade 12, if born after September 15, 1999; or 1 dose if received when applicants are 16 years of age or older. There is no grace period for this, and it needs to be done prior to the school year.
2022-2023 Yearbook Ordering Information & Senior Pictures Due
Yearbooks for the 2022-2023 school year are available for order! The price is $45 and increases to $50 on January 16, and to $55 on March 21. Orders will be taken until April 30, 2023.
To order a yearbook online, visit www.yearbookforever.com. Search for "West High School" in Sioux City, IA, and shop the store for the 2022-2023 school year. To order in person, bring cash, card, or check (made out to West High School) to Mrs. Schiller in the library.
Closed Campus Reminder
Reminder that all Sioux City Community High School campuses are closed. This means that students may not leave for lunch, and students may not have food delivered (not even by a parent/guardian.)
After School Tutoring, Night School, & Saturday School
After School Tutoring is available to all West High Students on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00pm in the WHS Media Center. Busing will be available to students who choose to attend. The activities bus picks up in front of WHS at 4:15pm and drops students off at their nearest elementary feeder school.
Night School is available to students who are working on credit recovery through Edgenuity. Night School days & times are:
Tuesdays, 3:00-7:00pm in the WHS Media Center
Wednesdays, 3:00-5:00pm in the WHS Media Center
Thursdays, 3:00-7:00pm in the WHS AEC-SWS Classroom
Saturday School Dates & Times (9am-12pm)
March 11
March 25
April 1
April 22
May 6
May 13
May 20
(Pictured from left to right: Mr. Brant Bemus, Mrs. Pam Husk, Mr. Steve Green, Ms. Rebecca Rieken)
West High School Administration Team
Our team invites parents and guardians to connect with them anytime throughout the school year so we can partner with you as we guide our students to success. All are welcome to call West High School to schedule an appointment, or email the grade level administrator directly:
West High School, 712-279-6772
12th grade, Rebecca Rieken, Head Principal- riekenr@live.siouxcityschools.com
11th grade, Steve Green, Assistant Principal & Activities Director- greens@live.siouxcityschools.com
10th grade, Brant Bemus, Assistant Principal- bemusb@live.siouxcityschools.com
High School Bell Schedule
Can We Contact You?
Winter Weather Decisions
The Sioux City Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas: Business & Marketing, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, and Industrial Arts, Technology, & PLTW.
The Sioux City Community School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information (for employment), national origin, religion, age (for employment), disability, socioeconomic status (for programs), marital status (for programs), or veteran status (for employment) in its educational programs and its employment practices. The District is required by Title IX and 34 CFR Part 106 not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its programs, activities, or employment.
Inquiries or grievances under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act may be directed to Dr. Dora Jung, Director of Student Services & Equity Education/Title IX Coordinator at 627 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101, (712) 279-6075, jungd@live.siouxcityschools.com. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations to the District may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, or both. Please see District Board policies 103 and 504.4 for additional information on available grievance procedures.
Wolverines... the West High staff thinks your future is BRIGHT!!!
West High School
Principal: Rebecca Rieken
Website: https://www.siouxcityschools.org/west-high-school/
Location: 2001 Casselman Street, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712-279-6772
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SiouxCityWestHighSchool/
Twitter: @WHS_Activities