Santa Clara School Newsletter
Term 1, Week 8 - Friday, 22 March 2024
Principal Update
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Last week Mr G and I had the opportunity to attend CEWA’s annual Leaders Forum. The best part of the day is connecting with people whom you have known for a long time but also get the complexities of schools nowadays and the responsibilities that come with leading a school. At the forum, I was feeling a bit ‘under the pump’ thinking about the various things that are due by the end of the term. It’s funny though. I used to joke around with my old Principal who is a very good mate of mine and say Principal life is easy!! Meetings, coffees and cake! However, I am very much aware that leading a school and moving it into that next era can be challenging and at times overwhelming. Lucky for me, I have an amazing bunch of people with me on this journey, and let me tell you, the pressures they face in their role here at Santa Clara drive me to be the best I can be as a person and Principal.
Something that takes my mind off the tasks and red tape that comes with my role is visiting some of the classrooms. I always look forward to going into the classrooms and seeing the kids and teachers. I get a buzz in there, not only from the kids but also from seeing the amazing things our staff are doing in there! I did find the time during the day to just stop for a second and I got the sense of just how important all of us are in the children’s lives and how we impact them, not just now but also who they may become. I am sure you are the same; we all want the best for the ones we care about. I look at my two girls at home and all the students here at SC and wonder about the dent they are making in our universe each day.
The quote is also very meaningful as we move into the closing stages of the Easter period. Jesus was a great man and what I like about him is his thinking outside the box and how he challenged peoples’ values to spread the Word of God. He sure did achieve a lot during his short time on earth, the most important is his commitment to placing our life before his, what a dent! By living as Jesus did we, as parents and teachers, aim to do this each day with our children and those close to us. This is our dent in the universe. We have the ability to do something special and leave a dent through each interaction we have!
Last week our Leadership Team arranged for some treats for our staff as a bit of a thank you to them for their hard work this term and to celebrate International Women’s Day. These are the simple things in life that make the biggest dents. Just sitting back and watching the staff chat and eat the treats was very rewarding. They do have a great bond as a staff and I hope that I have made a small dent during my time with them, and I can assure you, they each impact me in so many ways!
The highlight of my term is visiting the classrooms and saying hello to all the children. A hello soon turns into chaos as I end up telling stories or a dad joke or two! The teachers give me that look, the one that says ‘you can go now’! Sometimes however, our humour is the greatest impact we have on others. The world, and schools, are becoming very serious places. One thing I have learned from time as an Assistant Principal and now Principal is that relationships can create high levels of impact, which in turn can create high levels of learning. Sounds simple. I think humour is one of those things that helps build solid relationships.
Therefore, these dents are about us placing priority on others, something that our community has done exceptionally well this term with our social justice fundraising through Project Compassion for Lent. What an amazing effort from our community and how humbling to know we have all made a huge difference in the lives of people we do not even know. I encourage our students and families to continue to bring in spare coins as this plays a big part in impacting those less fortunate.
As the Easter season moves into its final stages, may we all take the message of ‘new life’ to create places of JOY. My Parish Priest in Ballajura discussed on the weekend the meaning of joy and how it relates to Easter. J is for putting Jesus first, O is for others second and Y is then for yourself. With this understanding of joy, the dents we make in this universe will be enormous. Every moment and interaction is a time for impact.
Many blessings to you all over the last weeks of Term One. Enjoy your children and look for those moments of impact, the simple things in life like going for a walk or Googling sneakers (something my Sienna loves to do with me)! Thank you for your support in making our community such a special place.
On behalf of the Santa Clara School community, we pass on our condolences to Mrs Sue Hawkins on the passing of her mum. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sue and her family during this time. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Holy Week
Christians often describe the season of Lent as a journey of sorts, with its final destination being Holy Week. The events of Holy Week recount the ‘passion narratives’ in the New Testament Gospels that relate to the suffering, death and burial of Jesus. Holy Week marks the last week of the Christian season of Lent – the week leading up to Easter.
Here’s a rundown of what it all means.
Palm Sunday – Entrance Into Jerusalem
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, when Christians commemorate Jesus’ ‘triumphant entry’ into Jerusalem where the Gospels tell us he was greeted with crowds waving palm branches and crying ‘Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ (Mark 11:9-10).
Traditionally, worshipping Christians will receive palm branches or palm crosses on Palm Sunday as a tangible sign of Jesus’ ‘triumphal entry’ into Jerusalem. And in some churches, Palm Sunday is also known as the Sunday of the Passion, when one of the Gospel passion narratives is read aloud during the liturgy.
Maundy Thursday – The Last Supper
Maundy Thursday marks the Last Supper that Jesus shares with his disciples, his betrayal by his disciple Judas Iscariot, and his arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane.
Often Maundy Thursday services will include an act of foot washing, which commemorates Jesus washing the feet of his disciples as an act of service on the night of his arrest (John 13:1-20).
Maundy Thursday reminds participants of the ‘new commandment’ that Jesus gave his disciples to love one another as he has loved them (John 15:12) – a love that is most readily seen in Jesus willingly giving up his life on the cross on Good Friday.
Good Friday – Jesus’ Agony on the Cross
Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate, his sentence of death, his torture, and his crucifixion and burial. It is called ‘good’ Friday in the obsolete sense of the word ‘good’ – connoting something ‘holy’ or ‘pious’ (‘Holy Friday’), which is striking as ‘Good Friday’ is the most somber day for Christians, when the agony, death and burial of Jesus is remembered.
For many Christians, Good Friday is a day of fasting, with the faithful attending a church service where they will meditate on and venerate the cross of Christ.
Holy Saturday – Visiting the Tomb of Jesus
Holy Week concludes with Holy Saturday, often with a late-night Easter Vigil service, which is really two parts.
First, a liturgy that recalls the vigil, the ‘keeping watch’ of Jesus’ female disciples at the tomb of Jesus, which begins in darkness where a new paschal or Easter fire is kindled. This, then, is followed by the joyous celebration of the first Eucharist of Easter, which will often include the baptism of new converts and the renewal of baptismal vows by the faithful.
Holy Week moves from the enthusiastic shouts of ‘Hosanna’ to the somberness of Maundy Thursday, to the horrors of the agony and death of Jesus on Good Friday, to the joyous celebration of the first Eucharist of Easter.
It is an emotional week for Christians, but one that anticipates the hope and glory of the resurrection of Christ at Easter, which is at the heart of the Christian Gospels.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus' last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as the individual moves from station to station. At each station, the individual recalls and meditates on a specific event from Christ's last day. Specific prayers are recited, then the individual moves to the next station until all 14 are complete.
Due to Mrs Hawkins being away this week, we have adjusted our Stations of the Cross reflection which will take place on Holy Thursday, 28 March. Rather than being a whole school reflection, each year level will participate in a classroom reflection of the 14 stations.
Year 6 Camp
We wish our Year 6 students the very best for their camp next week. The students will head down to Busselton for three days and take part in various activities and sight-seeing opportunities. Thank you to Miss Caboz for helping in the planning of the camp.
Student Behaviour & Safety
I always value the feedback I receive from the students especially when it comes with the thinking of how we can make Santa Clara the best school ever. Recently it was brought to my attention from the students that we have a few instances of students not demonstrating appropriate and safe behaviour in the playground as well as some students not caring for our school environment. To address these student concerns, I addressed all students and reminded them of their commitment to our Student Code of Conduct by showing pride, acting safely and caring for our school environment. I will be monitoring and setting high expectations for our students in these areas both in and out of the classroom.
I would also like to remind students of the before school procedures. Our gates are opened at 8:20am. Once students have hung their school bag outside their classroom, they are all expected to make their way to the oval where the Leadership Team are on morning duty.
Kindy Applications 2025
It has been great to meet so many new families wanting to join our community here at Santa Clara through our Kindy program. We do have limited places left for our 2025 class. If you know someone interested in joining our school, please encourage them to get their applications in to avoid missing out on a place. I am very much looking forward to meeting all our new families.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets the standard for our behaviours and interactions with one another here at Santa Clara School. The living out of the code is the responsibility of all community members. Staff, students and parents are able to report breaches of the Code of Conduct through the Breach Form found on our website.
Online Behaviour
In relation to the Code of Conduct, I have recently had a few discussions with parents and students around cyber safety and online behaviour. All parents are encouraged to monitor their child’s behaviour, in particular chats they might be having while playing various online games. Unfortunately, it seems as though some students feel the game is the forum to treat others differently to how they would here at school. If this flows into the classroom, we will notify you so that we can work in partnership to address the issue of appropriate online behaviour. Thank you for your support in this.
Last week I did notice a few students wearing the incorrect uniform, in particular, wearing the sports uniform black shorts with the formal uniform. While both the sports and formal shorts are the same colour, they are made from different material and are different lengths, making it noticeable when students are mixing the two. As part of your enrolment at Santa Clara School, parents are committed to follow all procedures including the Uniform Procedure. If I notice students wearing the incorrect uniform without an explanation as to why through a parent note, an infringement will be sent home, and families will need to ensure their child is in the correct uniform. Thank you for your support.
Term One finishes on Thursday, 28 March. Term Two commences on Monday, 15 April.
Upcoming Pupil Free Days / Early Closes & Public Holidays
- Good Friday – 29 March
- Anzac Day – 25 April
- Pupil Free Day – 17 May
- Pupil Free Day – 20 May
- Early Close (11:50am) – 22 May
- WA Day – 3 June
- Pupil Free Day – 28 June
Early Closes
A friendly reminder that we have two early closes this year for Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday, 22 May and Wednesday, 13 November. Please plan for these early closes. Tahlya will soon release bookings for families needing to use our OSHC service for these days, however, places are capped at 50.
Thank you all again for being a wonderful support for your children and our community. Enjoy the fortnight ahead.
Clinton Payne
Assistant Principal News
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Larney Day Monday 18th March
On Monday, the students in the Larney Faction had a great day of fun-filled activities and enjoyed a cupcake for morning tea. All students learnt about the positive impact that Sister Larney played in building our school to what it is today. Thank you to Miss Caboz who organised this event.
Harmony Day Friday 22nd March
This week is Harmony Week and today the students were asked to wear their cultural dress or the colour orange for a gold coin donation which will go to Project Compassion. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. We are blessed to have so many different cultures at Santa Clara and this needs to be celebrated!
Year 6 Camp 26th-28th March
Next Tuesday to Thursday the Year 6 students will make their way to Busselton for camp. This is an exciting time for the Year 6 students where they will learn about the area, build their cooperative team skills and most importantly have a great time with their friends. The memories that they will create will be with them for the rest of their lives and a highlight for our Year 6 students. Thank you to Miss Caboz who is busily organising camp.
Project Compassion
In Week 9, all students who collected money for Project Compassion at home are asked to please bring their money boxes in so as a school we can donate these proceeds to Caritas. On behalf of the school we would like to thank the community for their generosity and to the Year 6 Ministry Team who lead the promotion of this charity so well!
Holy Week
Holy Week is the most important time in the church calendar. This is a time for all Catholics to reflect over lent about how we can be more like Jesus and help those in need. We would like to take this time to wish all families a safe and Holy Easter! Enjoy the Term 1 holiday break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 2.
Denise Grech and Andrew Gaudoin
Assistant Principals
Important Dates
Monday, 25 March: 9:00am Mass of the Annunciation of the Lord (Led by Year 6) / Easter Raffle drawn
Tuesday, 26 March - Thursday, 28 March: Year 6 Camp
Tuesday, 23 April: 4:30pm Reconciliation Parent Workshop
Wednesday, 24 April: ANZAC Day Prayer Service
Friday, 26 April: 9:00am Awards Assembly / Year 6 Participation Mass
Monday, 29 April: Catherine Day (More information to follow)
Tuesday, 30 April: 5:15pm P&F Meeting in the MakerSpace Room / 6:00pm SAC Meeting
Tuesday, 21 May: 4:30pm Eucharist Parent Workshop
Thursday, 30 May: 9:30am Eucharist Rehearsal
Sunday, 9 June: 9:30am First Communion Mass
Character Strengths - Teamwork
In Weeks Seven and Eight, the children were exploring the Character Strength of Teamwork. Teamwork is the ability to collaborate effectively with others, be counted upon to achieve collective goals and be socially responsible with others.
Benefits of Teamwork are:
- Research shows collaborative problem-solving leads to better outcomes
- People are more likely to take calculated risks that lead to innovation if they have the support of a team behind them
- Working in a team encourages personal growth, increased job satisfaction and reduces stress
Year 4 Classroom News
Uniform Shop News
The Uniform Shop is open from 8:30am to 9:30am on Wednesday mornings.
You are still welcome to order online through QuickCliq at
For queries, please email:
P&F News
Find us on Facebook:
Santa Clara Primary School P & F
Haven’t joined already? Please send a request to be added and be kept up to date with our fundraising events throughout the year.
Local Community Events
Aranmore Catholic College is pleased to announce applications for 2025 scholarships are now open.
Our scholarships are designed to recognise and support students who exhibit dedication to academic excellence, excellence in sports or music, leadership potential, and a commitment to serving their community. Whether you excel in academics, STEM, Rugby, Netball, music, or community service, there is a scholarship opportunity available for you.
Scholarships at Aranmore not only provide financial assistance but also offer unique opportunities for personal and academic growth under the guidance and care of highly qualified specialist teachers. Don't miss this chance to pursue your educational dreams and make a positive impact on our community.
For more information on eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit our website
About Us
Location: 91 Coolgardie Street, Saint James WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9251 0400