The Buzz
Spring Term 19th January 2023

Message from the Executive Head Teacher
School attendance remains a key focus for us and as a result I'm always so pleased to see the children of HISN running to get into school in the morning. Our school attendance remains high and at 96% is certainly better than the average across the country which was 93% for last term. I know mornings can be tricky and ensuring the children are on time and ready to start their learning is so important. Many of the additional interventions that children are receiving start promptly at 8.45am so please do try to be as early as possible.
I would also like to remind everyone about the school streets restrictions on Ripley Road during the morning and afternoon, this road is closed to most traffic during 8.30am-9.00am and 2.45pm-3.15pm, this is for the safety of the children. This closure is enforced by traffic cameras and some parents have already received fines for driving along the road. Traffic around the school remains a challenge and whilst most people are making sensible choices and parking further away and walking to school, some are still parking illegally on the pavement, on double yellow lines or the zigzags, this is very dangerous and I urge those parents to consider the safety of the children at all time.
Helen Lockey
Executive Head Teacher
Message From The Head of School
2A and 2T welcomed their families into school on Wednesday morning for a showcase of their work. There were some really proud children, parents and carers and it was a joy to take part in.
This week we have our first class assembly of the year from 2J to look forward to on Friday afternoon. 2J have been busy preparing and are really excited to perform.
I have had the pleasure of visiting lots of year 2 classrooms this week and seeing the amazing teaching and learning that takes place here at HISN. There is some beautiful handwriting and their ideas are fantastic.
On Wednesday we had a visit from Lazerlions and they shared the exciting activities that take place at their holiday clubs. Lazerlions have a club taking place at Carlisle Infants during February half term, flyers were sent home in book bags on Wednesday.
This week we are focussing on the principle of Partnership and celebrating children who work well with others and are caring and considerate of others thoughts and feelings; particularly on the playground.
Claire Cook
Head of School
World Book Day 2nd March 2023
We are really excited to be celebrating World Book Day at HISN. Children should come dressed as their favourite book character e.g. the BFG, Cat in the Hat, Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan along with many more.
As World Book Day, coincides with any NEU industrial action, this date may be subject to change. We will of course communicate any changes.
Nursery Admissions
The 2023 application process for nursery will close on Friday 3rd March 2023, with decisions made by Friday 5th May 2023.
Please use the following link to register your interest Nursery 2023 Admissions
The class with the best attendance last week is 2J with 99%
The class with the least numbers of lates last week is 1K & RF
w/c 09/01/2023
Certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of Challenge
RC William
RDC George
RF Ethan
RK Kylian
1B Maisie
1Cb Naomi
1H Nivan
1K Charlie
2A Oliver
2D Eva
2J Daniil
2T Alfie
Next week nursery children will be learning about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. We would love our families to share their experiences with us of celebrating the Lunar New Year so please upload any photos to Tapestry linked to this special celebration.
Phonics: In phonics we will be consolidating our work on sound discrimination through body percussion and playing a game called ‘Noisy Neighbour’.
Maths: We will be exploring the number 2 and continue to look at the different ways we can represent numbers. You could support this learning at home by looking out for the number 2 and seeing if your child can spot it in the world around them e.g. on a door number on the walk home from school or by encouraging your child to be a ‘twos detective’ and collect examples of things that come in twos around the house e.g. a pair of socks.
Story of the Week: Our focus text this week is 'Chinese New Year'. We will be discussing how people celebrate and the traditions they take part in. The children will be looking at examples of Chinese writing, making lanterns and red envelopes, as well as creating their own Chinese Dragon dances with ribbons.
Phonics: We will continue to recap all the sounds we have learnt so far and learning three new sounds: x, y, ck. The children will be using these sounds to read and build words as well as use their listening ears to manipulate sounds to create new words.
Maths: The children will dig deeper into their knowledge of our numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children are starting the week by finding matching number pictures and will end the week combining two numbers to find a total.
Year 1
Year 1 continue to base their writing on the book ‘Katie in London’, focusing on the landmarks visited by the characters and using this to plan and write our own postcards from the perspective of one of the characters. We have also been focusing on the character of the lion from the story, thinking about question words and how we could use these to find out more information about him, then using this to write expanded noun phrases using the conjunction ‘and’.
In maths, we have been using our knowledge of number bonds and number lines to develop our number and addition skills. We have been practising the method of counting on using a number line to add ones to a two-digit number, as well as adding using our knowledge of number bonds, recognising that if 6 + 3 = 9 then 16 + 3 = 19.
In Science, we have been continuing with our investigation of materials and their many properties, with this week’s investigation involving a very egg-citing experiment with eggs. We have been finding out which material is the most protective when an egg is dropped from a given height, ensuring the test was fair by keeping all other variables constant. The children had great fun and nobody cracked under the pressure!
Year 2
This week year 2 have started a new topic in computing - 'Robot Algorithms'. The children started by giving each other instructions for moving around the classroom. They were encouraged to carefully consider how clear their instructions need to be in order for their partner to be successful. Using this skill, we have explored how we can give an algorithm to a BeeBot for moving from one location to another using a map, focusing on directional language, such as left and right.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815