SES Weekly Update!
November 13-17, 2023
Hello SES families! Here is what's going on at SES!
Remembrance Day Poem
Soldiers never quit.
Brave and bold.
They lost their lives for us.
Fought for freedom
11th month 11th day 11th hour.
Some have lived others died.
They are part of history.
Thank ALL veterans.
Love each other.
We may not know each name.
Help each other.
We honour all.
- Roslyn, grade 2
Cheers to:
- All our families who donated to the SES Readathon! The school raised over 21000 dollars, which will go directly back to benefit our students. Congratuations to all our winning students and classes!
- The grade 4SD class for an excellent Remembrance Day ceremony.
RDCRS Engagement Summit
Red Deer Catholic Regional Division (RDCRS) Board of Trustees looks for ways to regularly engage our community to help form the decisions and direction of the school division. The RDCRS Engagement Summit allows an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to provide input into two key areas of our strategic planning. The two areas for this Summit are (1) helping to establish budget priorities for future planning, and (2) feedback on developing RDCRS exit outcomes for learners.
Topic 1: Establishing Budget Priorities
Topic 2: Development of Division Exit Outcomes for Learners
RDCRS Engagement Summit - IN PERSON
RDCRS Engagement Summit - ONLINE
This Week's Events:
Nov. 13-17 Bully Awareness Week
Nov. 14 Shelter in Place practice
Nov. 14 School Council 7:00 pm
Nov.17 Hot Lunch (Dino's)
And On the Horizon:
Nov. 22 10:30 am Lockdown Practice
Nov. 23 5-7 pm SPARC Winter Carnival- all families are welcome to attend!
Nov. 24 Professional Development Day- no school for students
Nov. 28 Storybook Character Day
Dec. 1 First Friday coffee- thank you School Council!
Dec. 1 Hot lunch- Opa